Day of the Triffids
par John Wyndham
Dolphin Book/Doubleday -
Couverture de John Alcom |
pf the Grotesque and Arabesque
par Edgar Allan Poe
Dolphin Book/Doubleday
- 1960
Couverture d'Edward Gorey |
War of the Worlds and the Time Machine
par H.G. Wells
Dolphin Book/Doubleday -
Couverture de Bill Meek |
Big Eye
par Max Ehrlich
Doubleday septembre 1949
Couverture de Giresti |
par Jack Williamson
Simon &
Schuster 1950
Couverture de Edward R. Collins |
Gnome There Was
par Lewis Padgett
Simon &
Schuster 1950
Couverture de Edd Cartier |
par Jack Williamson
Simon &
Schuster 1951
Couverture de S. Robins |
and Again
par Clifford D. Simak
& Schuster 1951
Couverture de Paul Kress |
Around the Sun
par Clifford D. Simak
& Schuster 1953
Couverture de Paul Bacon |
par Edson McCann
Simon &
Schuster 1955
Couverture de Dick Dodge |
Blade of Grass
par John Christopher
Simon & Schuster 1957
Couverture (?) |
of Fire and Snow
par Alfred Coppel
Simon & Schuster 1957
Couverture de
Seymour Robins |
Caves of Night
par John Christopher
Simon & Schuster 1958
Couverture (?) |
5th Annual of the Year's Best S-F
anthologie de Judith Merril
Simon & Schuster 1960
Contient les rιcits
suivants :
The Handler (1960) shortstory by Damon Knight
The Other Wife (1960) shortstory by Jack Finney
No Fire Burns (1959) shortstory by Avram Davidson
No, No, Not Rogov! [The Instrumentality of Mankind] (1959)
shortstory by Cordwainer Smith
The Shoreline at Sunset (1959) shortstory by Ray Bradbury
The Dreamsman (1959) shortstory by Gordon R. Dickson
Multum in Parvo (1959) shortstory by Jack Sharkey
Flowers for Algernon (1959) novelette by Daniel Keyes
"What Do You Mean ... Human?" [Editorial (Astounding)] (1959) essay
by John W. Campbell, Jr.
Sierra Sam (1960) essay by Ralph Dighton
A Death in the House (1959) shortstory by Clifford D. Simak
Mariana (1960) shortstory by Fritz Leiber
Inquiry Concerning the Curvature of the Earth's Surface (1958)
shortstory by Roger Price (US)
Day at the Beach (1959) shortstory by Carol Emshwiller
Hot Argument [Poor Willie] (1960) poem by Randall Garrett
What the Left Hand Was Doing (1960) novelette by Randall Garrett
[as by Darrell T. Langart ]
The Sound-Sweep (1960) novelette by J. G. Ballard
Plenitude (1959) shortstory by Will Mohler [as by Will
Worthington ]
The Man Who Lost the Sea (1959) shortstory by Theodore Sturgeon
Make a Prison (1959) shortstory by Lawrence Block
What Now, Little Man? (1959) novelette by Mark Clifton
Couverture H.
Lawrence Hoffman |
Worlds of Clifford Simak
par Clifford D. Simak
Simon & Schuster 1960
Contient les rιcits
suivants :
Dusty Zebra (1954) novelette by Clifford D. Simak [as by
Clifford Simak ]
Honorable Opponent (1956) shortstory by Clifford D. Simak [as by
Clifford Simak ]
Carbon Copy (1957) novelette by Clifford D. Simak [as by
Clifford Simak ]
Founding Father (1957) shortstory by Clifford D. Simak [as by
Clifford Simak ]
Idiot's Crusade (1954) shortstory by Clifford D. Simak [as by
Clifford Simak ]
The Big Front Yard (1958) novella by Clifford D. Simak [as by
Clifford Simak ]
Operation Stinky (1957) novelette by Clifford D. Simak [as by
Clifford Simak ]
Jackpot (1956) novelette by Clifford D. Simak [as by Clifford
Simak ]
Death Scene (1957) shortstory by Clifford D. Simak [as by
Clifford Simak ]
Green Thumb (1954) novelette by Clifford D. Simak [as by
Clifford Simak ]
Lulu (1957) novelette by Clifford D. Simak [as by Clifford Simak
Neighbor (1954) novelette by Clifford D. Simak [as by Clifford
Simak ]
Couverture de Saul
Lambert |
par Damon Knight
Simon & Schuster 1961
Contient les rιcits
suivants :
To Serve Man (1950) shortstory by Damon Knight
Idiot Stick (1958) shortstory by Damon Knight
Thing of Beauty (1958) novelette by Damon Knight
The Enemy (1958) shortstory by Damon Knight
Not With a Bang (1950) shortstory by Damon Knight
Babel II (1953) novelette by Damon Knight
Anachron (1954) shortstory by Damon Knight
Special Delivery (1954) novelette by Damon Knight
You're Another (1955) novelette by Damon Knight
Time Enough (1960) shortstory by Damon Knight
Extempore (1956) shortstory by Damon Knight
Cabin Boy (1951) novelette by Damon Knight
The Last Word (1957) shortstory by Damon Knight
Couverture (?)
