ANNEE 1975
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images ci-dessous vous obtiendrez une
version agrandie de celles-ci.
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- N° 215
Couverture de Freff & Wendy Pini
Straw Gene Wolfe ss
Sign of the Unicorn [Part 1 of 3; *Amber] Roger Zelazny n
Powwow Tak Hallus ss
A Horse of a Different Technicolor Craig Strete
The Schwarzkind Singularity W. S. Doxey ss
Love Conquers All [Part 3 of 3] Fred Saberhagen n
Be Ye Perfect M. A. Bartter ss |
- N° 216
Couverture de Wendy & Richard Pini
The Annihilation of Angkor Apeiron [*Berserker]
Fred Saberhagen ss
Allegiances [*Urban Nucleus] Michael Bishop
Marsman Meets the Almighty Don Trotter nv
The Linguist Tak Hallus ss
106 Sign of the Unicorn [Part 2 of 3; *Amber] Roger Zelazny n
The Walden Window A. F. Dearborn ss |
- N° 217
Couverture de Freff
In This Month's Issue Steve Carper ss
The Politics of Ratticide Arsen Darnay nv
Changelings Lisa Tuttle ss
Sign of the Unicorn [Part 3 of 3; *Amber] Roger Zelazny n
Nobody Likes to Be Lonely Spider Robinson nv
Tree of Life Phyllis Eisenstein ss
- N° 218
Couverture de Jack Gaughan
The Game of Blood and Dust Roger Zelazny
Helium [Part 1 of 3] Arsen Darnay n
Efficiency Gregor Hartmann ss
To See the City Sitting on Its Buildings Craig Strete ss
The Day of the Gringo Mal Warwick ss
Dea Ex Machina James Kelly ss
Cheap Thrills Johannes Cliamacus ss
Elmo's Box L. D. Fitzpatrick ss |
- N° 219
Couverture de Wendy Pini
The Eternity Engine [*Blacklantern] Jack
Williamson nv
Elephant with Wooden Leg John T. Sladek
Helium [Part 2 of 3] Arsen Darnay n.
The Venging Greg Bear nv
Let Darkness Fall Gregor Hartmann ss
The Yidam Herbie Brennan ss |
- N° 220
Couverture de Rick Sternbach
Syncope and Fugue Robert Sheckley vi
Eyes I Dare Not Meet in Dreams William Chait
Tinker Jerry Pournelle nv
The Thinker of Tryllmynrein Jon DeCles nv
Helium [Part 3 of 3] Arsen Darnay n
Magma Wave Sam Nicholson ss |
- N° 221
Couverture de Ames
Inferno [Part 1 of 3] Larry Niven & Jerry
Pournelle n
Ranks of Bronze [*Gaius Vibulenius] David Drake ss
High Yield Bondage Hayford Peirce nv
Rim Change [*John Grimes] A. Bertram Chandler na
Nobody Here But Us Shadows Sam Lundwall s |
- N° 222
Couverture de Stephen E. Fabian
Evening Song, Night Dancer Christopher
Alien Persuasion Jeffrey Carver nv
Moonball Patrick Henry Prentice nv
A Nice Girl Like Me Gail Kimberly ss
Inferno [Part 2 of 3] Larry Niven & Jerry Pournelle n
Overdose Spider Robinson ss
The Other Half Steven Utley ss |
- N° 223
Couverture de Wendy & Richard Pini
The Experimenter
Joanna Russ nv
The End Result W. S. Doxey ss
But Loyal to His Own [*Hammer's Slammers] David Drake nv
Inferno [Part 3 of 3] Larry Niven & Jerry Pournelle n
Helbent 4 Stephen Robinett nv
No Mother Near Pat Murphy ss
Crusade Norman E. Hartman ss |
prιcιdente -- Page suivante
Pages : 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8,
9, 10, 11,
12, 13, 14,
15, 16,
17, 18,
19, 20, 21,
22, 23,

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