ANNEE 1972-1973
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1972 - N° 188
Couverture de Jack Gaughan
Dark Inferno
[Part 1 of 2] James White n
Rorqual Maru [*Nebishes] T. J. Bass nv
Esmeralda Michael G. Coney nv
Stormseeker Bob Shaw ss
The Answer [*Listeners] James E. Gunn nv
Gambler Tad Crawford ss
Joey F. A. Davis vi
1972 - N° 189
Couverture de Jack Gaughan
The Gods Themselves
[Part 1 of 3] Isaac Asimov n
220Advanced Field Exploration W. Macfarlane ss
Getting Together Milton A. Rothman ss
The Hand Robert F. Young ss
Dark Inferno [Part 2 of 2] James White n.
1972 - N° 190
Couverture de Jack Gaughan
The Gods Themselves
[Part 3 of 3] Isaac Asimov n
Robbie and David and Little Dahl W. Macfarlane
The Reply [*Listeners] James E. Gunn nv
Gone Fishing David Rome ss
The Grand Illusions [*Duckworth] Larry Eisenberg ss
Trouble with G.O.D. [*Harlie] David Gerrold nv
The Langley Circuit Sandy Fisher ss
1972 - N° 192
Couverture de Jack Gaughan plus dessin original
Dying Inside
[Part 1 of 2] Robert Silverberg
Farewell to the Artifacts Sandy Fisher ss
Seventy Years of Decpop Philip Josι Farmer
Woman's Rib Thomas N. Scortia ss
For G.O.D.'s Sake [*Harlie] David Gerrold nv
1972 - N° 193
Couverture de Brian Boyle
Power Complex Joe Haldeman nv
Changing Woman W. Macfarlane ss
True School of Modesty Ernest Taves ss
The Years Robert F. Young vi
The Soul Music of Duckworth's DIBS [*Duckworth] Larry Eisenberg ss
Medical Practices Among the Immortals Kris Neville ss
Dying Inside [Part 2 of 2] Robert Silverberg n.
1972 - N° 194
Couverture de Brian Boyle
Project 40
[Part 1 of 3; *Hellstrom] Frank Herbert n
26 Days, On Earth Joe Haldeman ss
Noepti-Noe Sydney J. Van Scyoc nv
The Dutchman [*John Grimes] A. Bertram Chandler nv
Mayflower One Ernest Taves nv
Journey Sonya Dorman ss
1973 - N° 195
Couverture de Brian Boyle
Case and the Dreamer
Theodore Sturgeon
Mayflower Three Ernest Taves nv
La Befana Gene Wolfe ss
Is the Star of Bethlehem Observable
A Comment Rev. Ronald E. Royer ms
Project 40 [Part 2 of 3; *Hellstrom] Frank Herbert n
Reflex T. J. Gordon ss
1973 - N° 196
Couverture de Brian Boyle
Project 40
[Part 3 of 3; *Hellstrom] Frank Herbert n
The Girl and the Dolphin John Boyd ss
Interference William Walling ss
Crimescan Colin Kapp ss
The Last Hunt [*John Grimes] A. Bertram Chandler nv
Six Men from Alpha J. B. Clarke ss
1973 - N° 197
Couverture de Jack Gaughan
Doomsday Gene [Part 1 of 2] John Boyd
Parthen R. A. Lafferty ss
On the Account [*John Grimes] A. Bertram Chandler nv
In This Dark Sky Frances Chapman ss
Girl Saturday Robert F. Young nv
Future Forbidden Philip Latham ss
1973 - N° 198
Couverture de Achilleos
Doomsday Gene [Part 2 of 2] John Boyd n
Frank Merriwell in the White House Ward Moore nv
Just a Matter of Time Jeffery Perrin ss
A Voice and Bitter Weeping Buddy Saunders & Howard Waldrop ss
Luna One Ernest Taves na
1973 - N° 199
Couverture de Brian Boyle
with Rama [Part 1 of 2; *Rama] Arthur C.
Clarke n
Triggerman Lou Fisher ss
Quickening W. Macfarlane nv
Quarantine Doris Piserchia ss
Circle of Flies Michael Hatt nv
And Baby Makes Three William J. Earls ss
The Old King's Answers Colin Kapp nv
1973 - N° 200 (25e anniversaire)
Couverture de Brian Boyle
The Dream
Millennium [Part 1 of 3] James White n
Agnes, Accent and Access Theodore Sturgeon
Cold Friend Harlan Ellison ss
The Field of Vision Ursula K. Le Guin ss
Rendezvous with Rama [Part 2 of 2; *Rama] Arthur C. Clarke n.
1973 - N° 201
Couverture de Brian Boyle
Think Only This of
Me Michael Kurland
And No Birds Sing William E. Wilson ss
A Suppliant in Space Robert Sheckley nv
Mayflower Two Ernest Taves nv
Some Joys Under the Star Frederik Pohl ss
The Dream Millennium [Part 2 of 3] James White n
By the Seashore R. A. Lafferty ss
1973 - N° 202
Couverture de Brian Boyle
World [Part 1 of 4] Christopher Priest n
Unbiased God Doris Piserchia ss
Sweet Sister, Green Brother Sydney J. Van Scyoc nv
Her Fine and Private Planet Roland J. Green
A Better Rat-Trap Charles Hoequist & Robert Phillips ss
The Dream Millennium [Part 3 of 3] James White n.
prιcιdente -- Page suivante
Pages : 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8,
9, 10, 11,
12, 13, 14,
15, 16,
17, 18,
19, 20, 21,
22, 23,

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