ANNEE 1979, 1980, 1994, 1995

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1979 - N° 250
Couverture de Bob Schaffer
Parasite Dann Flesher nv
Duet Christopher Sefton nv
Jem [Part 2 of 5] Frederik Pohl n
The World of God J. T. McIntosh nv
A Scientific Fact Jack C. Haldeman, II vi
Someone to Talk To Dona Vaughn ss
1979 - N° 251
Couverture de Kenneth Smith
Star Warriors [Part 1 of 2] Jesse Peel na
The-Super-Duper-Make-Your-Own-Baby-in-a-Test-Tube-Gang Guyanne Kucera ss
Femworld [from Renaissance] A. E. van Vogt
The Psychic Peter Martin nv
An End to Crime Edward W. Ludwig ss
Jem [Part 3 of 5] Frederik Pohl n.
When the Metal Eaters Came David Bunch vi
Beneath the Bermuda Triangle Jane Gallion nv
1979 - N° 252
Couverture ?
The Invasion of America Gil Lamont nv
Star Warriors [Part 2 of 2] Jesse Peel na
A Beast for Norn [*Haviland Tuf] George R. R. Martin nv
The Depression of 1980 George Alec Effinger
Jem [Part 4 of 5] Frederik Pohl n.
A Little Girl's Spring Day in Moderan David Bunch
1980 -N° 253
Couverture de Larry Blamire
Movers and Shakers Ed Teja ms
In the Shubbi Arms Steven Utley & Howard Waldrop ss
The Colony Raymond Kaminski ss
The Night Machine Dona Vaughn ss
In the Days of the Steam Wars Eugene Potter & Larry Blamire ss
Jem [Part 5 of 5] Frederik Pohl n. |
1994 - N° 254
Couverture de E.J. Gold
The City of the Dead Robert Sheckley nv
That's the Spirit Horace L. Gold ss
The Nature of the Place Robert Silverberg vi
Pythias Frederik Pohl ss
Vampire's Fast [Part 1 of 2] Jacqueline Lichtenberg nv
Perfectly Preserved Chuck Rothman vi
What Comes Naturally Greg Costikyan vi
Cigarbox David Kyle ss
Let Sleeping Sigils Lie Lawrence Schimel ss
Last Appointment Arthur Jean Cox vi
Cyberactions J. W. Donnelly ss
In the Canal Zone Jean Marie Stine ss
1994 - N° 255
Couverture de Frank Kelly Freas
None But Lucifer [Part 1 of 3] Horace L. Gold
& L. Sprague de Camp n. 2 of 2] Jacqueline Lichtenberg nv
City of the Dead Part IIWeather Sirens Robert Sheckley ss
The Court of Sorrows K. D. Wentworth ss
Anachronism Chad Oliver ss
Perchance to Scream Janet Berliner Gluckman ss
The Pain Peddlers Robert Silverberg ss
Gris-Gris Jean Marie Stine ss
The Words, the Names Don Webb ss
Nothing Changes Chuck Rothman vi
The Vilbar Party Evelyn E. Smith ss
Atmospheric Conditions Lawrence Schimel vi
The Boy Who Always Said No Harry Nilsson vi
1994 - N° 256
Couverture de Frank Kelly Freas
None But Lucifer [Part 2 of 3] Horace L.
Gold & L. Sprague de Camp n
Three Wish Habit Janni Lee Simner ss 1992
Perseus - City of the Dead - Installment 3 Robert Sheckley ss
The Big Chill Cynthia Ward ss
Tunnel Vision Roger Zelazny vi
A Fleeting Wisp of Glory Laura Resnick ss Alternate
More Stately Mansions John B. Rosenman ss
The Fornicators Barbara Johnson-Haddad vi
Ants in Her Attic Kent Brewster ss
Graveyard at the Grand Janet Berliner vi
The Line Zachary Kane vi
Phobiac Lawrence Schimel vi
Cancellation Ruth O'Neill vi
Extraction Jeffry Dwight ss
Conservation of Probability Brook West vi
Until They Can Be Made Unbreakable Frank Catalano vi
Wells of Wisdom Brad Linaweaver ss
The Phantom of the Aquarius Jean Marie Stine ss
1994 - N° 257
Couverture de Don Pφst
