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ΰ la liste "Pulps et Magazines Amιricains"
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197 - Octobre 1967, couverture de Chesley Bonestell
Home the Hard Way Richard
M. McKenna nv
The Inner Circles Fritz Leiber ss
Camels and Dromedaries, Clem R. A. Lafferty
The Power of Every Root Avram Davidson nv
Corona Samuel R. Delany ss
Alas, Poor Yorick! I Knew Him Well Enuff Joan Patricia Basch ss
Cry Hope, Cry Fury! [*Vermillion Sands] J. G. Ballard ss |
198 - Novembre 1967, couverture de Gray Morrow
The Sword Swallower [*Ben
Jolson] Ron Goulart nv
Ballet Nθgre Charles Birkin ss The Smell of Evil, Tandem, 1965
The Vine Kit Reed ss
Nothing Much to Relate Josephine Saxton ss
When the Birds Die Eduardo Goligorsky; trans. by Vernor Vinge ss
The Little Victims Hilary Bailey nv
A Message from Charity William M. Lee ss |
199 - Dιcembre 1967, couverture de Jack Gaughan
Sundown David Redd nv
The Saga of DMM [*Duckworth] Larry Eisenberg
Brain Wave Stuart & Jennifer Palmer nv Cerberus Algis Budrys ss
To Behold the Sun Dean R. Koontz ss The Power of the Mandarin Gahan
Wilson ss
The Chelmlins Leonard Tushnet ss
The Cloud-Sculptors of Coral D [*Vermillion Sands] J. G. Ballard ss |
200 - Janvier 1968, couverture de Emsh
They Are Not Robbed Richard
McKenna nv
The Turned-off Heads Fritz Leiber vi
I See a Man Sitting on a Chair, and the Chair Is Biting His Leg Robert
Sheckley & Harlan Ellison
Light on Cader Josephine Saxton ss Crack In the Shield Arthur
Sellings nv
Lunatic Assignment Sonya Dorman ss
In His Own Image Lloyd Biggle, Jr. ss |
201 - Fιvrier 1968, couverture de Ronald Walotsky
Stranger in the House Kate
Wilhelm na The Lucky People Chet Arthur ss
The Stars Know Mose Mallette vi
He Kilt It with a Stick William F. Nolan ss
Wednesday, Noon [*Ronald Archer] Ted White
The Locator Robert Lory ss
I Have My Vigil Harry Harrison vi
To Hell With the Odds Robert L. Fish ss
The Veiled Feminists of Atlantis Booth Tarkington ss |
202 - Mars 1968, couverture de Gahan Wilson
The Egg of the Glak Harvey
Jacobs nv The Ajeri Diary Miriam Allen deFord ss Whose Short Happy
Life? Sterling Lanier ss
Budget Planet [from Dimension of Miracles] Robert Sheckley
The Shapes [1887] J.-H. Rosny-Aξnι; trans. by Damon Knight nv
That High-Up Blue Day That Saw the Black Sky-train Come Spinning David
R. Bunch ss |
203 - Avril 1968, couverture de Bert Tanner
Flight of Fancy Daniel F.
Galouye nv Dead to Rights R. C. FitzPatrick ss Without a Doubt Dream
Bruce McAllister ss
Demon Larry Brody ss
The Superior Sex Miriam Allen deFord ss
The Time of His Life Larry Eisenberg ss
Muscadine Ron Goulart ss
Final War K. M. O'Donnell nv |
204 - Mai 1968, couverture de Russell Fitzgerald
Lines of Power Samuel R.
Delany na The Wilis Baird Searles ss
Gifts from the Universe Leonard Tushnet ss
Beyond the Game Vance Aandahl ss Dry Run Larry Niven ss
A Quiet Kind of Madness David Redd nv |
205 - Juin 1968, couverture de Ronald Walotsky
The Consciousness Machine
Josephine Saxton
The People Trap Robert Sheckley ss Settle Ann MacLeod ss
Backtracked Burt K. Filer ss
At the Heart of It Michael Harrison ss The Secret of Stonehenge
Harry Harrison ss
Sea Home William M. Lee nv |
206 - Juillet 1968, couverture de Jack Gaughan
Sos the Rope
[Part 1 of 3; *Sos] Piers Anthony
The Psychedelic Children Dean R. Koontz ss
Ultimate Defense Larry Brody ss Remote Projection Guillaume
Apollinaire & Remy Inglis Hall ss
Beyond Words Hayden Howard ss |
207 - aoϋt 1968, couverture de Gahan Wilson
The Devil and Jake O'Hara [*Devil]
Brian Cleeve
Sos the Rope [Part 2 of 3; *Sos] Piers Anthony
The Twelfth Bed Dean R. Koontz ss Death to the Keeper K. M.
O'Donnell nv A Sense of Beauty Robert Taylor ss Soldier Key
[*Brigadier Ffellowes] Sterling E. Lanier nv |
208 - Septembre 1968, couverture de Cheslley Bonestell
"The Trifid Nebula"
Ogre! Edward Jesby nv
Butterfly Was 15 Gilbert Thomas ss
Sos the Rope [Part 3 of 3; *Sos] Piers Anthony
Harry's Golden Years Gahan Wilson ss
The Evaporation of Jugby Stephen Barr ss
A Scare in Time David R. Bunch vi
The Moving Finger Types Henry Slesar ss
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3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8,
9, 10,
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14, 15,
16, 17, 18,
20, 21,
22, 23,
24, 25,

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