- N° 13
Couverture de M. Isip
The Love-Slave and the Scientists ["The Body-Masters"]
Frank Belknap Long ss
The Cave Beatrice Grimshaw ss
The Forgotten Planet [*John Hanson] Sewell Peaslee Wright nv
The Curious Case of Norton Hoorne Ray Cummings ss
The Power and the Glory Charles W. Diffin
He Walked by Day Julius Long ss
Original Sin S. Fowler Wright ss
The Thing that Walked on the Wind August Derleth ss
Raiders of the Universes Donald Wandrei nv
The House of Shadows Mary Elizabeth Counselman ss
The Ship of Silence Albert Richard Wetjen ss
The Street That Wasn't There Clifford D. Simak & Carl Jacob
- N° 14
Couverture de R. Crowl
Temptress of the Tower of Torture and Sin ["The Voice of
El-Lil"] Robert E. Howard
Ylla ["I'll Not Look for Wine"] Ray Bradbury ss
The Three Eyed Man [*Tubby] Ray Cummings
The Cave of the Invisible James Francis Dwyer
Guard in the Dark Allison V. Harding ss
The Still Small Voice Clive Jackson vi
The Curse of Yig Z. B. Bishop ss
The Yeast Men David H. Keller, M.D. nv
The Headless Miller of Kobold's Keep Irvin Ashkenazy ss
The Shadows Henry S. Whitehead |
- N° 15
Couverture de J. Gama
A Man, a Maid, and Saturn's Temptation ["Flight on
Titan"] Stanley G. Weinbaum nv
Mommy Mary Elizabeth Counselman ss
The Great Gizmo Gilbert Wright ss
Gray Ghouls Bassett Morgan nv
Venus Maurice Baring ss
Ship-in-a-Bottle P. Schuyler Miller ss
Up There [as by Martin Pearson] Donald A. Wollheim ss
The Einstein See-Saw Miles J. Breuer, M.D. nv
In Amundsen's Tent John Martin Leahy ss
Ubbo-Sathla Clark Ashton Smith ss
Kazam Collects [as by S. D. Gottesman] C. M. Kornbluth |
- N° 16
Couverture de R. Crowl
The Black Kiss [*Michael Leigh] Robert Bloch
Mr. Strenberry's Tale ["Doomsday"] J. B. Priestley ss
The Man Who Lived Backward Gelett Burgess
Something From Above Donald Wandrei
The Wax Doll [as by Ezra Putnam] Greye La Spina ss
The Forest of Lost Men Beatrice Grimshaw ss
The Place of Pain M. P. Shiel ss
The River L. Major Reynolds ss
The Water Ghost of Harrowby Hall John Kendrick Bangs ss
The Hounds of Tindalos Frank Belknap Long ss
The Picture Francis Flagg |
- N° 17
Couverture de Barton
The Sapphire Siren ["The Sapphire Goddess"] Nictzin
Dyalhis nv
Jack-in-the-Box Ray Bradbury ss
The Noticeable Conduct of Professor Chadd [*Rupert Grant; *Basil Grant] G. K.
The Pink Caterpillar [*Fergus O'Breen] Anthony Boucher ss
The Phantom Dictator Wallace West ss
Through the Gates of the Silver Key [*Randolph Carter] H. P. Lovecraft &
E. Hoffmann Price nv
The Bookshop Nelson Bond ss
One-Man God Frank Owen ss
The Mystery of the Sargasso ["The Mystery of the Derelict"]
William Hope Hodgson |
- N° 18
Couverture ?
The Witch from Hell's Kitchen Robert E. Howard
The Devil in Hollywood Dale Clark ss
The Watcher in the Green Room Hugh B. Cave
A Victim of Higher Space [*John Silence] Algernon Blackwood ss
Out of the Eons [ghost written by H. P. Lovecraft] Hazel Heald nv
Just What Happened Gelett Burgess ss
The Phantom Ship of Dirk Van Tromp James Francis Dwyer ss
Amina Edward Lucas White ss
The Haunted "Jarvee" [*Carnacki] William Hope Hodgson