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Mars 1952 เ Janvier 1953
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เ la liste "Pulps et Magazines Am้ricains"
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1 - mars 1952
Couverture de Martin Key
Twelve Times Zero Howard Browne na
The Stowaways Alvin Heiner ss
Bitter Victory Walter Miller, Jr. ss
Black Eyes and the Daily Grind Milton Lesser
Of Stegner's Folly Richard S. Shaver ss
Never Underestimate Theodore Sturgeon nv
The Hell Ship Raymond A. Palmer nv
The Old Martians Rog Phillips ss |
2 - mai 1952
Couverture de Ralph Joiner
Jungle in the Sky Milton Lesser na
Welcome, Martians! S. A. Lombino ss
It Takes a Thief Walter Miller, Jr. ss
The Beast John W. Jakes ss
Infinity's Child Charles V. De Vet nv
Resurrection Seven Stephen Marlowe ss
Dreamer's World Bryce Walton ss
The Revealing Pattern Alvin Heiner ss |
3 - juillet 1952
Couverture d'Henry Jones
Let My People Go Walter M. Miller, Jr.
The One and the Many Milton Lesser ss
Hoiman and the Solar Circuit G. Gordon Dewey
Robots of the World! Arise! Mari Wolf ss
Vital Ingredient Charles V. De Vet ss
"And That's How It Was, Officer" Ralph Sholto
The Terrible Answer Arthur G. Hill ss
McIlvaine's Star [*Tex Harrigan] August Derleth
The Smiler Albert Hernhuter vi; given as by Albert Hernhunter
4 - septembre 1952
Couverture de Ralph Joiner
The Beautiful People Charles Beaumont ss
Holes, Incorporated L. Major Reynolds ss
Marley's Chain Alan E. Nourse ss
An Empty Bottle Mari Wolf ss
The Space Clause L. Sprague de Camp ss
Shock Treatment Stanley Mullen nv
The Clean and Wholesome Land Ralph Sholto
The Last Supper T. D. Hamm vi
The Skull Philip K. Dick n
Sinister Paradise Robert Moore Williams nv |
5 - novembre 1952
Couverture de Ralph Joiner
The Image and the Likeness John Scott Campbell na
Brother to the Machine Richard Matheson
The Running Hounds John W. Jakes ss
You Too Can be a Millionaire Noel Loomis ss
Let There Be Light H. B. Fyfe ss
Generals Help Themselves M. C. Pease ss
6 - janvier 1953
Couverture de d'Anton Kurka
"The Ultimate Re-Sowing of the Human Race - 4000 AD
Check and Checkmate Walter Miller, Jr. nv
The Last Gentleman Rory Magill ss
Ye of Little Faith Rog Phillips nv
Success Story Robert Turner ss
The Peacemaker Alfred Coppel ss
The Statue Mari Wolf ss
Time Enough at Last Lyn Venable ss
The Anglers of Arz Roger Dee ss
No Shield from the Dead Gordon R. Dickson ss |
Page suivante
Page : 1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6,
7, 8, 9,
10, 11, 12,
13, 14

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