16, N° 1 - janvier
Couverture de Malcolm Smith
The Test Tube Girl [by Raymond A. Palmer] Frank
Patton na
Somerset, the Scientific Monkey [*Oscar Wilbury] Donald Bern ss
Mystery of the Blue God Harry Bates
Planet of Doomed Men Robert Moore Williams
Outlaw of Mars [*Don Hargeaves] Festus Pragnell nv
Life for Sale Alfred Bester nv
Rehearsal for Danger [by William P. McGivern] P. F. Costello ss
2Q Ship of Space Duncan Farnsworth ss
Mystery on Base Ten William P. McGivern ss
Hour Glass in the Desert Fessler Spaulding ms
Back cover de Frank
R. Paul, "Glass City of Europa"
16, N° 2 - fιvrier
Couverture de L. Raymond Jones
Kidnaped into the Future William P. McGivern ss
The Return to Pellucidar [*Pellucidar]
Edgar Rice Burroughs nv
Odors Consista Arabella
The Man Who Changed History John York Cabot nv
Voyage into the Lightning Robert Moore Williams nv
The Return of Man Leo A. Schmidt ss
The Immortality of Alan Whidden Ralph Milne Farley nv
The Cosmic Punch of Lefty O'Rourke P. F. Costello
Suicide Ship to Earth Duncan Farnsworth nv
The Fiend of New London [*Ben Gleed] Don Wilcox nv
Mr. Wisel's Secret Eric Frank Russell ss
Robot AL 76 Goes Astray Isaac Asimov ss
16, N° 3 - mars
Couverture de Robert Fuqua
Disciples of Destiny
[Part 1 of 2] Don Wilcox
Suicide Rocket Manly Wade Wellman
Men of the Bronze Age [*Pellucidar] Edgar Rice Burroughs na
Sarker's Joke Box Raymond Z. Gallun
Planet of Ghosts David V. Reed n.
Wacky World Edmond Hamilton ss
The Planet of Love Jep Powell ss |
16, N° 4 - avril
Couverture de Robert Fuqua
Adam Link Saves the World [*Adam Link] Eando
Binder na
Tiger Girl [*Pellucidar] Edgar Rice Burroughs
The Perfect Trap Miles Shelton ss
The Secret of Lucky Logan Nelson S. Bond nv
Disciples of Destiny [Part 2 of 2] Don Wilcox
Devil Birds of Deimos [*Don Hargeaves] Festus Pragnell nv
Real Underground World Allen Curtis ms
Treasure on Thunder Moon Edmond Hamilton na |
N° 5 - mai
Couverture de H.W. McCauley
Lord of the Crystal Bow Duncan Farnsworth
The Return of Lancelot Biggs [*Lancelot Biggs] Nelson S. Bond ss
Earth's Nomads Willis Franke ms
Martian Miniature John Russell Fearn
The Crystal Planetoids Stanton A. Coblentz
The Incredible Slingshot Bombs Robert Moore Williams ss
Magic Versus Science A. Morris ms
Sutton's Strange Voyage James Norman ss
Caveman Meets Blonde Russell Storm ss
Yellow Cunning John Semrau ms
Juggernaut Jones, Salesman [*Juggernaut Jones] A. R. McKenzie
"Stuff" and Nonsense Dick Selby ms
Horsesense Hank Does His Bit [*Horse-Sense Hank] Nelson S. Bond
Arctic God Frank Jones nv
The Case of the Mesozoic Monsters [*Brutus Lloyd] Thornton Ayre
Know Your Vitamins Edgar Rutley ms
Destroyer from the Past Polton Cross nv
Twenty-Four Terrible Hours John York Cabot ss |
16, N° 6 - juin
Couverture de Malcolm Smith
The Avengers William P. McGivern na
Mrs. Latrodectus Mactans Robert Calford ms
They Forgot to `Remember Pearl Harbor' [by William P. McGivern] P.
F. Costello na
Time Will Tell Emil Petaja ss
Scientist Disowned Raymond Z. Gallun ss
Meet the Halogen Family Douglass Ward ms
Henry Horn's Blitz Bomb [*Henry Horn] Dwight V. Swain ss
Juggernaut Jones, Trucker [*Juggernaut Jones] A. R. McKenzie ss
Catalyst for Power! Roland Birchly ms
It Happened in Space Manly Wade Wellman ss
Sergeant Shane Goes to War [*Sergeant Shane] John York Cabot ss
Captain Stinky [by William P. McGivern; *Captain Stinky] Gerald
The Man Who Was Two Men E. K. Jarvis ss
Your OrchidsMadam! Carter T. Wainwright ms
Gods of the Jungle [Part 1 of 2] Nelson S. Bond n.
