N° 62 - janvier 1935
Couverture de Frank R. Paul
The Hidden Colony
[Part 1 of 3] Otfrid von Hanstein; trans. by Fletcher Pratt n.
The Prenatal Plagiarism Mortimer Weisinger
One-Way Tunnel David H. Keller nv
The Emotion Meter W. Varick Nevins, III ss
Master of the Genes Edmond Hamilton ss
Cosmic Joke Leslie F. Stone ss
Dawn to Dusk [Part 3 of 3; by Earl Binder & Otto Binder] Eando
Binder |
 N° 63 - fιvrier 1935
Couverture de Frank R. Paul
The Robot Aliens [by
Earl Binder & Otto Binder] Eando Binder nv
The Fatal Glance Derwin Lesser vi
The Truth Gas Edmond Hamilton ss
The Life Detour David H. Keller ss
The Hidden Colony [Part 2 of 3] Otfrid von Hanstein |
 N° 64 - mars 1935
Couverture de Frank R. Paul
In Caverns Below
[Part 1 of 3] Stanton A. Coblentz
The Eternal Cycle Edmond Hamilton ss
The Celestial Visitor Lilith Lorraine nv
Pigments Is Pigments Mortimer Weisinger ss
The Hidden Colony [Part 3 of 3] Otfrid von Hanstein |
N° 65 - avril 1935
Couverture de Frank R. Paul
The Elixir of Progress
Philip J. Bartel nv
Phantom Monsters Joseph H. Kraus ss
A Suitor by Proxy Harry Collier ss
The Insect World [*Eo, Reports to the Scientific Council] Thos. S.
Gardner ss
The Missing Hours Morton Brotman ss
The Prophetic Voice Laurence Manning ss
In Caverns Below [Part 2 of 3] Stanton A. Coblentz n. |
N° 66 - mai 1935
Couverture de Frank R. Paul
The Waltz of Death
[Part 1 of 3] P. B. Maxon
Human Ants J. Harvey Haggard nv
The Moaning Lily Emma Vanne ss
The Living Machine David H. Keller ss
In Caverns Below [Part 3 of 3] Stanton A. Coblentz n. |
67 - juin 1935
Couverture de Frank R. Paul
Seeds from Space [*Stranger Club] Laurence
Manning nv
Pygmalion's Spectacles Stanley G. Weinbaum
The Mystery of the -/- W. Varick Nevins, III ss
Death from Within Sterling S. Cramer nv
The Waltz of Death [Part 2 of 3] P. B. Maxon
68 - juillet 1935
Couverture ?
The Green Man of Graypec
[Part 1 of 3; *Kilsona] Festus Pragnell n.
Justice of the Atoms Charles B. Pool ss
The Memory Machine Bernard Sachs nv
A Thief in Time Raymond A. Young ss
The Waltz of Death [Part 3 of 3] P. B. Maxon |
69 - aoϋt 1935
Couverture ?
The Reign of the Reptiles A. Connell nv
The Worlds of If [*Van Manderpootz] Stanley G. Weinbaum ss
The Man With the Four Dimensional Eyes Leslie F. Stone ss
The Branches of Time David R. Daniels ss
The Green Man of Graypec [Part 2 of 3; *Kilsona] Festus
Pragnell n. |
70 - septembre 1935
Couverture de Frank R. Paul
World of the Mist [Part 1 of 2] Laurence Manning
The Ideal [*Van Manderpootz] Stanley G. Weinbaum ss
One Hundred Generations Philip Jacques Bartel
The Space Lens Millard Verne Gordon ss
The Green Man of Graypec [Part 3 of 3; *Kilsona] Festus
Pragnell |
N° 71 - octobre 1935
Couverture de Frank R. Paul
The Perfect World
[Part 1 of 3] Benson Herbert n.
The Cosmic Pantograph Edmond Hamilton ss
Martian Gesture Alexander M. Phillips nv
The Sex Serum H. O. Dickinson nv
World of the Mist [Part 2 of 2] Laurence Manning na |
72 - novembre, dιcembre 1935
Couverture de Frank R. Paul
Dream's End A. Connell ss
The Isle of Madness Lilith Lorraine nv
Red Moon Kenneth Sterling ss
Three from the Test-Tube Raymond A. Palmer
The Rays from the Asteroid R. D. Parkinson
The Perfect World [Part 2 of 3] Benson Herbert n |
N° 73 -
janvier, fιvrier 1936
Couverture de Frank R. Paul
A World Unseen [Part 1
of 2] Joseph Wm. Skidmore na
The Mad World A. L. Burkholder ss
The Point of View [*Van Manderpootz] Stanley G. Weinbaum ss
The Bipeds of Bjhulhu Kenneth Sterling ss
Isle of the Gargoyles William Lemkin, Ph.D. na
The Perfect World [Part 3 of 3] Benson Herbert n.
74 - mars, avril 1936
Couverture de Frank R. Paul
The World of Singing Crystals [*Eo, Reports to the
Scientific Council] Thos. S. Gardner
The Cosmic Cocktail Siegfried Wagener ss
Earth's Lucky Day Francis Flagg & Forrest J. Ackerman ss
The Duplicate A. Connell ss
The Imperfect Guess Philip Barshofsky ss
Fate Alan Conn vi
Emotion Solution Arthur K. Barnes ss
Futility Gerald H. Adams ss
The Emotion Gas George F. Gatter ss
A World Unseen [Part 2 of 2] Joseph Wm. Skidmore na |