37, N° 1 - janvier
Couverture de Llyod Birmingham
Cerebrum Albert Teichner ss
It Could Be Anything Keith Laumer nv
Cully Jack Egan ss
The Putnam Tradition S. Dorman ss Omega, the Man Lowell Howard
Morrow nv |
37, N° 2 - fιvrier
Couverture de Vernon Kramer
Recovery Area Daniel F. Galouye na
The Smart Ones Jack Sharkey ss Phoenix Ted White & Marion Zimmer
Bradley ss
The Tale of the Atom Philip Dennis Chamberlain ss
How Deep the Grooves Philip Josι Farmer ss |
37, N° 3 - mars
Couverture de Lyod Birmingham
Babylon in the Sky Edmond Hamilton ss
Jupiter Found Robert F. Young ss
Chocky John Wyndham nv
The Borgia Hand Roger Zelazny ss
The Walls Keith Laumer ss
The Sherrington Theory J. G. Ballard ss
Star Chamber H. B. Fyfe ss |
37, N° 4 - avril
Couverture de Virgil Finlay
The Beacon to Elsewhere James H. Schmitz
Circe Has Her Problems Roger Zelazny ss
Somebody up There Hates Us David R. Bunch
For Service Rendered J. F. Bone ss
The Stainless Steel Leech Harrison Denmark
37, N° 5 - mai
Couverture de Ray Kalfus plus illustration de Virgil Finlay pour "The Road
to Sinharat"
Jobo Henry Slesar nv
The Right Side of the Tracks Albert Teichner
The Deep Space Scrolls Robert F. Young ss
The Road to Sinharat Leigh Brackett nv |
37, N° 6 - juin
Couverture de EmshThe
Programmed People [Part 1 of 2] Jack Sharkey na
The Demi-Urge Thomas M. Disch vi Telempathy [*Everett O'Toole] Vance
Through Channels Arthur Porges vi
The Encounter J. G. Ballard nv |
37, N° 7 - juillet
Couverture de Emsh
Redemption Robert F. Young nv
The Formula Arthur Porges ss
The Game Neal Barrett, Jr. nv
The Yes Men of Venus Ron Goulart ss
The Programmed People [Part 2 of 2] Jack Sharkey na |
37, N° 8 - aoϋt
Couverture de Lyod Birmingham
Reign of the Telepuppets Daniel F. Galouye
"Utopia? Never!" Thomas M. Disch vi
Dr. Jeckers and Mr. Hyde John Rackham ss
The Lesson for Today David Rome ss Mine Is the Kingdom Harrison
Denmark ss |
37, N° 9 - septembre
Couverture de Lyod Birmingham
Homo Aquaticus Poul Anderson ss
Boarding Party Robert F. Young ss
The Winds of If [*John Grimes] A. Bertram Chandler na |
37, N° 10 - octobre
Couverture de Lyod Birmingham
Drunkboat Cordwainer Smith nv
The Fastest Draw Larry Eisenberg ss
Stand-By [*Jim Briskin] Philip K. Dick ss
The Prince of Liars L. Taylor Hansen nv
The Misfit Roger Zelazny ss |
37, N° 11 - novembre
Couverture de Alex Schomburg
Savage Pellucidar [*Pellucidar] Edgar Rice
Burroughs na
Down to Earth Harry Harrison nv
What'll We Do with Ragland Park? [*Jim Briskin] Philip K. Dick nv
Quinquepedalian Piers Anthony ss |
37, N° 12 - dιcembre
Couverture de EmshTo
Plant a Seed Neal Barrett, Jr. nv
Killjoy F. A. Javor ss
The Days of Perky Pat Philip K. Dick nv
The God on the 36th Floor Herbert D. Kastle
The Klygha H. B. Fyfe ss |