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N° 577 - 1962, couverture ?

Shadows with Eyes par Fritz Leiber

Six tales of crawling horror.

N0 587 - 1962,* couverture de Richard Powers

Nine Horrors and a Dream par Joseph Payne Brennan

Nightmares brought to grinning life.

N° 595 - 1962, couverture ?

Hospital Station par James White

Future science-fiction. The Chronicles of a fabulous hospital in the sky.

N° 602 - 1962, couverture ?

The Day the Earth Caught Fire par Barry Wells

The book of the movie that the sturday review describes as better than "On the Beach".

N° 619 - 1962 (première édition), couverture de Richard Powers

Return to Otherness par Henry Kuttner

N° 626 - 1962 (première édition), couverture de Richard Powers

Conditionally Human par Walter M. Miller Jr.

N° 629 - 1962, *couverture de Richard Powers

The Survivor and Others par H.P. Lovecraft & August Derleth

The last, rare stories of a master craftsman in horror.

N° 639 - 1962, couverture ?

Eight Keys to Eden par Mark Clifton

The piercing wonder of man's climb to higher intelligence.

N° 647 - 1962, * couverture de Rihard Powers

The Night Shapes par James Blish

Science was helpless in the face of prehistoric realities brought to life.

N° 648 - 1962 (seconde édition), couverture de Richard Powers

Citizen in Space par Robert Sheckley

No one in recent years has vaulted so promptly into the first rank of science fantasy writers as Robert Sheckley

N° 680 - 1962,*  couverture couverture de Richard Powers

The Frankenstein Reader édité par Calvin T. Beck

Horror in the classic tradition.

N° 685 - 1963, couverture de Richard Powers

The Abominable Earthman par Frederik Pohl

A new collection by a master of science-fiction

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