OCTOBRE 1964 A AOUT 1966
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1964 - N° 131
Couverture de Schelling "Soldier, Ask Not
Soldier, Ask Not [*Childe Cycle] Gordon R. Dickson na
Be of Good Cheer Fritz Leiber ss
How the Old World Died Harry Harrison ss
The 1980 President Miriam Allen deFord ss
The Tactful Saboteur [*Jorj X. McKie] Frank Herbert nv
What's the Name of That Town? R. A. Lafferty
Maxwell's Monkey Edgar Pangborn ss
Precious Artifact Philip K. Dick ss
The Children of Night Frederik Pohl nv |
1964 - N° 132
Couverture de McKenna "To Avenge Man"
The Starsloggers [*Bill the Galactic
Harry Harrison na
The Rules of the Road Norman Spinrad ss
The Monster and the Maiden Roger Zelazny
A Man of the Renaissance Wyman Guin nv
Let Me Call Her Sweetcore David R. Bunch ss
To Avenge Man Lester del Rey nv
1965 - N° 133
Couverture de Wright "Planet of Forgetting"
On the Storm Planet [*Casher O'Neill] Cordwainer Smith na
A Flask of Fine Arcturan C. C. MacApp ss
The Sixth Palace Robert Silverberg ss
The Man Who Killed Immortals J. T. McIntosh
Harry Protagonist, Brain-drainer Richard Wilson
Fin's Funeral Donald H. Menzel ss
Planet of Forgetting James H. Schmitz nv
1965 - N° 134
Couverture de Schelling "War Against the Yukks"
Committee of the Whole Frank Herbert ss
Wrong-Way Street Larry Niven ss
Death and Birth of the Angakok [*Esks] Hayden Howard nv
A Wobble in Wockii Futures Gordon R. Dickson
Wasted on the Young John Brunner ss
The Decision Makers [*Allan Odegaard (Conscience)] Joseph Green nv
Slow Tuesday Night R. A. Lafferty ss
Sculptor C. C. MacApp ss
War Against the Yukks Keith Laumer nv
1965 - N° 135
Couverture de Schelling "One Face"
Mindswap Robert Sheckley na
Servant Problem Otis Kidwell Burger ss
Blue Fire [*Blue Fire] Robert Silverberg nv
Devil Car [*Sam Nurdock] Roger Zelazny ss
One Face Larry Niven nv
1965 - N° 136
Couverture de Gray Morrow "The Shipwrecked Hotel"
Do I Wake or Dream?
[*Voidship Earthling] Frank Herbert n.
Peeping Tommy Robert F. Young ss
Please State My Business Michael J. Kurland
The Shipwrecked Hotel [*Tritons] James Blish & Norman L. Knight nv
1965 - N° 137, 15th Anniversary Issue
Couverture de Pederson "Founding Father"
The Age of the Pussyfoot [Part
1 of 3] Frederik Pohl n.
Inside Man H. L. Gold ss
A Better Mousehole Edgar Pangborn ss
Three to a Given Star [*Casher O'Neill] Cordwainer Smith nv
Small Deer Clifford D. Simak ss
The Good New Days Fritz Leiber ss
Founding Father Isaac Asimov ss
Shall We Have a Little Talk? Robert Sheckley nv
1965 - N° 138
Couverture de Pderson "The Mercurrymen"
The Mercurymen C. C. MacApp na
Galactic Consumer Reports No. 1: "Inexpensive Time Machines"
John Brunner fa
Laugh Along With Franz Norman Kagan nv
The Warriors of Light [*Blue Fire] Robert Silverberg nv
"Repent, Harlequin!" Said the Ticktockman Harlan Ellison ss
The Age of the Pussyfoot [Part 2 of 3] Frederik Pohl n.
1966 - N° 139
Couverture de Virgil Finlay "Under Old Earth"
Under Old Earth Cordwainer Smith nv
Courting Time Tom Purdom ss
The Echo of Wrath Thomas M. Disch ss
Where the Changed Ones Go [*Blue Fire] Robert Silverberg nv
Eye of an Octopus Larry Niven ss
In the Imagicon George Henry Smith ss
Mulligan, Come Home! Allen Kim Lang ss
The Age of the Pussyfoot [Part 3 of 3] Frederik Pohl n
1966 - N° 140
Couverture de Jack Gaughan "The Last Castle"
plus dessin intιrieur
The Last Castle Jack Vance na
The Crystal Prison Fritz Leiber ss
Lazarus Come Forth! [*Blue Fire] Robert Silverberg nv
The Night Before George Henry Smith ss
Big Business Jim Harmon ss
The Primitives Frank Herbert nv
Devise and Conquer Christopher Anvil ss
1966 - N° 141
Couverture de Morrow "When I was Miss Dow"
Heisenberg's Eyes
[Part 1 of 2]
Frank Herbert n.
Priceless Possession Arthur Porges ss
The Eskimo Invasion [*Esks] Hayden Howard
When I Was Miss Dow Sonya Dorman ss
Open the Sky [*Blue Fire] Robert Silverberg
1966 - N° 142
Couverture de Morrow
The Body Builders Keith Laumer nv
The Piper of Dis [*Tritons] James Blish & Norman L. Knight nv
Among the Hairy Earthmen R. A. Lafferty ss
The Look George Henry Smith ss
Heisenberg's Eyes [Part 2 of 2] Frank Herbert
Who Is Human? [*Esks] Hayden Howard ss
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Pages : 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8,
9, 10, 11,
12, 13, 14, 15,
17, 18,
19, 20, 21,
22, 23,

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