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Annιe 1934
53 - janvier
Couverture de Frank R. Paul
The Exile of the Skies
[Part 1 of 3] Richard Vaughan n.
The Man from Ariel Donald A. Wollheim ss
Today's Yesterday Rice Ray ss
When Reptiles Ruled Duane N. Carroll ss
The Secret of the Microcosm F. Golub; trans. by Francis M. Currier
Moon Plague Raymond Z. Gallun nv
Garfield's Invention Leo am Bruhl ss
Evolution Satellite [Part 2 of 2; *Earth-Guard] J. Harvey Haggard |
5, N° 7 - Fιvrier 1934
Couverture de Frank R. Paul
The Spore Doom [by Earl Binder & Otto
Binder] Eando Binder nv
The Sublime Vigil Chester D. Cuthbert ss
The Vengeance of a Scientist Abner J. Gelula
An Episode on Io [*Earth-Guard] J. Harvey Haggard nv
The Shot from the Sky Benson Herbert ss
The Exile of the Skies [Part 2 of 3] Richard Vaughan n.
5, N° 8 - Mars 1934
Couverture de Frank R. Paul
Xandulu [Part 1 of 3] Jack Williamson na
The Brain-Eaters of Pluto Kenneth Sterling
Children of the Ray J. Harvey Haggard nv
Martian Madness P. E. Cleator ss
Caverns of Horror [*Stranger Club] Laurence Manning nv
The Literary Corkscrew David H. Keller, M.D.
The Exile of the Skies [Part 3 of 3] Richard Vaughan n.
5, N° 9 - Avril 1934
Couverture de Frank R. Paul
The Land of Mighty Insects A. C. Stimson
The Moon Devils John Beynon Harris ss
The Menace from Space John Edwards nv
The End of the Universe Milton Kaletsky vi
The Last Planet R. F. Starzl nv
Xandulu [Part 2 of 3] Jack Williamson na
5, N° 10 - mai 1934
Couverture de Frank R. Paul
Druso [Part
1 of 3] Friedrich Freksa n
Traders in Treasures Epaminondas T. Snooks, D.T.G. ss
Earthspot Morrison Colladay ss
The Tone Machine Chester G. Osborne ss
The Green Cloud of Space [by Earl Binder & Otto Binder] Eando Binder ss
Xandulu [Part 3 of 3] Jack Williamson na |
6, N° 1 - Juin 1934
Couverture de Frank R. Paul
Into the Infinitesimal Kaye Raymond na
The Doorbell David H. Keller ss
Cosmic Calamity W. Varick Nevins, III ss
Adrift in the Void John Pierce ss
Druso [Part 2 of 3] Friedrich
trans. by Fletcher Pratt n
6, N° 2 - Juillet 1934
Couverture de Frank R. Paul
Enslaved Brains
[Part 1 of 3; by Earl Binder & Otto Binder] Eando Binder n.
Voice of Atlantis [*Stranger Club] Laurence Manning nv
A Martian Odyssey [*Tweel] Stanley G. Weinbaum
A Hair-Raising Tale W. L. Sheppard, Jr. ss
The Last Shrine Chester D. Cuthbert nv
Druso [Part 3 of 3] Friedrich Freksa; trans. by Fletcher Pratt n.
6, N° 3 - Aoϋt 1934
Couverture de Frank R. Paul
Dimensional Fate A. L. Burkholder ss
A Visit to Venus Festus Pragnell nv
The Return of Tyme [*Tyme] A. Fedor & Henry Hasse ss
The Sense Twister W. Varick Nevins, III ss
The Men from Gayln E. Mantell ss
Enslaved Brains [Part 2 of 3; by Earl Binder & Otto Binder] Eando
Binder n
6, N° 4 - Septembre 1934
Couverture de Frank R. Paul
The Fall of the Eiffel Tower
[Part 1 of 3] Charles de Richter; trans. by Fletcher Pratt
The Man from Beyond John Beynon Harris
The Living Galaxy Laurence Manning ss
The Tree of Evil [*Taine of San Francisco] David H. Keller nv
Enslaved Brains [Part 3 of 3; by Earl Binder & Otto Binder] Eando
Binder n.
6, N° 5 - Octobre 1934
Couverture de Frank R. Paul
The Thieves from Isot [by Earl Binder & Otto Binder]
Eando Binder nv
The Final Struggle Francesco Bivona ss
The Brain of Ali Kahn L. A. Eshbach ss
The Fall of the Eiffel Tower [Part 2 of 3] Charles de Richter; trans.
by Fletcher Pratt n.
6, N° 6 - Novembre 1934
Couverture de Frank R. Paul et dessin original
Dawn to Dusk [Part 1 of 3; by Earl Binder &
Otto Binder] Eando Binder n
The Control Drug Benson Herbert ss
Valley of Dreams [*Tweel] Stanley G. Weinbaum
One Prehistoric Night Philip Barshofsky ss
The Growth Promoter Paul K. Chapple ss
Twenty-Five Centuries Late Philip Jacques Bartel
The Fall of the Eiffel Tower [Part 3 of 3] Charles de Richter; trans.
by Fletcher Pratt n.
6, N° 7 - Dιcembre 1934
Couverture de Frank R. Paul plus back cover
The Alien Room W. P. Cockroft ss
Higher Jurisdiction D. D. Sharp vi
The Black River John M. Corbett nv
House of Monstrosities Edsel Newton ss
The Moth Message [*Stranger Club] Laurence Manning ss
The Time Tragedy Raymond A. Palmer ss
The Waterspout Eugene H. Scheftleman ss
Sleep Scourge Henry J. Kostkos ss
Dawn to Dusk [Part 2 of 3; by Earl Binder & Otto Binder] Eando Binder
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