Couverture de H.W. McCauley
plus dessin originalThe Floating Robot David Wright O'Brien na
The Dynamouse William P. McGivern nv
The Vanishing Witnesses Ross Rocklynne ss
The Golden Amazon Returns [*Golden Amazon (Violet Ray)] Thornton
Ayre nv
Dr. KeltonBody Snatcher Richard O. Lewis
The Horse That Talked Edmond Hamilton nv |
Couverture de J. Allen St John
Slaves of the Fish Men [*Venus (Carson Napier et al)]
Edgar Rice Burroughs na
Harnessing the Sahara Jack West ms
Death Walks in Washington [*Oscar] James Norman nv
The Thought Robot John York Cabot ss
Beyond the Time Door David Wright O'Brien
Adopted Son of the Stars William P. McGivern
Secret of the Stone Doll Don Wilcox nv
Twenty-Fifth Century Sherlock Duncan Farnsworth ss |
Couverture de Robert Fuqua
Land of the Shadow Dragons [*Invisible Robinhood]
Eando Binder na
Three Eyes in the Dark Don Wilcox ss
The Masterful Mind of Mortimer Meek William P. McGivern na
Moons of Death David V. Reed nv
The Man Who Murdered Himself Duncan Farnsworth ss
The Machine from the Past James Norman ss
Mr. Duffy's Other Life Arthur T. Harris ss
If the Sun Turned Green Lyle D. Gunn vi |
Couverture de H.W. McCauley
Onslaught of the Druid Girls Ray Cummings
Wanderer of Little Land [*Little People] Eando Binder na
The Man Who Bought Mars Polton Cross nv
Amazons of a Weird Creation Jep Powell nv
Sidney, the Screwloose Robot William P. McGivern ss
Bill of Rights, 5000 A.D. John York Cabot
It Can't Be Done Guy Fauldes ms |
Couverture Allen St John & H.W. McCauley
Goddess of Fire [*Venus
(Carson Napier et al)] Edgar Rice Burroughs na
MurderedYet Alive Jep Powell ss
Abner Schlap's Strange Insight Arthur T. Harris
City of Lost Souls [*Don Warren] Ralph Milne Farley & Al P.
Nelson nv
Three Terrible People John York Cabot nv
Robots Can't Lie Robert Leslie Bellem ss
Doorway of Vanishing Men William P. McGivern ss |
Couverture de Rod Ruth
The Return of Circι Nat Schachner na
Problem on Mars Duncan Farnsworth ss
Mr. Murchison's Ghost Robert Moore Williams
More About the Sun P. F. Costello ms
Secret League of Six Don Wilcox ss
Ebbtide Jones' Atom Constrictor [*Ebbtide Jones] Miles Shelton
Peter Fereny's Death Cell William P. McGivern
Fantastic Playground William P. McGivern ms |
Couverture de Robert Fuqua
The Liquid Man C. B. Gilford na; given as by
Bernard C. Gilford.
Oscar Saves the Union [*Oscar] James Norman
Miracle at Dunkirk John York Cabot nv
Wilbury's Incredible Gadget [*Oscar Wilbury] Donald Bern ss
The Pulsating Planet John Broome nv
The Man Who Saw Through Time Leonard Raphael ss |
Couverture de H.W. McCauley
The Earthquake Girl Joseph J. Millard na
Thunder Over Washington William P. McGivern
Queen of the Living Puppets Don Wilcox nv
Tink Takes a Hand [*Tink] William P. McGivern
The Perfect Hideout [by William P. McGivern] P. F. Costello ss
The Goddess of Love Duncan Farnsworth ss
The Truthful Liar John York Cabot ss |
Couverture de J. Allen St John
The Living Dead [*Venus (Carson Napier et al)]
Edgar Rice Burroughs na
Eight Who Came Back Nat Schachner nv
Al Addin and the Infra-Red Lamp William P. McGivern nv
The Man from the Future Don Wilcox ss
The Genius of Mr. Pry Duncan Farnsworth nv
Henry Horn's Super-Solvent [*Henry Horn] Dwight V. Swain ss |
Couverture de Rod Ruth
Death Plays a Game David V. Reed na
Mr. Eee Conducts a Tour Don Wilcox nv
The Reformation of Joseph Reed Robert Moore Williams nv
The Beauty and the Beasties David Wright O'Brien nv
Rewbarb's Remarkable Radio William P. McGivern ss
People of the Pyramids [by William P. McGivern] P. F. Costello
nv |