The Shadow of the Falcon Jack Kirby & Janet
Berliner ss
The Luckiest Man Greg Vose ss
I'm Nothing Without You Cynthia Ward ss
Olympus Bar and Grill Chuck Rothman ss
Central Premise L. S. Silverthorne vi
Altercon Kent Brewster ss
Good Night, Mr. James Clifford D. Simak ss
"Feeling Bold" [*Sven Fort] Jean Marie Stine ss
None But Lucifer [Part 3 of 3] Horace L. Gold & L. Sprague de Camp
1994 - N° 258
Couverture de Della Heywood
Martha's Miracle Don Hornbostel vi
Innocent at Large Poul & Karen Anderson nv
Behind the Curtain of Flowers Jane M. Lindskold
Rounded with a Sleep John Rosenman ss
Thus, to the Stars Barry N. Malzberg & Carter Scholz ss
Life with Ida Janna Hart vi
Robots Chuck Rothman ss
Desert Run William F. Wu vi
Wishbook Days Janni Lee Simner ss Christmas Ghosts,
Post Plato Paul Levinson vi
Brother Billy's Good News K. D. Wentworth ss
Black Charlie Gordon R. Dickson ss
The Portal Lonie Blackman Ward vi
Collector's Item Evelyn E. Smith nv
Jinni's So Long at the Fair Jean Marie Stine ss
1994 - N° 259
Couverture de Frank Kelly Freas
Dragon Lady Evelyn E. Smith ss
No Room for the Unicorn Laura Resnick ss
The Hidden Dragon Barbara Delaplace ss
Stalking the Unicorn with Gun and Camera Michael D. Resnick ss
The Deep Down Dragon Judith Merril ss
Fluff the Tragic Dragon Laura Resnick nv
Mother Mae I...? Lawrence Schimel ss
Unicorn Season Janni Lee Simner ss
The Trials and Tribulations of Myron Blumberg, Dragon Mike Resnick
The Justice-Bearer Cynthia Ward vi
Yule K. D. Wentworth ss
Almost Fired Robert E. Rogoff vi
Grounders Tom Von Halder vi
Rose Gardens Gene Bostwick vi
The Unicorn Contract Jens H. Altmann ss
The Softsmith Paul Levinson vi
A Boy and His Rooster Lawrence Schimel vi
The Traders Jean Marie Stine ss |
1995 - N° 260
Couverture de Vincent diFate
Seven Soup Rivers Robert Sheckley nv
Support Unlimited Sandy Saidak ss
Midnight Pearls Blue William F. Wu vi
The Greatest Loss Barbara Johnson-Haddad vi
Thoroughly Modern Magic Jack Nimersheim ss
This Space for Rent Charlee Jacob ss
MUgwump Four Robert Silverberg ss
The Temptation of Harringay Sarah Zettel ss
Old Rambling House Frank Herbert ss
Songs of the Soul Jacqueline F. Falkenhan ss
Lulungomeena Gordon R. Dickson ss
The Client from Hell Richard Curtis ss
Just Rubberface and Me E. Jay O'Connell ss
Coke Bottle Lenses Robert E. Rogoff vi
The Dead-End Jean Marie Stine vi |
1995 - N° 261 (Final Issue)
Couverture de Zoλ
Reckless [*Sven Fort] Jean Marie Stine nv
Me and My Shadow Mike Resnick ss
Crystal Alma Maria Garcia ss
Knockout Robert E. Rogoff vi
Dessert Robert E. Rogoff vi
I'm Dying Out Here Robert E. Rogoff ss
Dances with Elves Cynthia Ward vi
Bad Moon Rising James L. Wright, Jr. ss
Sacrifice L. S. Silverthorne vi
Syrup of Greep Greg Costikyan ss
That's Progress Lyn Nichols vi
The Difference a Day Makes Gregory Fitz Gerald ss
Mutant Marsh Cassady vi
Silky, Slinky, FabulousTo Die For Mark McLaughlin vi
The Man in the Mailbag Gordon R. Dickson nv |

Goes Electronic
Pages : 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8,
9, 10, 11,
12, 13, 14,
15, 16,
17, 18,
19, 20,
21, 22,
23, 24

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