Annιe 1943
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ΰ la liste "Pulps et Magazines Amιricains"
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Couverture de Robert Gibson Jones
The Ice Queen Don
Wilcox n.
Freddie Funk's Madcap Mermaid [*Freddie Funk] Leroy Yerxa ss
The Perfect Husband Dwight V. Swain ss
The Man with Five Lives Clyde Woodruff
Saunders' Strange Second Sight [by David Wright O'Brien] Clee Garson
Lefty Feep Catches Hell [*Lefty Feep] Robert Bloch ss
Mister Trouble David Wright O'Brien ss
Sammy Calls a Noobus Henry A. Norton ss |
Couverture de Robert Gibson Jones
Return of the Whispering Gorilla
[*Whispering Gorilla] David V. Reed n.
The Fisherman Robert Moore Williams ss
Yesterday's Clock David Wright O'Brien nv
Nothing Happens to Lefty Feep [*Lefty Feep] Robert Bloch ss
Spawn of Hell [by William P. McGivern] P. F. Costello ss
The Great Train Robbery John York Cabot ss
The Willful Puppets William P. McGivern nv
Club of the Damned [by David Wright O'Brien] Clee Garson ss
The Fugitive E. K. Jarvis ss |
Couverture de Robert Gibson Jones
Drummers of Daugavo Dwight V. Swain
The Man Who Cried "Werewolf" [by William P. McGivern] P.
F. Costello ss
They Gave Him a Rope H. B. Carleton nv
The Other Abner Small [by David Wright O'Brien] Clee Garson ss
Enchanted Bookshelf William P. McGivern
The Chance of a Ghost [*Lefty Feep] Robert Bloch nv
Jones Gets the Willies [*Willowby Jones] Elroy Arno ss
Trail of the Magic Slippers John York Cabot nv
Tomorrow's Mail Leslie Owen ss
The Black Brain Tarleton Fiske ss |
Couverture de Malcolm Smith
Children of the Golden Amazon [*Golden Amazon (Violet
Ray)] Thornton Ayre
The Curse of Many Hands E. K. Jarvis nv
Where in the Warehouse? Bruce Dennis nv
Lefty Feep and the Racing Robot [*Lefty Feep] Robert Bloch ss
Daughters of Darkness [*Bill Mitchell] Harold Lawlor ss
The Merchant of Venus [by David Wright O'Brien] Clee Garson nv
The Last Case of Jules de Granjerque John York Cabot ss
Furlough from Eternity David Wright O'Brien na
The Bracelet Doris Thomas nv |
Couverture de H.W. McCauley
Return to Lilliput [by Howard Browne] William
Brengle na
Saint Mulligan Nelson S. Bond ss
Return of a Demon Alexander Blade ss
The Irresistible Perfume [*Bill Mitchell] Harold Lawlor ss
The Skeleton in the Closet Tarleton Fiske
A Blend of Wood and Cement Anon. ar
The Curious Coat David Wright O'Brien nv
Genie with the Light Brown Hair [*Lefty Feep] Robert Bloch nv
The Garden of Hell Leroy Yerxa nv
Mistress of the Dark Elroy Arno nv
The Miracle of Kicker McGuire Robert Moore Williams nv |
Couverture de H.W. McCauley
Sky Imp Chester S. Geier ss
Stuporman [*Lefty Feep] Robert Bloch ss
I'll Be There with Music Berkeley Livingston nv
Stenton's Shadow David Wright O'Brien nv
Lost Legions of Carthage Leroy Yerxa na
Genie of Bagdad William P. McGivern na
Have You Seen Me? Richard Vardon ss
Citadel of Hate [by Leroy Yerxa] Lee Francis na
Almost Human Tarleton Fiske ss
Juillet 1943
Couverture de Robert Gibson Jones
Craig's Book
Don Wilcox n.
Little Yowlie Warren A. Reed ss
If You Believe Chester S. Geier ss
Caverns of Time Carlos M. McCune na
The Goon from Rangoon [*Lefty Feep] Robert Bloch ss
Nazi, Are You Resting Well? Leroy Yerxa ss
Other Worlds Walton Blodgett nv |
Couverture de Robert Gibson Jones
The Star Shepherd [by Howard Browne] William
Brengle nv
World Beyond Belief William P. McGivern nv
Chariot of Death Don Wilcox n.
Phantom Commando Leroy Yerxa ss
You Can't Kid Lefty Feep [*Lefty Feep] Robert Bloch
Dinky Winky Woo Harold Lawlor ss
Fairy Tale Tarleton Fiske nv |
Couverture de Robert Gibson Jones
Jewels of the Toad [by Raymond A. Palmer] Frank
Patton ss
World of the Paper Dolls Don Wilcox na
A Horse on Lefty Feep [*Lefty Feep] Robert Bloch
Tink Fights the Gremlins [*Tink] William P. McGivern nv
Mystery of the Creeping Underwear Tarleton Fiske ss
Warrior Maids of Libya Leroy Yerxa na
Trick with a Brick Elroy Arno ss
Couverture de Robert Gibson Jones and original cover
Witch of Blackfen Moor [by Leroy Yerxa] Lee
Francis na
Freddie Funk's Seven League Boots [*Freddie Funk] Leroy Yerxa nv
The Wooden Ham [by Leroy Yerxa] Morris J. Steele
Pearl-Handled Poison [by Leroy Yerxa] Richard Casey ss
Professor Cyclone [by Leroy Yerxa] Alexander Blade nv
Jones Buys War Blondes [*Willowby Jones] Elroy Arno ss
You Can Say That Again [by Leroy Yerxa] G. H. Irwin ss
Heroes Die Hard [by Leroy Yerxa] Henry Gade ss
Cloak of Satan [by Leroy Yerxa] Frank Patton nv |
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