34, N° 1 - janvier
Couverture de Ed Valigursky
Impact Irving E. Cox, Jr.
Control Group [*Marco 4 (crew of)] Roger Dee
Second Landing Floyd Wallace ss
A Matter of Magnitude Al Sevcik ss
The Perfectionists Arnold Castle ss Man Made Albert Teichner ss
The Night of the Long Knives Fritz Leiber na |
34, N° 2 - fιvrier
Couverture de Ed Valigursky
A Long Way Back Ben Bova
Divvy Up Milt Lesser ss
It's a Good Trick If... Kate Wilhelm ss
A Jar of Jelly Beans Franklin Gregory ss
Transient Ward Moore na |
34, N° 3 - mars
Couverture de Albert Nuetzell
Subterfuge Robert
Silverberg ss
Old Friends Are the Best Jack Sharkey ss
Suzy Watson Parker ss
The Man Who Murdered Tomorrow Robert Bloch ss
Seven from the Stars Marion Zimmer Bradley n. |
34, N° 4 - avril
Couverture de Albert Nuetzell
Plus dessin original
We're Friends, Now Henry
Hasse na The Red Telephone John Jakes ss The Issahar Artifacts J.
F. Bone ss
It Hardly Seems Fair Gordon R. Dickson ss
Remembering David R. Bunch ss
You Don't Make Wine Like the Greeks Did David E. Fisher nv |
34, N° 5 - mai
Couverture de Ed Valigursky
No Moving Parts Murray F.
Yaco ss The Still Small Voice Robert Silverberg nv
Hunters Out of Space [*Jack Odin] Joseph E. Kelleam n.
Longevity Therese Windser vi |
34, N° 6 - juin
Couverture de Leo Summers
..And All the Stars
a Stage [Part 1 of 2] James Blish n.
The Bald-Headed Mirage Robert Bloch ss
If at First You Don't... John Brudy nv Step IV Rosel George Brown
Tulan C. C. MacApp n |
34, N° 7 - juillet
Couverture de Harrel Gray
Noble Redman J. F. Bone
"L" Is for Lash William F. Temple nv Penance Day in Moderan David R.
Bunch ss
Membership Drive Murray F. Yaco ss A New Look at Space Arthur C.
Clarke ...And All the Stars a Stage [Part 2 of 2] James Blish
Enough Time Damon Knight ss |
34, N° 8 - aoϋt
Couverture de Leo Summers
[Part 1 of 2] Robert Sheckley n.
Jack of No Trades Charles Cottrell nv For Every Action... Algis
Budrys vi
Fee of the Frontier H. B. Fyfe ss
The Habit A. Bertram Chandler ss Getting Regular David R. Bunch ss
Made in Archerius Neal Barrett, Jr. ss |
34, N° 9 - septembre
Couverture de Albert Nuetzell
When the Moon Was Red Kati
Wilhelm ss
Trajectory to Taurus Les Collins ss
The Auto Hawks Arthur Porges ss
Omega! [Part 2 of 2] Robert Sheckley n. |
34, N° 10 - octobre
Couverture de Alex Schomburg
The Trouble with Tycho
Clifford Simak na
Seeing Eye A. Bertram Chandler ss The Missionary J. F. Bone nv
The Sound of Screaming Theodore L. Thomas |
34, N° 11 - novembre
Couverture de Emsh
The Last Vial
[Part 1 of 3] Sam McClatchie, M.D.
The Warning David R. Bunch ss Medal of Honor Mack Reynolds nv Very
Small, Very Fine Henry Slesar ss And Some Were Savages James Blish
nv |
34, N° 12 - dιcembre
Couverture de Alex Schomburg
A Question of Courage J. F.
Bone nv The Last Vial [Part 2 of 3] Sam
McClatchie, M.D. n.
The Lost Machine John B. Harris ss
I'm a Stranger Here Myself Mack Reynolds ss
The Flames of Life Theodore L. Thomas ss |