61 - mars 1961
Couverture de Paul Wenzel
I O U Edward Wellen nv
February Strawberries Jim Harmon ss
Minotaur Gordon R. Dickson
Young Man from Elsewhen Sylvia Jacobs
The Fastest Gun Dead Julian F. Grow ss
The Seeder Max Williams vi
In the Garden R. A. Lafferty ss
The Well of the Deep Wish Lloyd Biggle, Jr. |
62 - mai 1961
Couverture de Jack Gaughan
That's How It Goes J. T. McIntosh nv
Out of Mind William W. Stuart ss
The Connoisseur Frank Banta ss
Seven Doors to Education
Fred Saberhagen
The Useless Bugbreeders
James Amers ss
Cinderella Story Allen Kim Lang nv
The Flying Tuskers of K'niik-K'naak Jack Sharkey |
63 - juillet 1961
Couverture de Dember
The Planet with No Nightmare Jim Harmon
The Real Hard Sell William W. Stuart ss
The Stainless-Steel Knight John Rackham
Doormat World J. T. McIntosh ss
A Taste of Tenure Gordon R. Dickson nv
The Junkmakers Albert R. Teichner nv |
64 - septembre 1961
Couverture de Paul Wenzel
The Frozen Planet Keith Laumer nv
Mirror Image Daniel F. Galouye ss
Spawning Ground Lester del Rey ss
Tolliver's Orbit H. B. Fyfe ss
The Valley of the Masters
Charles Minor Blackford
The Girls from Fieu Dayol Robert F. Young
Lorelei Charles V. De Vent ss
Call Him Nemesis Donald E. Westlake nv |
65 - novembre 1961
Couverture de Phil Berry
Masters of Space [Part 1
of 2]
Edward E. Smith & E. Everett Evans
Sweet Their Blood and Sticky
Albert R. Teichner ss
At the End of the Orbit Arthur C. Clarke ss
The Mightiest Man Patrick Fahy ss
Gambler's World Keith Laumer nv
Quiet, Please Kevin Scott vi |
66 - janvier 1962
Couverture de Francis
The Yillian Way Keith Laumer ss
An Incident on Route 12
James H. Schmitz
The Last Place on Earth Jim Harmon ss
The Talkative Tree H. B. Fyfe ss
2 B R 0 2 B Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. ss
Masters of Space [Part 2 of 2]
Edward E. Smith & E. Everett Evans n. |
67 - mars 1962
Couverture de Pederson plus dessin original
Kings Who Die Poul
Dangerous Quarry Jim Harmon ss
Tybalt Stephen Barr nv
The Happy Homicide Frank Banta ss
E Being James Stamers ss
The Madman from Eart Keith Laumer nv
Seven-Day Terror R. A. Lafferty ss
68 - mai 1962
Couverture ?
Retief of the Red-Tape Mountain Keith
The Spy Theodore L. Thomas ss
Death and Taxes H. A. Hartzell ss
Misrule Robert Scott ss
Deadly Game Edward Wellen ss
The Hoplite Richard Sheridan ss
The 64-Square Madhouse Fritz Leiber nv
Gramp Charles V. De Vet ss
The Expendables Jim Harmon ss |
69 - juillet 1962
Couverture de Burns
Aide Memoire Keith Lomι ss
From Gustible's Planet Cordwainer Smith s
The Chemically Pure Warriors Allen Kim Lang
The Recruit Bryce Walton ss
All that Earthly Remains C. C. MacApp ss
A Bad Town for Spacemen Robert Scott vi
70 - septembre 1962
Couverture de Wenzel
The Snowbank Orbit Fritz Leiber ss
1,492,633 Marlon Brandos Vance Aandahl ss
The Winning of the Moon Kris Neville ss
And Then There Was Peace Gordon R. Dickson
The Big Headache Jim Harmon ss
Transient William Harris ss
Once Around Arcturus Joseph Green nv
World in a Mirror Albert Teichner ss
Cultural Exchange Keith Laumer ss |
71 - novembre 1962
Couverture de Virgil Finlay
Podkayne of Mars Robert A. Heinlein n.
The Real Thing Albert Teichner ss
The Reluctant Immortals David R. Bunch
The Desert and the Stars Keith Laumer nv
The Man Who Flew Charles D. Cunningham, Jr.
Too Many Eggs Kris Neville vi
The Critique of Impure Reason Poul Anderson
The Dragon-Slayers Frank Banta ss |
72 - janvier 1963
Couverture de Schelling
The Five Hells of Orion Fred Erik Pol nv
The Shipshape Miracle Clifford D. Simak ss
This Way to the Egress Andrew Fetler vi
Podkayne of Mars Robert A. Heinlein
Road Stop David Mason vi
Fortress Ship Fred Saberhagen ss
Captain of the Kali Gary Wright ss
When Whirlybirds Call Frank Banta ss |
73 - mars 1963
Couverture de Virgil Finlay
The Time Tombs J. G. Ballard ss
Saline Solution [ Keith Laumer nv
The Abandoned of Yan Donald F. Daley
The Ten-Point Princess J. T. McIntosh n
Countdown Julian F. Grow vi
Podkayne of Mars Robert A. Heinlein
I, Executioner Ted White & Terry Carr ss |
74 - mai 1963
Couverture de Pederson
The Green World Hal Clement na
Die, Shadow! Algis Budrys ss
Rundown Robert Lory ss
Singleminded John Brunner ss
Another Earth David Evans & Al Landau ss
Turning Point Poul Anderson ss
75 - juillet 1963
Couverture de Emsh
The Reefs of Space] Jack Williamson &
Frederik Pohl
The Faces Outside Bruce McAllister ss
Mightiest Qorn Keith Laumer nv
In the Arena Brian W. Aldiss ss
Down to the Worlds of Men Alexei Panshin
The Shadow of Wings Robert Silverberg ss |
76 - septembre 1963
Couverture de Wenzel
The Expendables A. E. van Vogt nv
The Time of Cold Mary Carlson ss
Manners and Customs of the Thrid
Murray Leinster s
The Reefs of Space Jack Williamson &
Frederik Pohl n.
The Course of Logic Lester del Rey ss
The Customs Lounge E. A. Proulx vi
Threlkeld's Daughter James Bell s |