Couverture ?
Overlords of Maxus Jack Vance na
Man of Distinction Fredric Brown ss
Final Haven Matt Lee ss
Brother Worlds Raymond Z. Gallun nv
I, The Un-Mortal Emmett McDowell na
Just Push the Button Samuel Mines ss
Restricted Clientele Kendell Foster Crossen ss |
Couverture ?
The Continent Makers [*Viagens] L. Sprague de Camp
The Replaced Margaret St. Clair ss
The Void Beyond Robert Moore Williams
Milords Methuselah Carter Sprague nv
Overtime [*Johnny Norsen] Mack Reynolds
I'm a Stranger, Myself Dallas Ross ss
The First Long Journey Raymond Z. Gallun ss
Deception Matt Lee ss |
Couverture de Earle Bergey
plus dessin originalSon of the Tree Jack Vance
Fog William Campbell Gault
Girl from Callisto Roger Dee
Temporary Keeper H. B. Fyfe nv
I Psi Carter Sprague nv
A Thesis for Branderbook Charles L. Harness |
Couverture de Earle Bergey
Alarm Reaction Raymond F. Jones nv
The Jester William Tenn ss
Earthlight Arthur C. Clarke nv
The Dome Fredric Brown ss
No Dipsy for Dix Larry Clinton ss
At Your Service Cleve Cartmill ss
Ultimate Purpose Walter Kubilius & Fletcher Pratt
These Things Are Sirius Edwin James ss |
Couverture de Schomburg
Asylum Satellite Fletcher Pratt na
Ultimate Answer Dallas Ross ss
The Plagian Siphon Jack Vance nv
The Cave Where I Am Hiding Robert Moore Williams ss
Return Richard Matheson ss
The Merakian Miracle [*Manning Draco] Kendell Foster Crossen nv
Couverture ?
The Wanderer's Return Fletcher Pratt na
The Iron Deer Sam Merwin, Jr. ss
Escape from Hyper-Space E. Hoffmann Price
Star Bride Anthony Boucher vi
The Way of the Moth Stanton A. Coblentz ss
The Song of Vorhu Walter M. Miller, Jr. nv
Keyhole Murray Leinster ss |
Couverture de Earle Bergey plus dessin intιrieur de Virgil
Finlay pour "Abercrombie Station"
Abercrombie Station [*Jean Parlier] Jack Vance
The Star Minstrel Walt Sheldon ss
Solution Vital Walter Kubilius & Fletcher Pratt
And Someday to Mars Frank Belknap Long ss
The Regal Rigelian [*Manning Draco] Kendell Foster Crossen nv
Survival John Wyndham nv
Alien Psychologist Erik Fennel ss |
Couverture de Emsh
Double Jeopardy [*George Helmfleety Jones] Fletcher
Pratt na
Moment Without Time Joel Townsley Rogers
The Foodlegger Richard Matheson ss
The Promise D. S. Halacy, Jr. ss
The Planet Mender George O. Smith nv
Counter-Transference William F. Temple ss
Public Eye Anthony Boucher ss |
Couverture de Earle Bergey
The Gadget Had a Ghost Murray Leinster na
Papa Knows Best Wallace Umphrey ss
The Square Cube Law [*George Helmfleety Jones] Fletcher Pratt na
Such an Angel R. J. McGregor ss
Bombs Awry George O. Smith nv
The Foxholes of Mars Fritz Leiber ss |
Couverture de Emsh
Lords of the Morning Edmond Hamilton
Counterfeit Alan E. Nourse nv
The Middle of the Week After Next Murray Leinster ss
Hallucination Charles E. Fritch vi
Cholwell's Chickens [*Jean Parlier] Jack Vance
The Quaker Lady and the Jelph Phyllis Sterling Smith ss
Sort of Like a Flower Jerome Bixby ss |
Couverture de Earle Bergey
The Bird of Time [*Yahna] Wallace West na
The Kokod Warriors [*Magnus Ridolph] Jack Vance nv
Fool's Errand Paul Lawrence Payne ss
The Polluxian Pretender [*Manning Draco] Kendell Foster Crossen nv
Remembrance of Things to Come William Ratigan ss
The Reasonable People Roger Dee ss |
Couverture de Walter Popp
The Caphian Caper [*Manning Draco] Kendell Foster Crossen
Lesson in Survival Frank Belknap Long s
No Land of Nod Sherwood Springer ss
What's It Like Out There? Edmond Hamilton
The Sign of Homo Sap Dave Dryfoos ss
Canterbury April Raymond F. Jones nv
Paradox Planet Roger Dee ss |