1957 - N° 11
Couverture de Emsh
"The Other Side of the Sky"
The Other Side of the Sky [Part 1 of 2] Arthur C. Clarke
Earth Transit Charles L. Fontenay ss
Dio Damon Knight nv
Wonderbird Harlan Ellison & Algis Budrys
Deadline Walter L. Kleine ss
The Courts of Jamshyd Robert F. Young ss
Survival Factor Charles V. De Vet ss |
1957 - N° 12
Couverture de Emsh
"Welcome Home"
The Last Man Left in the Bar C. M. Kornbluth
Welcome Home Dean McLaughlin n
Dr. Vickers' Car Edward Wellen ss
Death Scene Clifford D. Simak ss
The Other Side of the Sky [Part 2 of 2] Arthur C. Clarke gp
The Enemy Richard Wilson vi
To Make a Hero [*Leland Hale] Randall Garrett nv
Second Census John Victor Peterson ss |
1957 - N° 13
Couverture de Emsh
"The General and the Axe"
The General and the Axe Gordon R. Dickson
Nor Iron Bars [*Gordon Arpe] James Blish
One-Way Journey Robert Silverberg nv
The Skirmisher Algis Budrys ss
The Railhead at Kysyl Khoto Allen K. Lang
Reflections on Falling Over Backwards in a Swivel Chair Carlton J.
Fassbinder ms
The Long Question David Mason ss
Formula for Murder Lee Gregor nv |
1958 - N° 14
Couverture de Emsh
"And Then the Town Took Off"
And Then the Town Took Off [Part 1
of 2] Richard Wilson n.
Lenny [*Susan Calvin (Robot)] Isaac Asimov
Beyond Our Control Randall Garrett ss
The Statistomat Pitch Chan Davis ss
London 1957 Robert Silverberg ar
1958 - N0 15
Couverture de Emsh plus dessin original
"Accept no Substitutes"
The Overlord's Thumb Robert Silverberg
Never Meet Again Algis Budrys ss
The Leaf Robert F. Young ss
Accept No Substitutes Robert Sheckley
Note for a Time Capsule Edward Wellen
Satellite in the Sky Andy Young ar (r)
And Then the Town Took Off [Part 2 of 2] Richard Wilson |
1958 - N° 16
Couverture de Emsh
Leg. Forst. Clifford D. Simak nv
The Beast of Boredom Richard R. Smith ss
Wings of the Phoenix John Bernard Daley nv
Slice of Life Calvin M. Knox ss
A Pound of Prevention G. C. Edmondson ss
West o' Mars Charles L. Fontenay ss |
1958 - N° 17
Couverture de Emsh
"The High Ones"
Recalled to Life
[Part 1 of 2] Robert Silverberg
But Who Can Replace a Man? Brian W. Aldiss
The High Ones Poul Anderson nv
Pangborn's Paradox David Mason ss
The Way Out Richard R. Smith ss
1958 - N° 18
Couverture de Emsh
Recalled to Life [Part 2 of 2]
Robert Silverberg
Beauty Interrupted Charles L. Fontenay ss
And Miles to Go Before I Sleep William F. Nolan
Respectfully Mine [*Leland Hale] Randall Garrett
Signed, Sealed and Delivered Dean A. Grennell
1958 - N° 19
Couverture de Emsh
"The Silent Invaders"
The Silent Invaders Calvin M. Knox nv
Words and Music A. Bertram Chandler s
Between the Dark and the Daylight David C. Hodgkins ss
The Man Who Wouldn't Sign Up Tom Purdom
Fairyland Planet John Silletto nv
Infiltration Algis Budrys ss |
1958 - N° 20 (dernier numιro), Couverture de Emsh
"Planet of Ill Repute"
Spacerogue Webber Martin na
Burden the Hand Randall Garrett ss
Ozymandias Ivar Jorgenson ss
Planet of Ill Repute A. Bertram Chandler ss
There Was an Old Woman Robert Silverberg
Go to Sleep, My Darling Winston K. Marks
The Oddly Elusive Brunette John Victor Peterson |