77 - novembre 1963
Couverture de Jack Gaughan
The Governor of Glave [*James Retief] Keith Laumer
The Second-Class Citizen Damon Knight ss
Muck Man Fremont Dodge ss
Long Day in Court Jonathan Brand ss
The Reefs of Space Jack Williamson & Frederik Pohl n.
A Better Mousetrap John Brunner ss |
78 - janvier 1964
Couverture de McKenna
Three Worlds to Conquer
[Part 1 of 2] Poul Anderson n.
Mack R. J. Butler ss
The Competitors Jack B. Lawson nv
The Car Pool Frank Banta ss
Waterspider Philip K. Dick nv
79 - mars 1964
Couverture de Nodel plus dessin original
In Saturn's Rings Robert F. Young nv
Guardian Jerome Bixby
Almost Eden Jo Friday s
The City that Grew in the Sea [*James Retief] Keith Laumer nv
What Crooch Did Jesse Friedlander ss
Three Worlds to Conquer [Part 2 of 2] Poul Anderson n. |
80 - mai 1964
Couverture de John Pederson
The Imperial Stars [*Family d'Alembert] E. E.
Smith, Ph.D. na
Fire, 2016! George O. Smith nv
The Final Equation Jack Smith vi
The Store of Heart's Desire [*Rod McBan] Cordwainer Smith na |
81 - juillet 1964
Couverture de Morrow
Farnham's Freehold [Part
1 of 3] Robert A. Heinlein n.
Weetl Jack Sharkey vi
The Mathenauts Norman Kagan ss
Old Testament Jerome Bixby ss
The Silkie [*Silkie] A. E. van Vogt nv |
82 - aoϋt 1964
Couverture de Fetterly
The Slaves of Gree [*Gree] C. C. MacApp nv
A as in Android Frances T. Hall ss
The Prince and the Pirate [*James Retief] Keith Laumer nv
The Life Hater [*Berserker] Fred Saberhagen ss
Farnham's Freehold [Part 2 of 3] Robert A. Heinlein n. |
83 - octobre 1964
Couverture de Wenzel
The Castle of Light [*James Retief] Keith Laumer
Mad Man R. A. Lafferty ss
Gremmie's Reef Hayden Howard ss
Rescue Mission Kit Reed ss
Monster Tracks Robert E. Margroff ss
Farnham's Freehold [Part 3 of 3] Robert A. Heinlein n. |
84 - novembre 1964
Couverture de Emsh
The Hounds of Hell [Part
1 of 2] Keith Laumer
The Perfect People Simon Tully ss
The Ultimate Racer Gary Wright nv
The Diogenes Planet [*Captain Hannah] L. J. Stecher, Jr. ss
Assassin & Son Thomas M. Disch ss
Father of the Stars Frederik Pohl ss |
85 - dιcembre 1964
Couverture de Morrow
When Time Was New Robert F. Young nv
The Coldest Place Larry Niven ss
At the Top of the World J. T. McIntosh ss
Pig in a Pokey R. A. Lafferty ss
The Hounds of Hell [Part 2 of 2] Keith Laumer |
86 - janvier 1965
Couverture de Morrow
Starchild [Part 1 of 3]
Jack Williamson & Frederik Pohl n.
Answering Service Alma Hill ss
The Recon Man Wilson Tucker ss
Vanishing Point Jonathan Brand ss
The Heat Racers L. D. Ogle ss
Retief, God-Speaker [*James Retief] Keith Laumer
87 - fιvrier 1965
Couverture de McKenna
The Replicators A. E. van Vogt ss
Reporter at Large Ron Goulart ss
Small One E. Clayton McCarty nv
Blind Alley Basil Wells ss
Gree's Commandos [*Gree] C. C. MacApp nv
Zombie J. L. Frye ss
Starchild [Part 2 of 3] Jack Williamson & Frederik Pohl
n. |
88 - mars 1965
Couverture de McKenna
Stone Place [*Berserker] Fred Saberhagen nv
Meeting on Kangshan Eric Frank Russell ss
All We Unemployed Bryce Walton ss
Of One Mind James A. Durham ss
Million-Mile Hunt Emil Petaja ss
Starchild [Part 3 of 3] Jack Williamson & Frederik Pohl
n. |
89 - avril 1965
Couverture de McKenna
The Altar at Asconel [Part 1 of 2] John Brunner
What T and I Did [*Berserker] Fred Saberhagen
Gree's Hellcats [*Gree] C. C. MacApp ss
Our Martian Neighbors John McCallum ss
White Fang Goes Dingo Thomas M. Disch nv |
90 - mai 1965
Couverture de Schelling
Raindrop Hal Clement nv
Guesting Time R. A. Lafferty
Sign of the Wolf [*Berserker] Fred Saberhagen
Way Station Irving E. Cox, Jr.
Strong Current David Goodale ss
The Altar at Asconel [Part 2 of 2] John Brunner |
91 - juin 1965
Couverture de John Pederson et dessin original
Skylark DuQuesne [Part 1
of 5; *Skylark E. E. Smith, Ph.D. n.
Simon Says Lawrence S. Todd nv
High G Christopher Anvil nv
The Followers Basil Wells ss
No Friend of Gree [*Gree] C. C. MacApp ss |
92 - juillet 1965
Couverture de McKenna
Research Alpha A. E. van Vogt & James H.
The Last Earthman Lester del Rey ss
The Fur People D. M. Melton ss
In Our Block R. A. Lafferty ss
Skylark DuQuesne [Part 2 of 5; *Skylark E. E. Smith, Ph.D.
n. |
93 - aoϋt 1965
Couverture de Jack Gaughan
Trick or Treaty [*James Retief] Keith Laumer n
Against the Odds John Brunner ss
We Hunters of Men Bruce McAllister nv
The Crater J. M. McFadden ss
Patron of the Arts [*Berserker] Fred Saberhagen
Skylark DuQuesne [Part 3 of 5; *Skylark E. E. Smith, Ph.D.
n. |