Annιe 1940-1941
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Couverture de Virgil Finlay
Spotted Satan Otis Adelbert Kline & E. Hoffmann Price nv
Mortmain Seabury Quinn nv
A Million Years in the Future [Part 1 of 4] Thomas P. Kelley n.
Twister Mary Elizabeth Counselman ss
Portrait of a Bride Earl
Peirce, Jr. ss
Forbidden Cupboard Frances Garfield ss
The Unveiling Alfred I. Tooke ss
Lips of the Dead W. J. Stamper ss
Couverture de Hannes Bok
The Horror in the
Glen Clyde Irvine ss
Train for Flushing Malcolm Jameson ss
The Song of the Slaves Manly Wade Wellman
The Golden Spider Seabury Quinn nv
Slaves of the Gray Mold [*Peters &
Ethredge] Thorp McClusky nv
A Million Years in the Future [Part 2 of 4] Thomas P. Kelley n.
Bramwell's Guardian August W. Derleth ss
The Specter of Virginia Clive Leonard ss
It Happened to Me: The Centurion's Prisoner Lindsay Nisbet vi
Couverture de Hannes Bok
Wind in the
Moonlight Gretchen Ruediger ss
The City from the Sea Edmond Hamilton nv
The Ghost-Writer Robert Bloch ss
Khosru's Garden E. Hoffmann Price ss
A Million Years in the Future
[Part 3 of 4] Thomas P. Kelley n
Black Was the Night Laurence Bour, Jr. ss
The Red Gibbet F. B. Ghensi; trans. by H. Switchell ss
The Automatic Pistol Fritz Leiber, Jr. ss
The Soul of Ra-Moses John Murray Reynolds ss
Couverture de Margaret Brundage
An Adventure of a Professional Corpse: 1. The
Artificial Honeymoon H. Bedford-Jones ss
The Golden Chalice Frank Gruber ss
The Fiddler's Fee Robert Bloch ss
The Dreadful Rabbits [*Judge Keith Hilary Pursuivant] Gans T. Field ss
A Million Years in the Future [Part 4 of 4] Thomas P. Kelley n.
On Pell Street Frank Owen ss
The Gentle Werewolf Seabury Quinn nv
The Crystal Horde Harry Walton nv
Beyond the Frame Maria Moravsky ss
Couverture de Ray Quigley
Seven Seconds of Eternity Robert H.
The Valley of the Undead Helen Weinbaum ss
An Adventure of a Professional Corpse: 2. The Blind Farmer and the Strip
Dancer H. Bedford-Jones ss
Heart of Atlantan Nictzin Dyalhis nv
The Reward Robert Clancy ss
Sea Born Edmond Hamilton nv
The Unusual Romance of Ferdinand Pratt Nelson S. Bond ss
Past Tense Harry Sivia ss
The Kings Do Battle Again Gordon Keyne ss |
Couverture de Margaret Brundage
The Last Waltz Seabury Quinn ss
The Green Invasion Denis Plimmer ss
Wine of the Sabbat Robert Bloch ss
An Adventure of a Professional Corpse: 3. The Wife of the Humorous
Gangster H. Bedford-Jones ss
The Sandwin Compact August W. Derleth nv
The Mirror Liam Kennedy ss
Turn Over Dorothy Quick ss
The Impossible Adventure H. T. W. Bousfield ss
The Mound [ghost written by H. P. Lovecraft] Z. B. Bishop nv |
Couverture de Harold S. De lay
Dragon Moon [*Elak] Henry Kuttner nv
The Goddess of Zion David H. Keller ss
House of the Hatchet Robert Bloch ss
Mirage O. M. Cabral ss
Test Tube Twin Ralph Milne Farley ss Honeymoon in Bedlam [*Lancelot
Biggs] Nelson S. Bond ss
Lupa Robert Barbour Johnson ss
Person or Persons Unknown Loretta Burrough ss
Two Shall Be Born Seabury Quinn nv |
Couverture de Margaret Brundage
The Man Who Loved Planks Malcolm Jameson
The Downfall of Lancelot Biggs [*Lancelot Biggs] Nelson S. Bond ss
Wake and Remember Seabury Quinn nv
An Adventure of a Professional Corpse: 4. The Affair of the Shuteye Medium
H. Bedford-Jones ss The Crystal Bullet Donald Wandrei ss
The Cream-Colored Cat Ann Sloan ss
Edge of the Cliff Dorothy Quick vi
Death Wore an Astrakhan Hat Walter C. Brown ss
"Come to Me!" August W. Derleth ss
The Graveyard Horror Thorp McClusky n |
Couverture de Hannes Bok
The Case of Charles Dexter Ward [Part 1 of 2]
H. P. Lovecraft na; abridged
By What Mystic Mooring Frank Owen ss
Drifting Atoms Mary Elizabeth Counselman nv
The Phantom Pistol Carl Jacobi ss
The Ghost of a Chance A. B. Almy ss
Beauty's Beast Robert Bloch ss
Altimer's Amulet August W. Derleth ss
There Are Such Things [*Carmichael] Seabury Quinn nv |
Couverture de Hannes Bok
The Robot God Ray Cummings nv
Theo Enchantress of Sylaire Clark Ashton Smith ss
First Night Mindret Lord ss
The Believers Robert Arthur ss
Song Without Words Seabury Quinn nv
I Killed Hitler Ralph Milne Farley ss
It All Came True in the Woods Manly Wade Wellman ss
The Case of Charles Dexter Ward [Part 2 of 2] H. P. Lovecraft na |
Couverture de Margaret Brundage
Beyond the Threshold August W. Derleth nv
Where Are You, Mr. Biggs? [*Lancelot Biggs] Nelson S. Bond ss
The Man Who Lived Raymond F. O'Kelley ss
Birthmark [*Carmichael] Seabury Quinn nv
Unhallowed Holiday O. M. Cabral ss
A Sorcerer Runs for Sheriff Robert Bloch ss
The Half-Haunted [*Judge Keith Hilary Pursuivant] Gans T. Field ss
The Music from Infinity Thorp McClusky ss
The Lost Gods Dorothy Quick ss |
Couverture de Hannes Bok
Dreamer's Worlds Edmond Hamilton nv
The Spirits of the Lake [adapted from a radio script] Alonzo Deen Cole
The Werewolf Howls Clifford Ball ss
The Mystery of Uncle Alfred Mindret Lord ss
The Liers in Wait Manly Wade Wellman ss
Core of the Purple Flame Robert H. Leitfred nv Chameleon Man Henry
Kuttner nv
Compliments of Spectro August W. Derleth ss
The Book of the Dead Frank Gruber ss |
prιcιdente -- Page suivante
Annιe :
1923, 1924,
1925, 1926,
1927, 1928,
1929, 1930,
1931, 1932,
1933, 1934,
1935, 1936,
1937, 1938,
1939, 1940-1941,

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