Fιvrier 1938
Couverture de Brown
Dream-Dust from Mars Manly Wade
Via Asteroid [*Via] Gordon A. Giles ss
Zones of Space Max C. Sheridan nv
The Changer of History Alexander Samalman
Life Eternal [*Anton York] Eando Binder nv
Alchemy of Outer Space D. L. James ss
We, the Invisible Frank Belknap Long, Jr. ss |
Avril 1938
Couverture ?
Hollywood on the Moon [*Tony Quade]
Henry Kuttner nv
The Infinite Enemy Jack Williamson nv
Easy Money Edmond Hamilton ss
Roamer of the Stars Clyde Wilson ss
Glimpse Manly Wade Wellman ss
Lords of 9016 John Russell Fearn nv
The Dark Age Clark Ashton Smith ss
Rays of Blindness [by Otto Binder] Will Garth ss |
Couverture de Brown
Murder in the Void
Edmond Hamilton
The Reinmuth Rider John Victor Peterson ss
The Man Who Looked Like Steinmetz
Robert Moore Williams ss
The Dual World] Arthur K. Barnes
Wings Across the Cosmos Polton Cross ss
The Year of Unreason J. Harvey Haggard ss
The Great Illusion Will Garth ss
Time on My Hands Mort Weisinger vi
Terror in Utopia Paul Ernst ss |
Couverture ?
Doom World [*Tony Quade] Henry Kuttner
The Satanic Cysts Paul Chadwick ss
The Exterminators Frederic Arnold Kummer, Jr.
Catalyst Planet Raymond A. Palmer ss
The Thing from Mars Ray Cummings
The Green Ray Arthur Leo Zagat ss
Via Death [*Via] Gordon A. Giles ss
Song of the Shadow Death Robert Moore Williams ss |
Couverture de Brown
Satellite Five Arthur K. Barnes nv
Cosmic Teletype Carl Jacobi ss
The Challenge of Atlantis Arthur J. Burks ss
Of Jovian Build Oscar J. Friend ss
The Brain Pirates [*Penton & Blake] John W. Campbell, Jr. ss
Mind Out of Time Frank Belknap Long, Jr. ss
The Man Who Saw too Much
Ray Cummings ss
The Robot and the Lady Manly Wade Wellman vi |
Couverture ?
Hands Across the Void [by Henry Kuttner] Will
Garth ss
26 The Star Parade [*Tony Quade] Henry Kuttner nv
The Great Adventure Ray Cummings ss
The Loot of Time Clifford D. Simak nv
Tidal Moon Stanley G. & Helen Weinbaum ss
The Cosmic Hiss Edmond Hamilton ss
The Metal Ocean Eando Binder ss |
Couverture ?
The Human Equation Max C. Sheridan nv
Moon of Mad Atavism Hal K. Wells ss
The War of the Weeds Carl Jacobi ss
Flight of the Starshell Gordon A. Giles nv
Invasion's End Myer Krulfeld ss
The Telepathic Tomb Frederic Arnold Kummer, Jr. ss
The Discarded Veil Arthur J. Burks ss
World Without Chance [*Archer Lakington] Polton Cross nv
Couverture d'Howard Brown
The Jules Verne Express Eando Binder ss
Experiment Roscoe Clark, F.R.C.S. ss
Beyond Annihilation Henry Kuttner ss
Men Must Die Ward Hawkins nv
The Broken Axiom Alfred Bester ss
Madness from Mars Clifford D. Simak ss
White Barrier Frank Belknap Long, Jr. nv
Zeoh-X Ray Cummings ss |
Couverture d'Howard Brown
The Ultimate Catalyst John Taine nv
Stolen Centuries Otis Adelbert Kline ss
The Man Without a World [*Rader] John Coleman & Hulbert
Burroughs ss
Moon of Intoxication Eando Binder ss
Passage to Saturn Jack Williamson ss
Robot Nemesis Edward Elmer Smith, Ph.D.
No More Friction David H. Keller ss
Dawn of Flame Stanley G. Weinbaum nv |
Couverture d'Howard Brown
The Man from Xenern Stanton A. Coblentz
The Time Twin Lyle D. Gunn ss
The Warning from the Past Robert Moore Williams nv
Cosmic Cube Graph Waldeyer ss
The Dweller in Outer Darkness
Frank Belknap Long, Jr. ss
Roman Holiday Kelvin Kent nv
Secret of the Sun Ray Cummings ss
Race Around the Moon Otis Adelbert Kline n |
Couverture d'Howard Brown
The Energy Eaters Arthur K. Barnes &
Henry Kuttner nv
Via Venus [*Via] Gordon A. Giles ss
The Scourge Below Sam Merwin, Jr. nv
Experiment with Destiny Oscar J. Friend ss
Hades Charles F. Ksanda ss
Hero H. L. Gold ss
Planet of Eternal Night John W. Campbell, Jr.
Couverture d'Howard Brown
Signboard of Space Frederic Arnold Kummer,
The Einstein Slugger Manly Wade Wellman
Suicide Squad Henry Kuttner nv
World's Pharaoh [by Henry Kuttner; *Pete Manx] Kelvin Kent ss
Coup d'ιtat Oscar J. Friend ss
Shadow World Ray Cummings ss
No Help Wanted Alfred Bester vi
The Three Eternals [*Anton York] Eando Binder nv |