6th Annual of the Year's Best S-F
anthologie de Judith Merril
Simon & Schuster 1961
Contient les rιcits
suivants :
Double, Double, Toil and Trouble (1960) shortstory by Holley
The Never-Ending Penny (1960) novelette by Bernard Wolfe
(variant of The Never Ending Penny)
The Fellow Who Married the Maxill Girl (1960) novelette by Ward
Something Invented Me (1960) shortstory by R. C. Phelan
I Remember Babylon (1960) shortstory by Arthur C. Clarke
Report on the Nature of the Lunar Surface (1960) shortstory by
John Brunner
J.G. (Excerpt from J.G. the Upright Ape) (1960) shortfiction by
Roger Price (US)
Chief (1960) shortstory by Henry Slesar
The Large Ant (1960) shortstory by Howard Fast
A Rose by Other Name ... (1960) shortstory by Christopher Anvil
(variant of A Rose By Other Name 1959)
Enchantment (1960) shortstory by Elizabeth Emmett
Thiotimoline and the Space Age [Thiotimoline 3] (1960)
shortstory by Isaac Asimov
Beach Scene (1960) shortstory by Marshall King
Creature of the Snows (1960) shortstory by William Sambrot
Abominable (1960) shortstory by Fredric Brown
The Man on Top (1951) shortstory by Reginald Bretnor [as by R.
David's Daddy (1960) shortstory by Rosel George Brown
Something Bright (1960) shortstory by Zenna Henderson
In the House, Another (1960) shortstory by Joseph Whitehill
The Brotherhood of Keepers (1960) novelette by Dean McLaughlin
Hemingway in Space (1960) shortstory by Kingsley Amis
Mine Own Ways (1960) shortstory by Richard McKenna
Old Hundredth (1960) shortstory
Couverture de H.
Lawrence Hoffman |
White Voyage
par John Christopher
Simon & Schuster 1961
Couverture (?) |
Century of Science Fiction
anthologie de Damon Knight
Simon & Schuster 1962
Contient les rιcits
suivants :
The Wind People (1959) shortstory by Marion Zimmer Bradley
What's It Like Out There? (1952) novelette by Edmond Hamilton
The Star (1955) shortstory by Arthur C. Clarke
Sail On! Sail On! (1952) shortstory by Philip Josι Farmer
Of Time and Third Avenue (1951) shortstory by Alfred Bester
Reason [Mike Donovan (Robot)] (1941) shortstory by Isaac
The Crystal Egg [The War of the Worlds] (1897) shortstory by
H. G. Wells
Day of Succession (1959) shortstory by Theodore L. Thomas
Cease Fire (1958) shortstory by Frank Herbert
Unhuman Sacrifice (1958) novelette by Katherine MacLean
Call Me Joe (1957) novelette by Poul Anderson
The Business, As Usual (1952) shortstory by Mack Reynolds
Angel's Egg (1951) novelette by Edgar Pangborn
Moxon's Master (1899) shortstory by Ambrose Bierce
The First Days of May (1960) shortstory by Claude Veillot (trans.
of Les premiers jours de mai)
Worlds of the Imperium (Excerpt) (1961) shortfiction by Keith
The Ideal (Excerpt) [Professor Manderpootz] (1935)
shortfiction by Stanley G. Weinbaum
You Are with It! (1961) shortstory by Will Stanton
What Was It? A Mystery (1859) shortstory by Fitz-James O'Brien
(variant of What Was It?)
Sky Lift (1953) shortstory by Robert A. Heinlein
Who Can Replace a Man? (1958) shortstory by Brian W. Aldiss
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (excerpt) (1956)
shortfiction by Jules Verne
From the "London Times" of 1904 (1898) shortstory by Mark Twain
Odd John (Excerpt) (1935) shortfiction by Olaf Stapledon
Another World novelette by J. H. Rosny aξnι (trans. of Un autre
monde 1895)
Couverture de H.
Lawrence Hoffman
7th Annual of the Year's Best S-F
anthologie de Judith Merril
Simon & Schuster 1962
Contient les rιcits
suivants :
A Passage from the Stars (1961) shortstory by Kaatje Hurlbut
Among the Dangs (excerpt) (1958) shortfiction by George P.
Immediately Yours (1961) shortstory by Robert Beverly Hale
Parky (1961) shortstory by David Rome
The Fastest Gun Dead [Dr. Hiram Pertwee] (1961) shortstory by
Julian F. Grow
All the Tea in China (1961) shortstory by Reginald Bretnor [as
by R. Bretnor ]
The Portobello Road (1956) novelette by Muriel Spark
Ottmar Balleau X 2 (1961) shortstory by George Bamber
The Dandelion Girl (1961) shortstory by Robert F. Young
Nightmare in Time shortstory by Fredric Brown (variant of The End
Three Prologues and an Epilogue (1961) poem by John Dos Passos
It Becomes Necessary (1961) shortstory by Ward Moore
My Trial as a War Criminal (1949) shortstory by Leo Szilard
A Prize for Edie (1961) shortstory by J. F. Bone
Freedom (1961) novelette by Mack Reynolds
High Barbary (1961) shortstory by Lawrence Durrell
The Quaker Cannon (1961) novelette by Frederik Pohl and C. M.
Judas Bomb (1961) shortstory by Kit Reed
A Small Miracle of Fishhooks and Straight Pins (1961) shortstory
by David R. Bunch
The Tunnel Ahead (1961) shortstory by Alice Glaser
The Countdown (1961) shortstory by John Haase
The Beat Cluster (1961) shortstory by Fritz Leiber
The Ship Who Sang [The Ship Who . . .] (1961) novelette by
Anne McCaffrey
A Planet Named Shayol [The Instrumentality of Mankind] (1961)
novelette by Cordwainer Smith
The Asteroids, 2194 [Troons] (1960) shortstory by John Wyndham
The Long Night [The Exploits of Argo 2] (1961) shortstory
Couverture Nick Musi |
Day of the Triffids
par John Wyndham
Doubleday 1951
Couverture de Witney
Bender |
par Philip K. Dick
Doubleday 1969
Couverture de Peter
Rauch |