E.L. Arch - The Man with
Three Eyes (1967)
Cover Gray Morrow |
E.L. Arch - Bridge to
Yesterday (1963)
Cover Emsh |
Charles B. Stilson -
Polaris of the Snows (1968)
Cover Gray Morrow |
Charles B. Stilson - Minos
of Sardanes (1966)
Cover Gray Morrow |
Lester del Rey - Police
your Planet (1956)
Cover Emsh |
Jack Vance - Big Planet
Cover Emsh |
Manly Wade Wellman -
Island in the Sky (1961)
Cover Emsh |
Manly Wade Wellman - The
Dark Destroyers (1959)
Cover Emsh |
Roger Lee Vernon - Robot
Hunt (1959)
Cover Emsh |
Wallace West - The Memory
Bank (1961)
Cover Emsh |
Wallace West - Outposts in
Space (1962)
Cover Emsh |
Russ Winterbotham - The
Men from Arcturus (1963)
Cover Emsh |
Russ Winterbotham - The
Puppet Planet (1964)
Cover Emsh |
Poul Anderson - Virgin
Planet (1959)
Cover Emsh |
Jeff Sutton - The Atom
Conspiracy (1963)
Cover Emsh |
Jack Vance - The Languages
of Pao (1958)
Cover Ric Binkley |
Wade Wellman - Twice in Time (1957)
Cover Ric Binkley |
Winterbotham - The Space Egg (1958)
Cover Ric Binkley |
Charles B. Stilson -
Polaris and the Immortals (1968)
Cover Gray Morrow |
Wade Wellman - Giants from Eternity (1959)
Cover Emsh |
Wallace West - Lords of
Atlantis (1960)
Cover Emsh |
E.L. Arch - The
Double-Minded Man (1966)
Cover Gray Morrow |
Poul Anderson - Starways
Cover Emsh |
Francis Stevens - Claimed
Cover Gray Morrow |
Leslie F. Stone - Out of
the Void (1967)
Cover Michael Peters |
E.C. Tubb - Alien Dust
Cover Emsh
(Voir ci-dessous) |
Wallace West - River of
Time (1963)
Cover Emsh |
Wallace West - The
Everlasting Exiles (1967)
Cover Michael M. Peters |
Wallace West - The Time
Lockers (1964)
Cover Emsh |
Robert Moore Williams
Walk Up the Sky (1962)
Cover Emsh |
Russ Winterbotham
The Lord of Nardos (1966)
Cover Gray Morrow |