11 - fιvrier 1942
Couverture ?
Cross of Mercrux Harry Walton nv
Child of the Green Light Leigh Brackett ss
Spaceship from Korl Frederic Arnold Kummer, Jr. nv
Atrakin and the Man Walter Kubilius ss
The Waters Under the Earth James D. Perry
The Wicked People Ross Rocklynne ss
The Hunted Ones John E. Harry nv |
12 - mai 1942
Couverture de Virgil Finlay
plus dessin originalPrisoner of Time Polton Cross nv
The Missing Day Henry Hasse nv
Sunken Universe [*Lavon] Arthur Merlyn ss
Space Hitch-Hiker Eando Binder ss
Andryne Arthur Macom ss
The World Within Nelson S. Bond ss
The Lemmings Wilfred Owen Morley ss
The Weapon H. B. Ogden ss
Dreadnoughts of Doom Henry Andrew Ackermann ss |
13 - aoϋt 1942
Couverture de Hubert Rogers
Cube from Space Leigh Brackett nv
Mars Warning Henry Hasse ss
Wreckers of the Star Patrol Malcolm Jameson
An Old Neptunian Custom Scott Mariner ss
Victory Unintentional Isaac Asimov ss
Cham of the Hills Charles R. Tanner nv
Return from Zero Ross Rocklynne ss |
14 - novembre 1942
Couverture de Stephen Lawrence
We Guard the Black Planet! Henry Kuttner
The Revolt of the Machine Men Charles R. Tanner
Sky Test [with Frederik Pohl] Dirk Wylie nv
Parrots of Venus Walter Kubilius ss
The Imaginary [*Tan Porus] Isaac Asimov
The Man Without a Planet Ivar Towers ss
His Aunt Thiamin Alan Barrister nv
The Planet Called Aquella Martin Pearson ss
Beyond the End of Time Ray Cummings ss |
15 - fιvrier 1943
Couverture de Virgil Finlay
For SaleOne World Ross Rocklynne nv
The Persecutors Cleve Cartmill na
Garments of Doom William Morrison ss
Circle of Youth Frank Belknap Long ss
Sunward Flight Arthur Leo Zagat na
The Fear Planet Robert Bloch ss
War God's Gamble Harry Walton ss |
16 - mai 1943
Couverture de Virgil Finlay
The Angular Stone Henry Hasse na
Reader, I Hate You! Henry Kuttner ss
Legion of the Dark Manly Wade Wellman nv
The Darker Light Cleve Cartmill ss
Exile Edmond Hamilton ss
New Day on Aurora Stuart Fleming ss
Journey's End Walter Kubilius ss |
17 - janvier 1949
Couverture de Stephen Lawrence
The Black Sun Rises Henry Kuttner nv
The Silence Ray Bradbury ss
Moonworm's Dance Stanley Mullen nv
The Other Sanford Vaid ss
The Bounding Crown James Blish nv
A Handful of Stars Walter Kubilius nv
The Sky Will Be Ours Manly Wade Wellman
Cabal Cleve Cartmill ss |
18 - avril 1949
Couverture de Stephen Lawrence
Death Quotient John D. MacDonald nv
I, Mars Ray Bradbury ss
All Our Yesterdays John Wade Farrell ss
The Earth Killers A. E. van Vogt nv
Darkside Destiny James MacCreigh ss
Dhactwhu!Remember? Wilfred Owen Morley & Jacques DeForest
Erman nv
Delusion Drive [by John D. MacDonald] Peter Reed
Son of the Stars F. Orlin Tremaine ss |
19 - juillet 1949
Couverture de Stephen Lawrence
The Brain Beast William F. Temple na
The Hunted John D. MacDonald ss
The Wall of Darkness Arthur C. Clarke ss
Dreadful Dreamer Margaret St. Clair ss
Spaceman, Beware! Stanley Mullen ss
Changeling Ray Bradbury ss
The Survivors Bryce Walton ss
Gravity Trap Damon Knight ss
The Hand from the Stars Kris Neville ss |
20 - septembre 1949
Couverture de Stephen Lawrence
et dessin originalMinion of Chaos John D. MacDonald nv
Bride of Eternity Margaret St. Clair ss
The Miniature [by John D. MacDonald] Peter Reed
World of No Return Bryce Walton ss
Minus Danger! George O. Smith nv
Star-Brother Stanley Mullen ss
The Metal Moon [*Professor Jameson] Neil R. Jones nv
21 - novembre 1949
Couverture de Stephen Lawrence
Gateway to Darkness [*Crag] Fredric Brown
The Timeless Man Frank Belknap Long ss
This Star Shall Be Free Murray Leinster ss
Child of Void Margaret St. Clair ss
Impossible Ray Bradbury ss
Appointment for Tomorrow John D. MacDonald
The Sleepers John Wade Farrell ss
Parasite Planet [*Professor Jameson] Neil R. Jones nv |