142 - novembre 1969
Couverture de Jack Gaughan
Happiness Is a Warm Spaceship James Tiptree,
To Kill a World Irwin Ross ss
Genemaster Barry Alan Weissman ss
For Sacred San Francisco Alfred Coppel ss
By Civilized Standards Neal Barrett, Jr. ss
The Seeds of Gonyl [Part 2 of 3] Keith Laumer
Appropriate Punishment Theresa M. Treadway ss |
 N° 143 - dιcembre 1969
Couverture de
Jack Gaughan
Ancient, My Enemy
Gordon R. Dickson nv
Now No One Waits Neil Shapiro ss
What Time Was That? Barry Malzberg ss
Heroes Die But Once Norman Spinrad ss
The New Thing John Brunner ss
In the Beginning Glenn Chang ss
The Man Who Would Not James E. Gunn ss
The Seeds of Gonyl [Part 3 of 3] Keith Laumer n. |
144 - janvier 1970
Couverture de Jack Gaughan
Whipping Star
[Part 1 of 4; *Jorj X. McKie] Frank Herbert n.
By the Falls Harry Harrison ss
If a Man Answers Richard Wilson nv
Child's Play [*Duckworth] Larry Eisenberg ss
This One James Sallis ss
O Kind Master [*Spheres] Daniel F. Galouye nv |
145 - fιvrier 1970
Couverture de Jacj Gaughan
Pressure Vessel Ben
Bova nv
A Matter of Recordings [*Duckworth] Larry Eisenberg ss
Prez Ron Goulart ss
The Cube C. M. Drahan ss
A Game of Biochess T. J. Bass ss
Hired Man Richard C. Meredeth ss
Fruit of the Vine George C. Willick ss
Dry Run J. R. Pierce ss
Whipping Star [Part 2 of 4; *Jorj X. McKie] Frank Herbert
n. |
146 - mars 1970
Couverture de Mike Gilbert
SOS Poul Anderson
Telemart 3 Bob Shaw ss
The Thing in the Stone Clifford D. Simak nv
The Ethics of Trade Timothy M. Brown ss
In the Silent World Ed Bryant ss
Traps George Zebrowski & Jack M. Dann ss
Whipping Star [Part 3 of 4; *Jorj X. McKie] Frank Herbert
The Time Judge Dannie Plachta vi
Love Thy Neighbor E. Clayton McCarty ss
All Brothers Are Men Basil Wells ss |
147 - avril 1970
Couverture de Jack Gaughan
Waterclap Isaac
Asimov nv
To Touch a Star Robert F. Young ss
Spaceman Lee Harding nv
Swap Ron Goulart ss
Ride a Tin Can R. A. Lafferty ss
Thou Spark of Blood Gene Wolfe ss
Whipping Star [Part 4 of 4; *Jorj X. McKie] Frank Herbert
n. |
148 - mai-juin 1970
Couverture de Jack Gaughan
The Reality Trip
Robert Silverberg ss
Troubleshooter Michael G. Coney ss
The Piecemakers [*James Retief] Keith Laumer
Human Element Larry Eisenberg ss
The Nightblooming Saurian James Tiptree, Jr.
The Misspelled Magician [Part 1 of 2] David Gerrold & Larry
Niven na
Zon Avram Davidson nv |
149 - mai-aoϋt 1970
Couverture de Jack Gaughan
Second-Hand Stonehenge
Ernest Taves nv
The Fifth Planet Larry Eisenberg ss
Time Piece Joe Haldeman ss
Equals Four [*Dr. Dillingham] Piers Anthony
The Communication Machine Lee Harding
What's Become of Screwloose? Ron Goulart
Grandfather Pelts Neal Barrett, Jr. ss
The Misspelled Magician [Part 2 of 2] David Gerrold & Larry
Dark, Dark, the Dead Star George Zebrowski & Jack M. Dann ss |
150 -septembre-octobre 1970
Couverture de Jack Gaughan plus dessin original
Fimbulsommer Randall
Garrett & Michael J. Kurland
The Guardians Richard E. Peck ss
Ballots and Bandits [*James Retief] Keith Laumer nv
3:02 P.M., Oxford Greg Benford ss
The Quintopods Larry Eisenberg ss
The Seventh Man George C. Chesbro nv
Life Cycle [*Jerry Norcriss] Jack Sharkey ss
Of Relays and Roses Gene Wolfe ss |
151 - novembre-dιcembre 1970
Couverture de Jack Gaughan
Song of Kaia [*Nebishes]
T. J. Bass na
King Under the Mountain Gene Wolfe ss
The Last Time Around Arthur Sellings ss
She Still Do M. Alan Rogers ss
The Watchers Joseph Dickinson ss
Monarch [*Dr. Dillingham] Piers Anthony nv
A Helping Hand Juanita Coulson ss
Shambolain Dean R. Koontz ss
Nick o' Time Donald Franson ss |
152 - janvier-fιvrier 1971
Couverture de Jack Gaughan
To Grab Power Hayden
Howard ss
The Beast of 309 T. J. Bass nv
The Man Underneath R. A. Lafferty ss
Beneath Still Waters Michael G. Coney ss
The Midnight Ride of Merlanger McKay George C. Willick ss
The Helix Gerard Rejskind ss
A Slight Detour Richard E. Peck ss
Pime Doesn't Cray [*James Retief] Keith Laumer nv
Never Cry Human Sterling E. Lanier nv
The Immortal Lee Harding ss
The Man Who Devoured Books John Sladek ss |
153 - mars-avril 1971
Couverture de Jack Gaughan et dessin original
Gambler's Choice Bob
Shaw nv
One-Generation New World [*Ravenshaw] W. Macfarlane na
Slaves of Silver Gene Wolfe ss
Star Crossing Greg Benford & Donald Franson
Retief, Insider [*James Retief] Keith Laumer
Casey's Transfer Lee Saye ss
Space Slick Gerard Rejskind nv |
154 - mai-juin 1971
Couverture de Jack Gaughan
The Fabulous
Riverboat [Part
1 of 2; *Riverworld] Philip Josι Farmer n.
Battleground Greg & James Benford ss
Easy Way Out John Brunner nv
The Right to Revolt [*Andrew Galt] Keith Laumer
The Right to Resist [*Andrew Galt] Keith Laumer
Fallen Spaceman Lee Harding nv |
155 - juillet-aoϋt 1971
Couverture de Jack Gaughan
Occam's Scalpel
Theodore Sturgeon nv
To Seek Another James A. Gotaas nv
Boomer Flats R. A. Lafferty ss
Arnten of Ultima Thule [*Arnten] Avram Davidson na
The Fabulous Riverboat [Part 2 of 2; *Riverworld] Philip Josι
Farmer n. |
156 - septembre-octobre 1971
Couverture de Bruce Rogers
The Stainless Steel Rat
Saves the World [*Slippery Jim (James Bolivar) diGriz] Harry
Harrison nv
The All-Together Planet [*James Retief] Keith Laumer na
To Kill a Venusian Irwin Ross ss
One Moment on the Sand Barry Weissman ss
After the End and Before the Beginning William Rotsler ss
Abyss of Tartarus [*Starfinder (Space Whale)] Robert F. Young ss |
157 - novembre-dιcembre 1971
Couverture de Jack Gaughan
Time of the Sending
Richard C. Meredith nv
The Real People J. T. McIntosh na
Habits of the Rigelian Nightfox Ed Bianchi ss
Ornithanthropus B. Alan Burhoe ss
Hot World C. C. MacApp nv |