de Orban pour "Seetee Shock" (Part 1) de Will Stewart
Astounding février 1949
Trouble with "seetee" -
contraterrene matter - was inevitable. But an engineer could handle that;
it was trouble with man that meant death. And this is the story of a man
already killed, yet fighting his murderers ! |
de Cartier pour "Throwback" de L. Sprague de Camp
Astouding mars 1949
It's nice to be a
strong man -or ain't it ? He ha d a strong back , a good disposition , and
was automatically assumed to be a little weak on intellect ! |
de Cartier pour "The Undecided" de Eric Frank Russell
Astounding avril 1949
They'd never succeeded
in trapping an Earth-ship before; now they had one they found it
distinctly hard to handle. And, worst of all, the intelligence of Earth
were incomprehensible ! |
de Orban pour "Mother Earth" de Isaac Asimov
Astounding mai 1949
The logic of empire
building as always in the past led to the decline of the mother country
and the rise of the colonies. Now in the future, things will be -
different or not ! |
de Brush pour "The Green Forest" de A.E. Van Vogt
Astounding juin 1949
The true value of those
strange beasts of the Green Forest of the Mira world was something Mankind
couldn't reveal - even to the hunters who must captured them ! |
de Quackenbush pour "Agent of Vega" de James H. Schmitz
Astounding juillet 1949
A new author points out
that, in an inhabited galaxy, trouble can grow to enormous size before any
organization becomes aware that danger's a-brewing |
de Rogers pour "The Queen of Zamba" (part 1) de L. Sprague de Camp
Astounding août 1949
DeCamp's first postwar
novel - a tale of a detective on a really long range mission - to bring
home the self-made Queen of Zamba
de Orban pour "The Double-Dyed Villains" de Poul Anderson
Astounding september 1949
E.E. Smith suggested
one way of maintening peace in the Galaxy. But there might be another,
equally effective method |
de Brush pour "The Aristocrat" de Chan Davis
Astounding octobre 1949
Elder Stevan ha a job
to do - a hard, thankless task for a man born sick in a sick world. And it
was doubly hard to see which way progress lay - for either side ! |
de Rogers pour "...And Now you Don't" (part 1) de Isaac Asimov
Astounding novembre 1949
It was an inevitable -
but not quite inescapable conflict. The First Foundation HAD to find the
Second Foundation; the Second Foundation HAD to prevent it - or die ! |
de Rogers pour "...And Now you Don't"(part 1) de Isaac Asimov
Astounding novembre 1949 |
de Rogers pour "...And Now you Don't" (part 2) de Isaac Asimov
Astounding décembre 1949
It can't be seen
and must be found - with one small girl and a few bold men to seek the
menace. |
de Rogers pour " Gulf"(part 2) de Robert A. Heinlein
Astounding décembre 1949
Superman they might be,
super criminals perhaps - but the game they played neant the thin edge of
death fot them and life for a world
de Rogers pour "The Witches of Karres" (part 1) de James H. Schmitz
Astounding décembre 1949 |
de Rogers pour "The Witches of Karres" (part 1) de James H. Schmitz
Astounding décembre 1949
This is true
science fiction about three real witches who cast curses and perform magic.
And it's a delightfull little yarn ! |
de Rogers pour "...And Now you Don't" (part 3) de Isaac Asimov
Astounding janvier 1950
For stability, the
Foundation had to find and extirpate the Second Foundation. For success,
the Second Foundation had to let them ! And for survival, the Second
Foundation couldn't permit it, of course ! |