94 - septembre 1965
Couverture de McKenna
Under Two Moons Frederik Pohl nv
Moon Duel Fritz Leiber ss
The Planet Player E. Clayton McCarty nv
M'Lord Is the Shepherd Walt & Leigh Richmond
Giant Killer [*James Retief] Keith Laumer ss
Alien Artifact Dannie Plachta vi
Gree's Damned Ones [*Gree] C. C. MacApp nv
Skylark DuQuesne E. E. Smith, Ph.D. n.
95 - octobre 1965
Couverture de Jack Gaughan
Retief's War [Part 1 of
3; *James Retief]
Keith Laumer n.
A Leader for Yesteryear Mack Reynolds ss
The Smiling Future Miriam Allen deFord ss
Origin of Species Robert F. Young nv
Purpose Edward V. Dong vi
An Ounce of Emotion Gordon R. Dickson nv
Short Trip to Nowhere
Robert Moore Williams ss
Skylark DuQuesne Edward E. Smith, Ph.D. n. |
96 - novembre 1965
Couverture de Morrow
Tiger Green Gordon R. Dickson nv
Time of War Mack Reynolds ss
Masque of the Red Shift [*Berserker]
Fred Saberhagen ss
Retief's War [Part 2 of 3; *James Retief] Keith Laumer n.
The Lonely Hours W. I. McLaughlin ss
The Doomsday Men Kenneth Bulmer na |
97 - dιcembre 1965
Couverture de Morrow
The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress
[Part 1 of 5] Robert A. Heinlein n.
Security Syndrome Gerald Pearce ss
Toys for Debbie David A. Kyle ss
St. George and the Dragonmotive
Robert F. Young nv
The Girls on USSF 193 Stephen Goldin ss
Mercury J. M. McFadden ss
Retief's War [Part 3 of 3; *James Retief] Keith Laumer n. |
98 - janvier 1966
Couverture de Morrow
The Moonrakers Poul Anderson nv
Cindy-Me Don F. Briggs ss
The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress
[Part 2 of 5] Robert A. Heinlein n.
Mr. Jester [*Berserker] Fred Saberhagen ss
A Planet Like Heaven Murray Leinster nv
The Smallness Beyond Thought
Robert Moore Williams nv |
99 - fιvrier 1966
Couverture de Pederson
Prisoners of the Sky C. C. MacApp nv
Build We Must Dannie Plachta vi
The Kettle Black Steve Buchanan ss
Nine Hundred Grandmothers R. A. Lafferty ss
Not by Sea Howard L. Morris ss
The Peak Lords Miriam Allen deFord ss
The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress
[Part 3 of 5] Robert A. Heinlein n.
The Warriors [*Kzin Wars] Larry Niven ss |
100 - mars 1966
Couverture de Castellon
The Long Way to Earth John Brunner na
Ouled Nail [*Gallegher] H. H. Hollis ss
Dam Nuisance [*James Retief]
Keith Laumer ss
Draft Dodger Kenneth Bulmer
The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress
[Part 4 of 5] Robert A. Heinlein n.
101 - avril 1966
Couverture de Morrow
Earthblood [Part 1 of 4]
Keith Laumer &
Rosel George Brown n.
Castles in Space Alma Hill ss
In the Temple of Mars [*Berserker]
Fred Saberhagen ss
The Pretend Kind E. Clayton McCarty ss
To Conquer Earth Garrett Brown ss
The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress [Part 5 of 5]
Robert A. Heinlein n. |
102 - mai 1966
Couverture de Schelling
Silkies in Space [*Silkie] A. E. van Vogt na
The Historian Carroll J. Clem vi
The Hide Hunters Robert Moore Williams nv
Mountains Like Mice Gene Wolfe ss
Golden Trabant R. A. Lafferty ss
Earthblood [Part 2 of 4] Keith Laumer &
Rosel George Brown n |
103 - juin 1966
Couverture de McKenna
Mandroid Robert E. Margroff,
Piers Anthony & Andrew J. Offutt na
The Weapons that Walked D. M. Melton ss
The Dream Machine Carol Easton ss
Sweet Reason [*Centrans] Christopher Anvil n
Earthblood [Part 3 of 4] Keith Laumer &
Rosel George Brown n. Larry Niven ss |
104 - juillet 1966
Couverture de Morrow
The Hour Before Earthrise [Part 1 of 3]
James Blish na
Feodar's Box Robert E. Lory ss
Bircher A. A. Walde nv
The Man from When Dannie Plachta vi
Cybernia [*Gallegher] H. H. Hollis ss
Science Fiction's Holiday Lin Carter ar
Earthblood [Part 4 of 4] Keith Laumer &
Rosel George Brown n. |
105 - aoϋt 1966
Couverture de McKenna
The Foundling Stars Hal Clement ss
Slot Machine H. B. Michel vi
Peace Corps Robert Moore Williams na
The Hour Before Earthrise [Part 2 of 3]
James Blish na
He Looked Back Carl Jacobi ss
The Junk Man Cometh Robin Scott nv
106 - septembre 1966
Couverture de Gray Morrow
Edge of Night [Part 1 of 2; *John Grimes]
A. Bertram Chandler na
The Face of the Deep [*Berserker]
Fred Saberhagen ss
The Empty Man Gardner R. Dozois ss
Arena Mack Reynolds ss
The Ghost Galaxies Piers Anthony nv
Enemies of Gree [*Gree] C. C. MacApp ss
The Hour Before Earthrise [Part 3 of 3] James Blish na |
107 - octobre 1966
Couverture de Adkins
Neutron Star [*Beowulf Shaeffer] Larry Niven
Your Soldier Unto Death Michael Walker ss
Snow White and the Giants [Part 1 of 4]
J. T. McIntosh n.
Tunnel Warrior Joseph P. Martino ss
On the Edge of the Galaxy Ernest Hill ss
The Spy Game Rachel Cosgrove Payes ss
Edge of Night [Part 2 of 2; *John Grimes]
A. Bertram Chandler na
In the Bone Gordon R. Dickson ss |
108 - novembre 1966
Couverture de Adkins
Truce or Consequences [*James Retief]
Keith Laumer nv
At the Core [*Beowulf Shaeffer]
Larry Niven ss
The Sign of Gree [*Gree] C. C. MacApp ss
A Code for Sam Lester del Rey ss
The Babe in the Oven John T. Sladek ss
Halfway House Robert Silverberg ss
Snow White and the Giants [Part 2 of 4] J. T. McIntosh n.
Hairry Mike Hill ss
The Boat in the Bottle Thurlow Weed ss |
109 - dιcembre 1966
Couverture de Gaughan
Be Merry Algis Budrys nv
The Thousandth Birthday Party Durant Imboden
Starpath Neal Barrett, Jr. nv
A Relic of the Empire Larry Niven ss
Call Me Dumbo Bob Shaw ss
The Forgotten Gods of Earth
Andrew J. Offutt s
Snow White and the Giants [Part 3 of 4] J. T. McIntosh n.