Voice from the Void Harl Vincent ss
Ships of Stone Ken Kober ms |
16, N° 7 - juillet
Couverture de Allen St. John
Blitzkrieg in the Past John York Cabot
Election Campaign on Saturn Milton Kaletsky
The Powers of Darkness Dwight V. Swain
Peter Pettigrew's Prisoner Nelson S. Bond
The World Beyond Ray Cummings nv
Squadron of the Damned David Wright O'Brien
The Return of Hawk Carse [by Harry Bates; *Hawk Carse] Anthony
Gilmore na
Gods of the Jungle [Part 2 of 2] Nelson S. Bond n.
16, N° 8 - aoϋt
Couverture de H.W. McCauley
The Vengeance of Martin Brand [Part 1 of 2; by Raymond
A. Palmer] G. H. Irwin na
The Case of Jonathan Lane John York Cabot s
The Sheriff of Thorium Gulch Miles J. Breuer
Death Rides at Night [*"Arrow" Larson] Leroy Yerxa nv
The Oldest Steel Weapon Maurice J. Steele ms
The Last Hours John Russell Fearn nv
Secret of the Earth Star Henry Kuttner na
Regal Fur Roland Mays ms
Into the Caves of Mars [*Don Hargeaves] Festus Pragnell nv
Seaplane in Danger Carter T. Wainwright ms
Venusian Slave Smugglers Jep Powell nv
Moon Madness Richard O. Lewis ss
Robinhoods of the Deep Walter Charterly ms
Horsesense Hank in the Parallel Worlds [*Horse-Sense Hank] Nelson S.
Bond nv |
16, N° 9 - septembre
Couverture de James B. Settles
Blitz Against Japan Robert Moore Williams
alt Versus Heat Newell Watson ms
"Quake" Valve Jack Caldwell ms
The Love Song of Lancelot Biggs [*Lancelot Biggs] Nelson S. Bond
Captain Stinky's Luck [by William P. McGivern; *Captain Stinky]
Gerald Vance
The Yankee King A. Morris ms
Kings of the Roost Carter T. Wainwright ms
Ancient Usury Willis White ms
Giants Beyond Pluto E. K. Jarvis nv
Convoy in Space William P. McGivern nv
The First Slot Machine Paige Whitney ms
Vengeance on Venus [by William P. McGivern] P. F. Costello s
Robotcycle for Two Max Overton nv
Peace Mission to Planetoid X Dwight V. Swain na
The Vengeance of Martin Brand [Part 2 of 2; by Raymond A. Palmer] G.
H. Irwin na |
16, N° 10 - octobre
Couverture de Malcolm Smith plus
dessin originalCrusade Across the Void Dwight V. Swain na
The Secret of the Ring Thornton Ayre nv
Next Time I'll Get You Anton Reed ss
Science Looks at Swimming Willis White ms
Dwellers of the Darkness Ed Earl Repp nv
Mr. Biggs Goes to Town [*Lancelot Biggs] Nelson S. Bond ss
The Hollow Planet Don Wilcox na
The Voice William P. McGivern ss
Oliver Performs a Miracle Leroy Yerxa ss |
16, N° 11 - novembre
Couverture de Robert Gibson Jones
After an Age Eando
Binder n.
Dinosaur Goes Hollywood Emil Petaja ss
Juggernaut Jones, Expressman [*Juggernaut Jones] A. R. McKenzie
Have a Date Willis White ms
The Eternal Wall Raymond Z. Gallun ss
Murder from the Moon Robert Bloch ss
A Bedtime Story A. Morris ms
Flight from Farisha Duncan Farnsworth na
Nazi Diamond Richard O. Lewis ss
Champagne Launchings John T. Ellis ms
The Silver Coil Thornton Ayre ss
Taming Plants Carter T. Wainwright ms
Hard Guy H. B. Carleton vi |
16, N° 12 - dιcembre
Couverture de J. Allen St. John
Back cover de Frank R. PaulWarrior of the Dawn [Part
1 of 2; *Tharn] Howard Browne n.
The World with a Thousand Moons Edmond Hamilton nv
One-Way Ticket to Nowhere Leroy Yerxa nv
The Time Mirror Clark South na
Was the Moon Part of Earth? Willis White ms
Planet of the Gods Robert Moore Williams nv
The Sphere of Sleep Chester S. Geier ss
Henry Horn's X-Ray Eye Glasses [*Henry Horn] Dwight V. Swain ss
Monsoons of Death [by William P. McGivern] Gerald Vance ss