18, N° 1 - janvier 1944
Couverture de Robert Fuqua
The Mad Robot William P. McGivern na
Intruders from the Stars Ross Rocklynne na
Phantom City of Luna [by William P. McGivern] P. F. Costello nv
Master of the Living Dead Ed Earl Repp nv
Island of Eternal Storm Berkeley Livingston nv
The Needle Points to Death [by William P. McGivern] Gerald Vance
ss |
18, N° 2 - mars 1944
Couverture de J. Allen StJohn plus
dessin originalThe Superman Capt. Meyer Friedenson ss
It's a Small World Robert Bloch na
Magnetic Miss Meteor Don Wilcox nv
Crossed Wires Leroy Yerxa nv
Battle Before Dawn Robert Moore Williams ss
Thompson's Time-Traveling Theory Mort Weisinger ss
Journey in Time to Cleopatra Helmar Lewis nv
Spawn of Jupiter Ed Earl Repp nv
Cokie Goes Treasure Hunting Berkeley Livingston ss
18, N° 3 - mai 1944
Couverture de Malcolm Smith
Murder in Space David
V. Reed n.
I, Rocket Ray Bradbury ss
The Free-Lance of Space Edmond Hamilton ss
The Headless Horror Helmar Lewis nv
Midas Morgan's Golden Touch Emil Petaja ss
The Constant Drip Berkeley Livingston nv
18, N° 4 - septembre 1944
Couverture de Julian S. Krupa
Star Base X Robert
Moore Williams nv
The Thinking Cap William P. McGivern nv
Private Prune Speaking David Wright O'Brien n
Professor Thorndyke's Mistake [by William P. McGivern] P. F.
Costello ss
Dolls of Death E. K. Jarvis nv
Weapon for a WAC [by Raymond A. Palmer] Morris J. Steele ss
Double-Cross on Mars [by William P. McGivern] Gerald Vance nv
Warburton's Invention Russell Storm nv
Overlord of Venus William Lawrence Hamling ss
Matches and Kings John York Cabot ss
I'll See You Again Duncan Farnsworth ss |
18, N° 5 - dιcembre 1944
Couverture de James B. Settles
Undersea Guardians
Ray Bradbury ss
The Man Who Hated War Emil Petaja ss
War Criminals of Renault Island C. A. Baldwin
The Map of Fate Donald Bern ss
A Most Ingenious Paradox George Tashman
The Life Machine Lester Barclay nv
Invasion Dust Don Wilcox ss
The Odyssey of Battling Bert Stanton A. Coblentz ss
The Whips of Doom Helmar Lewis ss
Truk Island Berkeley Livingston na |
19, N° 1 - mars 1945
Couverture de Robert Gibson Jones
"I Remember Lemuria!"
[*Mutan Mion] Richard S. Shaver na
The Martian's Masterpiece Morris J. Steele ss
Moon of Double Trouble [by Raymond A. Palmer] A. R. Steber nv
Is This the Night? [by Leroy Yerxa] Alexander Blade ss
Comet from Yesterday [by Leroy Yerxa] Lee Francis nv
The Lying Lie Detector Leroy Yerxa ss
Valley of Delirium Richard Casey nv
Twirl My Turbine, Man Alive! Omar Geer ss
Dr. MacDonough's Encephalosemanticommunicator Leo A. Schmidt ss |
19, N° 2 - juin 1945
Couverture de Robert Gibson Jones
Thought Records of
Lemuria Richard S. Shaver
Weep No More, My Robot Chester S. Geier ss
Invaders from the Monster World Edmond Hamilton nv
The Radiant Rock Frances M. Deegan nv
The Scarlet Swordsmen Don Wilcox na
Peril from the Outlands William Lawrence Hamling ss
I'll Be Fleeced Berkeley Livingston nv |
19, N° 3 - septembre 1945
Couverture de Robert Gibson Jones
plus dessin originalCave City of Hel
Richard S. Shaver nv
The Animated Tenpin William Lawrence Hamling
The Voice from Venus Don Wilcox nv
Cursed Cavern of Ra [by Leroy Yerxa] Lee Francis nv
Something for Herbert Frances M. Deegan ss
Mysterious Crater Leroy Yerxa nv
Two Worlds to Conquer Elroy Arno nv
Don't Look Behind You Richard Casey ss
19, N° 4 - dιcembre 1945
Couverture de Robert Gibson Jones
Quest of Brail
Richard S. Shaver na
Planet of the Duplicates William Lawrence Hamling ss
Mirage World Chester S. Geier nv
The Miracle of Bulldozer Mike Robert Moore Williams ss
Me and My Shadow Berkeley Livingston nv
Let Freedom Ring! Rog Phillips nv
Gallery of Glacial Doom Frances M. Deegan ss |