1 - mars 1940
Couverture ?
World Reborn Thornton Ayre nv
The Lotus-Engine Raymond Z. Gallun ss
Guyon 45X Dean D. O'Brien nv
Phantom from Space John Russell Fearn
Gravity Island Harl Vincent ss
Trans-Plutonian Trap Ross Rocklynne nv
Emergency Refueling James Blish ss
A Stitch in Time Frank Belknap Long, Jr. ss |
2 - mai 1940
Couverture de Gabriel Mayorga
Hollow of the Moon [by Manly Wade Wellman] Gabriel
Barclay nv
Guardian Angel Raymond Z. Gallun ss
Let There Be Light Lyle Monroe ss
Bequest of the Angel [with Harry Dockweiler] James Blish ss
Juice L. Sprague de Camp ss
Arton's Metal Ray Cummings ss
Living Isotopes P. Schuyler Miller ss
King Cole of Pluto S. D. Gottesman nv
Castaway Donald A. Wollheim ss |
3 - juillet 1940
Couverture ?
The Day of the Comet Frederic Arnold Kummer, Jr.
The Timeless Ones Harry Walton ss
Outlaws on Venus John E. Harry ss
Trouble Shooter Harl Vincent nv
Sigma Lyra Passes Oliver Saari ss
The Thought-Woman Ray Cummings ss
Before the Universe [with Frederik Pohl; *Clair & Gaynor] S. D.
Gottesman nv
Europa Enchantment Henry Andrew Ackermann ss |
4 - septembre 1940
Couverture de Sherry
Invisible One Neil R. Jones nv
The Invasion Robert Willey ss
The Girl in the Bottle Jack Williamson nv
Men on the Morning Star Charles Henry Mackintosh ss
Strange Playfellow Isaac Asimov ss
Venusian Tragedy Max C. Sheridan nv
Rebirth of Man Basil E. Wells ss
The Radium-Bugs Helen Weinbaum ss
Phantom from Neptune Henry Andrew Ackermann ss |
5 - novembre 1940
Couverture de Leo Morey
Cepheid Planet R. R. Winterbotham nv
Asokore Power L. Sprague de Camp ss
Dimension-Hazard Hal K. Wells ss
The Horizontals Frank Belknap Long ss
The Monster on the Border William F. Temple
Secret of the Crypt Oliver Saari ss
Mutiny in Hell William A. Rossi ss
Nova Midplane S. D. Gottesman ss
The Outpost at Altark Robert A. W. Lowndes ss |
6 - janvier 1941
Couverture ?
Collision Course Ross Rocklynne ss
Buckethead Arthur G. Stangland ss
Water Pirate Leigh Brackett ss
Vacant World [with Frederik Pohl & C. M. Kornbluth] Dirk Wylie
The Dweller in the Ice James MacCreigh ss
Beings Like These Graph Waldeyer nv
Blue Boy E. A. Grosser ss
Another's Eyes John L. Chapman ss
Under the Sand-Seas Oliver Saari nv |
7 - mars 1941
Couverture ?
Genus Homo L. Sprague
de Camp & P. Schuyler Miller n.
History Isaac Asimov ss
Space-War Strategy Malcolm Jameson ar
Almost Human Ray Cummings ss
A Voyage in Time Warren F. Howard ss
Captives of the Durna Rangue Neil R. Jones |
8 - mai 1941
Couverture ?
Mission Unknown! Henry Hasse na
Smugglers of the Moon P. Schuyler Miller ss
Best Friend [with Frederik Pohl] S. D. Gottesman
Interstellar Way-Station Bob Tucker ss
The Brothers Michael D. Shea ss
The Rannie Willard E. Hawkins nv |
9 - aoϋt 1941
Couverture de Sherry
Aerita of the Light Country Ray Cummings
Vendetta on Venus Kerry Lash ss
Willie Wins a War E. A. Grosser ss
Invaders from Nowhere L. Sprague de Camp
Higgledy's Pig Myer Krulfeld ss
The Thought Chariot Simpson M. Ritter ms
The Psychopathic Martians Allan Ingvald Benson
Stranger from Smallness Otis Adelbert Kline nv |
10 - novembre 1941
Couverture ?
Lost Legion Lyle Monroe na
The Biped, Reegan Alfred Bester ss
Tumithak of the Towers of Fire [*Tumithak] Charles R. Tanner nv
Pendulum Ray Bradbury & Henry Hasse ss
Red Gem of Mercury Henry Kuttner nv
Monster of the Moon Ray Cummings s |