ANNEE 1969
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ΰ la liste "Pulps et magazines amιricains"
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- N° 160
Couverture de Morrow
Foeman, Where Do You Flee? [*Dr. Sidney Lee] Ben
Bova na
Parimutuel Planet James Tiptree, Jr. nv
Dunderbird Harlan Ellison & Keith Laumer ss
116 The Organleggers [*Gil Hamilton] Larry Niven na
Welcome Centaurians Ted Thomas ss |
- N° 161
Couverture de Pederson
To Jorslem [*Watcher] Robert Silverberg na
Now Hear the Word of the Lord Algis Budrys
The War with the Fnools Philip K. Dick ss
Golden Quicksand J. R. Klugh nv
Our Binary Brothers James Blish ss
Kendy's World [*Kendy] Hayden Howard nv |
- N° 162
Couverture de Chafee
And Now They Wake [Part 1
of 3] Keith Laumer n.
The City That Loves You Ray Banks ss
Leviathan Lise Braun ss
The Weather on Welladay Anne McCaffrey nv
The Last Flight of Dr. Ain James Tiptree, Jr. ss
Greeks Bringing Knee-High Gifts Brian W. Aldiss
Godel Numbers J. W. Swanson nv
- N°163
Couverture de Reese
Witch Hunt [*John Wilson] James E. Gunn na
Beam Us Home James Tiptree, Jr. ss
How Like a God Robert Bloch ss
Buckets of Diamonds Clifford D. Simak nv
Slave to Man Sylvia Jacobs ss
And Now They Wake [Part 2 of 3] Keith Laumer n.
- N° 164
Couverture de Bodι
Little Blue Hawk Sydney Van Scyoc na
The Open Secrets [*Duckworth] Larry Eisenberg
Star Dream Terry Carr & Alexei Panshin ss
The Coloured Element Alice Laurance & William K. Carlson ss
Killerbot! Dean R. Koontz ss
A Man Spekith Richard Wilson nv
The Man Inside Bruce McAllister vi
And Now They Wake [Part 3 of 3] Keith Laumer n.
- N° 165
Couverture de Adkins
plus dessin originalDune Messiah [Part 1 of
5; *Dune] Frank Herbert n.
Full Commitment Robert S. Martin ss
The City That Was the World James Blish nv
A Brief History of the Revolution James Sallis & David Lunde
The Kingsolving's Planet Irregulars [*John Grimes] A. Bertram
Chandler nv
- N° 166
Couverture de Pederson
The White King's War [*Dominic Flandry] Poul
Anderson nv
Starhunger Jack Wodhams nv
The Minus Effect [*John Grimes] A. Bertram Chandler nv
When They Openly Walk Fritz Leiber ss
Life Matter Bruce McAllister ss
I Am Crying All Inside Clifford D. Simak ss
Dune Messiah [Part 2 of 5; *Dune] Frank Herbert n.
Rescue Team Lester del Rey vi |
- N° 167
Couverture de Menzel
Humans, Go Home! A. E. van Vogt nv
Martians and Venusians Donald H. Menzel ms
Out of Phase Joe Haldeman ss
Passerby Larry Niven
Citadel John Fortey
Revival Meeting Dannie
Plachta vi
Dune Messiah [Part 3 of 5; *Dune]
Frank Herbert n. |
- N° 168
Couverture de Morrow
Tomorrow Cum Laude [*Kendy]
Hayden Howard
Truly Human Damon Knight ss
God of Cool J. W. Schutz ss
Element of Chance Bob Shaw ss
The Soul Machine [*John Grimes] A. Bertram Chandler ss
Ersalz's Rule George C. Willick ss
Take the B Train Ernest Keith Taves ss
Stella Dannie Plachta ss
Dune Messiah [Part 4 of 5; *Dune] Frank Herbert n. |
- N° 169
Couverture de Jack Gaughan et dessin original
Downward to the
[Part 1 of 4] Robert Silverberg n.
Pennies off a Dead Man's Eyes Harlan Ellison
The Dirty Old Men of Maxsec Phyllis Gotlieb na
Broke and Hungry, No Place to Go Ron Goulart
Dead End Norman Spinrad ss
Dune Messiah [Part 5 of 5; *Dune] Frank Herbert n.
- N° 170
Couverture de Jack & Phoebe Gaughan
Jamboree Jack
Williamson ss
Half Past Human [*Nebishes] T. J. Bass na
Eternity Calling John Chambers ss
The Year of the Good Seed Dannie Plachta & Roger Zelazny ss
Downward to the Earth [Part 2 of 4] Robert Silverberg n.
Oracle for a White Rabbit [*Harlie] David Gerrold nv
Horn of Plenty Vladimir Grigoriev ss |
prιcιdente -- Page suivante
Pages : 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8,
9, 10, 11,
12, 13, 14,
15, 16,
17, 18,
19, 20, 21,
22, 23,

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