17, N° 1 - janvier
Couverture de J. Allen St John
Back cover de Frank R. PaulThe Lost Warship
Robert Moore Williams na
Direct Wire [by David Wright O'Brien] Clee Garson ss
Death Makes a Mistake [by William P. McGivern] P. F. Costello ss
Rats in the Belfry John York Cabot ss
Larson's Luck [by William P. McGivern] Gerald Vance ss
Warrior of the Dawn [Part 2 of 2; *Tharn] Howard Browne
The Cosmic Deflector Stanton A. Coblentz ss
Queen of the Flaming Diamond Leroy Yerxa nv
The Chameleon Man William P. McGivern ss |
17, N° 2 - fιvrier
Couverture de J. Allen St John
Skeleton Men of Jupiter
[*Barsoom (John Carter et al)] Edgar Rice Burroughs na
Visitor to Earth [by William P. McGivern] P. F. Costello ss
The New Adam [Part 1 of 2] Stanley G. Weinbaum
Phantom Transport [*"Arrow" Larson] Leroy Yerxa nv
Ard of the Sunset People Stanton A. Coblentz ss
The Persian Carpet Dwight V. Swain na
Phantom from the Film Tarleton Fiske ss
A Pawn for a King Harry Jenkins, Jr. ss |
17, N° 3 - mars
Couverture de Robert Fuqua
Back cover de Frank R. PaulThe Metal Monster E.
K. Jarvis na
The New Adam [Part 2 of 2] Stanley G. Weinbaum n.
Ziff-Davis, 1939; abridged
The Light That Killed [*John Hale] Ed Earl Repp
Bring Back My Body David Wright O'Brien nv
The Money Machine [by David Wright O'Brien] Clee Garson nv
Victory from the Void William P. McGivern & David Wright O'Brien
Bill Caldron Goes to the Future Paul Miles ss
Shadow of the Spider [by Leroy Yerxa] Lee Francis nv |
17, N° 4 - avril
Couverture de Robert Fuqua
That Worlds May
Nelson S. Bond n.
Juggernaut Jones, Warrior [*Juggernaut Jones] A. R. McKenzie ss
Valley of the Black Sun Leroy Yerxa ss
Enigma of the City Chester S. Geier nv
Never Trust a Demon Robert Bloch ss
Gold Rush on Callisto Russell Storm ss
Daughter of Destiny [by Leroy Yerxa] Lee Francis
Periscope Prey David Wright O'Brien ss |
17, N° 5 - mai
Couverture de H.W. McCauley
et dessin originalThe Machine Robert
Moore Williams nv
Twisted Giant of Mars [*Don Hargeaves] Festus Pragnell nv
Adam's Eve Richard O. Lewis ss
The Ordeal of Lancelot Biggs [*Lancelot Biggs] Nelson S. Bond nv
Warrior Queen of Lolarth Ross Rocklynne na
Juggernaut Jones, Draftee [*Juggernaut Jones] A. R. McKenzie ss
Bridge of Banishment Leroy Yerxa nv
Priestess of the Floating Skull [Part 1 of 2] Edwin Benson
Death in Time William McCown ss |
17, N° 6 - juin
Couverture de Hadden
Laboratory of the Mighty
Mites Gilbert Rae Sonbergh ss
Conspirators of Phobos [*Don Hargeaves] Festus Pragnell nv
Flight of the Sirius [by William P. McGivern] P. F. Costello nv
Aid to the Enemy Bob Courtney ss
Earth Stealers [*Lester Allison] Don Wilcox na
Me the People Emil Petaja nv
Pacifist of Hell's Island Robert Moore Williams nv
Priestess of the Floating Skull [Part 2 of 2] Edwin Benson
n. |
17, N° 7 - juillet 1943
Couverture de H.W. McCauley
Back cover de (?) "Warship
of Mars"
Carbon-Copy Killer [by
Howard Browne] Alexander Blade nv
The Great Brain Panic Don Wilcox na
The Man Who Lost His Face Helmar Lewis ss
Jimmy Dolan's Radio Ray Robert Moore Williams
Juggernaut Jones, Commando [*Juggernaut Jones] A. R. McKenzie s
Collision in Space Festus Pragnell na
Silver Raiders of Sirius [by William P. McGivern] P. F. Costello
nv |
17, N° 8 - aoϋt 1943
Couverture de Robert Fuqua
A Patriot Never Dies [by
Raymond A. Palmer] Frank Patton nv
Pop Gun Francis Wilson Powell nv
Prison in Space Henry A. Norton nv
Dr. Varsag's Second Experiment [by David Vern] Craig Ellis na
The Degenerate Mr. Smith William DeLisle ss
Stone Goddess of Yunan [by Leroy Yerxa] Lee Francis na
The Spirit of Egypt Leroy Yerxa ss |
17, N° 9 - septembre
Couverture de Robert Gibson Jones
When the Darkness Came
William DeLisle nv
Luvium, the Invincible City [*Luvium] A. R. McKenzie na
War Worker 17 [by Raymond A. Palmer] Frank Patton ss
Lunar Vengeance Thornton Ayre nv
The Devil's Planet David Wright O'Brien na
The Powerful Pipsqueak Ross Rocklynne ss
Madcap of Mars [*Don Hargeaves] Festus Pragnell nv
Ship of Jupiter Morris J. Steele vi |
17, N° 10 - novembre
Couverture de Robert Gibson Jones
Empire of Jegga
David V. Reed n.
The Aura of Death Helmar Lewis ss
JennyThe Flying Ford Elroy Arno ss
Juggernaut JonesPirate [*Juggernaut Jones] A. R. McKenzie ss
Johnny Rain-Maker Leroy Yerxa ss
The Black Pool [*John Hale] Ed Earl Repp ss |