- Nฐ 434, couverture de Chesley Bonestell
Supernova [*David Falkayn] Poul Anderson na
A Criminal Act Harry Harrison ss
Amazon Planet [Part 2 of 3; *Ronnie Bronston] Mack Reynolds
The Old Shill Game H. B. Fyfe ss
The Last Command [*Bolo] Keith Laumer ss |
- Nฐ 435, couverture de Kelly Freas
"Pioneer Trip"
Pioneer Trip Joe Poyer ss
There Is a Crooked Man Jack Wodhams na
The Returning J. B. Mitchel ss
Amazon Planet [Part 3 of 3; *Ronnie Bronston] Mack Reynolds
Elementary Mistake Winston P. Sanders ss |
- Nฐ 436, couverture de John Schoenherr
"The Time-Machined Saga"
The Time-Machined Saga
[Part 1 of 3] Harry Harrison n.
Radical Center Mack Reynolds nv
In the Shadow Michael Karageorge nv
The Uninvited Guest [*Richard Verner] Christopher Anvil ss
The Compleat All-American R. C. FitzPatrick ss
- Nฐ 437, couverture de John Schoenherr
"To Love Another"
To Love Another [*Tritons] James Blish &
Norman L. Knight na
The Enemy Within Mack Reynolds ss
To Change Their Ways Joseph P. Martino nv
The Time-Machined Saga [Part 2 of 3] Harry Harrison n.
Ambassador to Verdammt Colin Kapp ss |
- Nฐ 438, couverture de Kelly Freas
"Of Terrans Bearing Gifts"
Of Terrans Bearing Gifts Richard Grey Sipes
Experts in the Field [*Nels Krojac] Christopher Anvil ss
Burden of Proof [*Slow Glass] Bob Shaw ss
Dead End Mike Hodous ss
The Time-Machined Saga [Part 3 of 3] Harry Harrison n.
- Nฐ 439, couverture de John Schoenherr
"Computer War"
Computer War [Part 1 of
2] Mack Reynolds
The Double-Edged Rope Lloyd Biggle, Jr. ss
Security Measure Joseph P. Martino ss
Project Lion [*Norbert Parker-Horst] Lawrence A. Perkins ss
The Dukes of Desire [*Vaughan Roberts] Christopher Anvil na |
- Nฐ 440, couverture de John Schoenherr
"The Man from P.I.G"
The Man from P.I.G.
Harry Harrison nv
Compound Interest [*Nels Krojac] Christopher Anvil ss
Aim for the Heel John T. Phillifent nv
Something Important E. G. von Wald ss
Computer War [Part 2 of 2] Mack Reynolds na
Bite Lawrence A. Perkins ss |
- Nฐ 441, couverture de Chesley Bonestell
Starfog Poul
Anderson na
Babel II Christopher Anvil ss
The Featherbedders Frank Herbert nv
Cows Can't Eat Grass Walt & Leigh Richmond
Depression or Bust Mack Reynolds nv |
- Nฐ 442, couverture de Kelly Freas
"The King's Legions"
The King's Legions
[*Vaughan Roberts] Christopher Anvil na
The Pearly Gates of Hell Jack Wodhams ss
Fiesta Brava Mack Reynolds na
Important Difference E. G. von Wald ss
Lost Calling Verge Foray ss |
- Nฐ 443, couverture de John Schoenherr plus
illustration int้rieure pour "The Judas Bug"
"Weyr Search"
Weyr Search [*Pern]
Anne McCaffrey na
Toys Tom Purdom ss
The Judas Bug Carroll M. Capps nv
Free Vacation [*Ady Layard] W. Macfarlane
Pontius Pirates J. T. McIntosh nv |
- Nฐ 444, couverture de Kelly Freas
Coup [*John of the
Hawks] Guy McCord nv
Prostho Plus [*Dr. Dillingham] Piers Anthony
The Case of the Perjured Planet Martin Loran
The Cure-All Merchant Jack Wodhams nv
Mission: Red Plague Joe Poyer ss |
- Nฐ 445, couverture de John Schoenherr
[Part 1 of 2; *Pern] Anne McCaffrey n.
The Destiny of Milton Gomrath Alexei Panshin
Whosawhatsa? Jack Wodhams nv
Beak by Beak Piers Anthony ss
A Question of Attitude Christopher Anvil ss
Psi Assassin [*Ronnie Bronston] Mack Reynolds ss |