1 - printemps 1950
Couverture ?
The Hidden World Edmond
Hamilton n
The Molten Bullet Anthony
M. Rud ss
Red Shards on Ceres Raymond
Z. Gallun ss
The Star Slaver Carter
Sprague ss
The Ideal [*Van
Manderpootz] Stanley
G. Weinbaum ss
Death at the Observatory John
Russell Fearn
A Visit to Venus Festus
Pragnell nv
Cosmic Stage Robert
Arthur ss
Trespass! Poul
Anderson & Gordon
Dickson ss
Children of the Ray J.
Harvey Haggard |
2 - ιtι 1950
Couverture ?
The Exile of the Skies
Richard Vaughan n.
The Light Bender Frank K. Kelly ss
The Last Planet R. F. Starzl nv
The Bore James Blish ss
The Man from Beyond John Beynon Harris
A Thief in Time Raymond A. Young ss
The Moon and Mr. Wick Jack Williamson ss |
3 - automne 1950
Couverture ?
In Caverns Below
Stanton A. Coblentz n
The Invincible Midge Paul Ernst ss
The Spore Doom [by Earl Binder & Otto Binder] Eando Binder
Beyond the Star Curtain Garth Bentley nv
The Space Lens Millard Verne Gordon ss
The Ancient William Morrison ss
The Long Flight Carter Sprague ss |
4 - hiver 1951
Couverture ?
Enslaved Brains [by Earl
Binder & Otto Binder] Eando Binder n.
Invisible ["Shadow-Man"] Eric Frank Russell
The Amazing Planet Clark Ashton Smith na
Museum Frank Belknap Long ss
The Cosmic Cocktail Siegfried Wagener ss
When Flame Globes Dance Milton Lesser ss
The Reign of the Reptiles A. Connell n |
5 - printemps 1951
Couverture ?
Vandals of the Void
[*Jack Sanders] J. M. Walsh n.
Earth's Lucky Day Francis Flagg & Forrest J. Ackerman ss
The Osmotic Theorem S. P. Meek nv
Block Carter Sprague ss
The Mighty Fallen Damon Knight ss
Emotion Solution Arthur K. Barnes ss |
6 - ιtι 1951
Couverture ?
The Conquerors [*Harry
Brunton] David H. Keller
World's Pharaoh [by Henry Kuttner; *Pete Manx] Kelvin Kent ss
Dream's End A. Connell ss
Via the Hewitt Ray M. F. Rupert nv
The Ambassador's Tomcat Allen Kim Lang ss
I Do Not Like Thee... Matt Lee ss
Men of Honor Will Garth vi
Too Dense to Die Dave Dryfoos ss |
7 - automne 1951
Couverture ?
Beyond Pluto John
Scott Campbell n
Trail Blazer Raymond Z. Gallun ss
The Cosmic Pantograph Edmond Hamilton
The Reporter Chad Oliver ss
Uranian Justice Wilbur S. Peacock ss
Vermin William Morrison ss
Displaced Person Mack Reynolds ss
Via Asteroid [*Via] Gordon A. Giles ss |
8 - hiver 1952
Couverture ?
The Evening Star [*Harry
Brunton] David H. Keller n.
Time Limit H. B. Fyfe ss
Within the Planet Wesley Arnold nv
The Blunderer L. Sprague de Camp ss
Four-Legged Hotfoot [*Johnny Norsen] Mack Reynolds ss
Adaptation Robert Moore Williams ss
Via Death [*Via] Gordon A. Giles ss |
9 - printemps 1952
Couverture ?
Dawn of Flame [*Black Margot] Stanley G. Weinbaum
The Black Flame [*Black Margot] Stanley G. Weinbaum n
Thin End J. W. Groves
Third Alternative Sam Merwin, Jr. ss
Men on Mars Laurence Manning ss |
10 - ιtι 1952
Couverture ?
Slan A. E. van Vogt
The House on the Vacant Lot Mari Wolf ss
The Veil of Astellar Leigh Brackett nv
It's a Dog's Life Larry Clinton ss
Lunar Parasites Raymond Z. Gallun ss
Something Borrowed Daniel Keyes ss |
11 - automne 1952
Couverture de Emsh
A Million Years to Conquer
Henry Kuttner n
Second Chance Walter Kubilius & Fletcher Pratt
Orphan of Space Don Wilcox ss
The Hunters Alfred Coppel ss
Greenhorn Harry Stine ss
The Question Ralph Carghill ss
Science Can Wait Ray Cummings ss |
12 - novembre 1952
Couverture d'Earle Bergey
The Gods Hate Kansas Joseph J. Millard na
The Moebius Room Robert Donald Locke ss
The Girl Next Door Kendell Foster Crossen ss
"It's Like This" [*Lefty Baker] Rog Phillips ss
In Sheep's Clothing Alan E. Nourse ss
The Deciding Factor Paul Lawrence Payne ss
A Family Matter Walter M. Miller, Jr. ss |