15, N° 1 - janvier
Couverture d'Allen St John
Back cover
of Frank R. Paul "City on Venus"
John Carter and the Giant of Mars Edgar Rice
The Invisible Wheel of Death Don Wilcox
Mystery Moon Edmond Hamilton nv
The Armageddon of Johann Schmidt Arthur T. Harris ss
Hammer of the Gods John York Cabot ss
Skidmore's Strange Experiment David Wright O'Brien ss
A City on Venus Henry Gade vi

Dessin de (?) illustrant
"John Carter and the Giant of Mars" |
15, N° 2 - fιvrier
Couverture de Leo Morey
Back cover
de Frank R. Paul "A city on Jupiter"
Battering Rams of Space [*Lester Allison] Don
Wilcox na
The Last Analysis John York Cabot ss
An Anesthesia 2300 Years Old Simpson M. Ritter
Adam Link in the Past [*Adam Link] Eando Binder
The Accidental Murders Robert Moore Williams
The Stillwell Degravitator Charles R. Tanner ss
The Winking Lights of Mars Gordon A. Giles ss
Ultimate Reality Morrison Colladay ms |
15, N° 3 - mars
Couverture d'Allen St. John plus dessin original
The City of Mummies Edgar Rice
The Man Who Lived Next Week David Wright O'Brien
Murder in the Past John York Cabot ss
Hok and the Gift of Heaven [*Hok] Manly Wade Wellman nv
Phoney Meteor John Beynon nv
The Lost Colony James Norman ss
Mystery of the Amazing Battery Donald Bern ss |
15, N° 4 - avril
Couverture d'Allen St. John
Back cover de Frank R.
Paul "A City on Uranus"
Lords of the Underworld
L. Taylor Hansen
King Arthur's Knight in a Yankee Court A. W. Bernal nv
Big Man Ross Rocklynne nv
Priestess of the Sleeping Death Neil R. Jones
Invisible Raiders of Venus Don Wilcox
Killer's Turnabout William P. McGivern ss |
15, N° 5 - mai
Couverture d'Allen St. John
Back cover d'Allen St.
John "Martian Spaceships Invade New York"
The Lost Race Comes Back Don Wilcox na
Fantastic Hoaxes Julius Schwartz ms
Lone Wolf of Space Joseph J. Millard &
A. R. Steber nv
Adam Link Faces a Revolt
Eando Binder nv
The Man Who Forgot
John York Cabot ss
The Iron Men of Super City
Don Wilcox nv
The Fate of Asteroid 13 William P. McGivern ss
A Cure for Jekyll and Hyde Arthur T. Harris ms
Dictagraphs of Death P. F. Costello nv
Secret of the Lost Planet David Wright O'Brien nv
Rocky Gordon's Billion-Dollar Trap
Robert Moore Williams ss
Return of the Space Hawk Duncan Farnsworth nv
The Strange Adventure of Victor MacLiesh
Alexander Blade nv
When the Earth Grows Bored Joseph O'Connor ms |
15, N° 6 - juin
Couverture d'Allen St. John
Back cover
de Frank R. Paul "A City on Pluto"
Black Pirates of Barsoom Edgar Rice
Lost Treasure of Angkor James Norman
The Girl from Venus David V. Reed ss
Ersatz William P. McGivern ms
CagliostroMagnificent Charlatan
William P. McGivern ms
The Quandary of Quintus Quaggle
William P. McGivern ss
Pepper Pot Planet Duncan Farnsworth ss
Homer Higginbottom, Rain Maker Milton Kaletsky nv
Strange But True William P. McGivern ms |
15, N° 7 - juillet
Couverture de Stockton Mulford
cover de Frank R. Paul "Cyistallis, Glass City of Io"
Survivors from 9000 B.C. Robert Moore Williams
Mystery on Planetoid Ten James Norman
No Man's Land in Space Leigh Brackett nv
Progress Is a Headache John York Cabot
Sidetrack in Time William P. McGivern ss
Broadcast by Bees P. F. Costello ms
Ten Seconds from Nowhere David Wright O'Brien
How Smart Were the Ancients? William P. McGivern ms
The Invincible Crime-Buster Henry Gade nv |
15, N° 8 - aoϋt
Couverture d'Allen St. John
Back cover de Frank R. Paul " Crater City
on Saturn"Yellow Men of Mars Edgar Rice
Kid Poison David V. Reed nv
Mr. Muddle Does as He Pleases William P. McGivern & David Wright
O'Brien nv
You Ought to Be Dead Robert Moore Williams
The Man Who Got Everything John York Cabot
Taxi to Jupiter Don Wilcox ss

Dessin de (?) pour "Yellow
Men of Mars" |
15, N° 9 - septembre
Couverture de Robert Fuqua
cover de Frank R. Paul
Enchantress of Lemuria Stanton A. Coblentz
Mutiny in Space Jep Powell
Ferdinand Finknodle's Perfect Day David Wright O'Brien
The Throne of Valhalla Arthur T. Harris nv
Yellow Mud for Cowards P. F. Costello ss
Master Mimics Guy Fauldes ms
Mystery of the Mummy Duncan Farnsworth ss
Aristocrats of the Atomic Table C. E. Conners ms
Dr. Loudon's Armageddon Alexander Blade ss |
 Vol. 15, N° 10 - octobre
Couverture de Allen St John
cover de Frank R. Paul
Men of Mars [*Barsoom (John
Carter et al)] Edgar Rice Burroughs na The World of Miracles David
V. Reed ss
Kidnaped in Mars [*Don Hargeaves] Festus Pragnell na
Sergeant Shane of the Space Marines [*Sergeant Shane] John York Cabot
Flame for the Future [by William P. McGivern] P. F. Costello ss
Mystery of the Martian Pendulum [by Raymond A. Palmer] Thornton Ayre &
A. R. Steber nv |
15, N° 11 - novembre
Couverture de Robert Fuqua
Back cover
de Frank R. Paul "A City on Uranus"
Convoy to Atlantis William P. McGivern na
Nicolbee's Nightmare John York Cabot ss
The Stevedore of Jupiter Don Wilcox ss
Death Desert Robert Moore Williams ss
The Short-Wave Superman Robert Leslie Bellem
Armageddon, 1948 Ed Earl Repp nv |
15, N° 12 - dιcembre
Couverture de Rod Ruth plus dessin original
Back cover de Frank R. Paul
- "Serenis, Water City of Callisto"
The Secret of Planetoid 88 Ed Earl Repp na
Bandits of Time Ray Cummings nv
Rayhouse in Space Duncan Farnsworth nv
The Odds on Sergeant Shane John York Cabot
Planet of Lost Men P. F. Costello ss
The Man Who Wasn't Himself Alexander Blade