1955 - N° 1
Couverture de Robert Engle
"Kid Stuff"The Sickness William Tenn n
Kid Stuff Winston Marks ss
Have TuxWill Travel Robert Bloch ss
King of the Hill [*Civilian Intelligence Group (Harris)] James Blish ss
Phantom Duel Ford McCormack nv
The First Edward W. Ludwig ss
The Siren of Space Dave Jenrette vi Merlin
Placebo David Mason ss
The Star [*Star of Bethlehem] Arthur C. Clarke ss
1956 - N° 2
Couverture de Emsh
"The Best of Fences"
The Best of Fences Randall Garrett ss
Traumerei Charles Beaumont ss
Internal Combustion L. Sprague de Camp s
Glow Worm Harlan Ellison ss
The Futile Flight of John Arthur Benn Edward Halibut
Course of Empire Richard Wilson vi
Quarry Kenneth Bulmer nv
The Murky Way Dean A. Grennell ms
A Likely Story Damon Knight ss
The Engineer Frederik Pohl & C. M. Kornbluth ss
1956 - N° 3
Couverture de Emsh
"The Guests of Chance"
The Guests of Chance par Charles Beaumont & Chad Oliver
The Stilled Patter par James E. Gunn
Under the Skin par Leslie Perri
Death in Transit par Jerry Sohl
Variety Agent par Peter Phillips
Sponge Dive par James Blish
Rebuttal par Betsy Curtis
Round-Up Time par Chester Cohen
The Mob par Robert Sheckley
1956 - N° 4
Couverture de Emsh
"The Big Fix"
The Big Fix par Richard Wilson
Someday par Isaac Asimov
The Beach Where Time Began par Damon Knight
The World in the Juke Box par Edward Wellen
The Fool par David Mason
Stroke of Genius par Randall Garrett
Trojan Hearse par Harlan Ellison
The Wingless Rooster par Charles Burbee
The Final Challenge par Robert Silverberg
1956 - N° 5
Couverture de Emsh
"Lower than Angels"
Lower Than Angels par Algis Budrys
A Message from our Sponsor par Henry Slesar
The Silver Corridor par Harlan Ellison
The Man Who Liked Lions par John Bernard Daley
Hopper par Robert Silverberg
My Brother on the Highway par John Jakes
The Indigestible Invaders par Damon Knight
1956 - N° 6
Couverture de Emsh
"The Superstition Seeders"
My Sweetheart's the Man in the Moon Milton Lesser
Detour to the Stars [*Gordon Arpe] James Blish
Jokester Isaac Asimov ss
The Superstition-Seeders Edward Wellen
Underground Movement Allen K. Lang ss
The Sons of Japheth Richard Wilson ss |
1957 - N° 7
Couverture de Emsh plus dessin original
"Hunt the Hog of Joe"
Hunt the Hog of Joe Robert Ernest Gilbert
The Engrammar Age Edward Wellen ss
Utter Silence Edward Wellen ss
Let's Get Together Isaac Asimov ss
Breaking Point Arthur H. Rapp vi
Three-Cornered Knife Kenneth Bulmer
The Guest Rites Robert Silverberg ss
Alone at Last Robert Sheckley ss
1957 - N° 8
Couverture de Emsh
"Friends and Enemies"
Deeper Than the Darkness Harlan Ellison nv
The Case of the Snoring Heir [*Harry Purvis (White Hart)] Arthur C. Clarke
The Eyes of Silence E. C. Tubb ss
Friends and Enemies Fritz Leiber ss
The Noon's Repose John Christopher ss
The Martian Shore Charles L. Fontenay ss
The Gently Orbiting Blonde John Victor Peterson ss
Deny the Slake [*Ernest Hotaling] Richard Wilson ss |
1957 - N° 9
Couverture de Emsh
The Band Played On Lester del Rey nv
The Night of No Moon H. B. Fyfe ss
Pilgrims' Project Robert F. Young nv
Blank! Isaac Asimov ss
Blank? Randall Garrett ss
Blank... Harlan Ellison ss
Age of Anxiety Robert Silverberg ss |
1957 - N° 10
Couverture de Emsh
"The Men Return"
The Burning World Algis Budrys nv
The Show Must Go On Henry Slesar ss
The Men Return Jack Vance ss
Sweet Dreams Edward Wellen nv
Rockabye, Grady David Mason ss
Even Stephen Charles A. Stearns ss