Fιvrier 1958 ΰ Janvier 1961
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44 - fιvrier 1958
Couverture de Mel Hunter
The Feeling of Power Isaac Asimov ss
Assassin J. F. Bone nv
The Hero Elaine Wilber ss
Contamination Crew Alan E. Nourse ss
The Barbarians John A. Sentry nv
Out from the Sun Arthur C. Clarke ss
Security Risk Ed M. Clinton, Jr. ss
The Standardized Man Stephen Bartholomew ss
Feet of Clay Phillip |
45 - avril 1958
Couverture de Emsh
Powder Keg [*Amos Danton] James E. Gunn
A Question of Identity Frank Riley
Homecoming Miguel Hidalgo
Conservation Charles L. Fontenay
Passport to Sirius Robert Silvaner
The Raider Don Berry ss
The Bureaucrat A. Bertram Chandler ss
46 - juin 1958
Couverture de Mel Hunter
The Songs of Distant Earth Arthur C. Clarke n
Gift Horse Bertram Chandler ss
Do Unto Others Mark Clifton ss
The Day of the Dog Anderson Horne ss
Sound of Terror Don Berry ss
Service with a Smile Charles L. Fontenay vi
A Mixture of Genius Arnold Castle ss
High Dragon Bump Don C. Thompson ss |
48 - octobre 1958
Couverture d'Ed Valigursky
The Pure Observers B. J. Rogers ss
Albatross A. Bertram Chandler ss
Man Alone Don Berry nv
A Toothache on Zenob Boyd Ellanbee ss
Shandy Ron Goulart ss
The Fishdollar Affair Richard M. McKenna
The Burning of the Brain Cordwainer Smith
Brink of Creation Dean McLaughlin |
47 - aoϋt 1958
Couverture de Emsh
The Wages of Death Robert Silverberg nv
The Sky Is Burning Harlan Ellison ss
Specimen Charles V. De Vet ss
Who's on First? Lloyd Biggle, Jr. nv
Rabbits Have Long Ears Lawrence F. Willard ss
The Short Snorter Charles Einstein ss
The Marrying Man Joseph Farrell ss
The Super Opener Michael Zuroy ss
Sister Under the Skin Bertram Chandler ss
The Used People Lot Irving Fang ss
The Downhill Side of Thirty Virgil F. Shockley s |
49 - dιcembre 1958
Couverture de Emsh
Rat in the Skull Rog Phillips nv
Two Whole Glorious Weeks Will Worthington ss
Satellite Passage Theodore L. Thomas ss
The Night of Hoggy Darn Richard M. McKenna
Half Around Pluto Manly Wade Wellman ss
Null-O Philip K. Dick ss |
50 - fιvrier 1959
Couverture de Kelly Freas
Pipe Dream [*Simon Grue] Fritz Leiber
The Wind People Marion Zimmer Bradley
The Good Work Theodore L. Thomas ss
The Man Who Tasted Ashes Algis Budrys
Love and Moondogs Richard M. McKenna
The Last Days of L.A. George H. Smith
Virgin Ground Rosel George Brown ss
Discipline Margaret St. Clair ss
In the Jag-Whiffing Service David R. Bunch vi
Star of Rebirth Bernard Wall ss
51 - juillet 1959
Couverture de Pedersonj
Growing Season F. L. Wallace nv
The Ogre Avram Davidson ss
Never in a Thousand Years Wynne N. Whiteford
Sitting Duck Daniel F. Galouye ss
Mutineer Robert J. Shea ss
A Life and a Half Paul Flehr ss
Car Pool Rosel George Brown ss
Baker's Dozens Jim Harmon ss
Recall Mechanism Philip K. Dick ss |
52 - septembre 1959
Couverture de Pederson
Summer Guests James H. Schmitz nv
Fair Game Philip K. Dick ss
The Scarlet Hexapod Margaret St. Clair ss
Bargain Basement Charles L. Fontenay ss
Homecoming Gordon R. Dickson ss
An Honest Credit Kirby Kerr ss
Escape into Silence Wynne N. Whiteford ss
Hornets' Nest Lloyd Biggle, Jr. ss |
53 - novembre 1959
Couverture de Pederson
If You Wish John Rackham nv
Not Snow Nor Rain Miriam Allen deFord ss
Good-By, Gloria Ted Bain ss
Return of a Prodigal J. T. McIntosh nv
The Gelzek Business Wynne N. Whiteford ss
Counterweight Jerry Sohl ss
Orange E. C. Tubb nv |
54 - janvier 1960
Couverture de Emsh
The Good Seed Mark Mallory ss
The Divers James Stamers nv
Dissolute Diplomat Bob Shaw & Walt Willis
The Little Red Bag Jerry Sohl ss
The Last Leap Daniel F. Galouye ss
To Each His Own Jack Sharkey ss
The Autumn after Next Margaret St. Clair
Cultural Exchange J. F. Bone nv |
55 - mars 1960
Couverture de Gaughan
Gleaners Clifford D. Simak nv
To Be Continued Raymond E. Banks
Old Shag Bob Farnham vi
The Upside-Down Captain Jim Harmon ss
Monument R. W. Major vi
His Father's House Ray Russell ss
Ignatz Ron Goulart ss
Gravy Train Daniel F. Galouye nv |
56 - mai 1960
Couverture de Finlay
A Tourist Named Death Christopher
Thirty Degrees Cattywonkus James Bell ss
When Day Is Done Arnold Castille ss
A Pride of Islands C. C. MacApp ss
Heel Philip Josι Farmer ss
A Great Day for the Irish A. M. Lightner ss
Matchmaker Charles L. Fontenay nv |
57 - juillet 1960
Couverture de Pederson
In a Body J. T. McIntosh nv
Talent Robert Bloch ss
Time Payment Sylvia Jacobs ss
The Last Trespasser Jim Harmon ss
The Martian in the Attic Frederik Pohl
The Non-Electronic Bug E. Mittleman
Murder Beneath the Polar Ice Hayden Howard |
58 - septembre 1960
Couverture de Pederson
Kangaroo Court Daniel F. Galouye nv
Parallel Beans Margaret St. Clair ss
The Wedge H. B. Fyfe ss
To Choke an Ocean J. F. Bone nv
Words and Music Arthur Porges ss
Star Performer Robert J. Shea ss
The Six Fingers of Time R. A. Lafferty nv
59 - novembre 1960
Couverture de Mel Hunter
Mindsnake Jim Harmon ss
Superjoemulloy Scott F. Grenville ss
The Quality of Mercy Daniel Keyes nv
McGonigal's Worm R. A. Lafferty ss
Esidarap ot Pirt Dnuor Lloyd Biggle, Jr. nv
Don't Think About It William W. Stuart ss
Egg and Ashes Frank Herbert ss
The Impersonator Robert Wicks nv |
60 - janvier 1961
Couverture de Bob Ritter
Absolute Power J. T. McIntosh nv
Assassin Bascom Jones, Jr. ss
The Polite People of Pudibundia R. A. Lafferty
Vassi Art Lewis ss
The Contact Point Jack Sharkey ss
Gingerbread Boy Phyllis Gotlieb ss
The House in Bel Aire Margaret St. Clair ss
A Matter of Taste Joseph Wesley nv |
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