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Les 3 seuls et uniques numιros parus en
1 - mars
Couverture de Leo Morey
Mecanica Frank Edward Arnold nv
The Martians Are Coming Robert W. Lowndes
Crystal World John L. Chapman ss
The Man from the Future Donald A. Wollheim
Return from M-15 S. D. Gottesman nv
Planet Leave Clifton B. Kruse ss
The Secret Sense Isaac Asimov ss
The Last Viking Hugh Raymond ss
Purple Dandelions Millard Verne Gordon vi
The Reversible Revolutions Cecil Corwin ss
Biped Basil Wells ss |
2 - mai 1941
Couverture de Hannes Bok
Phoenix Planet James Blish nv
Dimension of Darkness S. D. Gottesman ss
Power Hugh Raymond ss
The Riddle of Tanye W. P. Cockroft nv
No Place to Go [by C. M. Kornbluth] Edward J. Bellin ss
Time, Inc. John L. Chapman ss
The Improbable Charles R. Tanner ss
New Moon Basil Wells ss
What Sorghum Says Cecil Corwin ss
Transitory Island Richard Wilson ss |
3 - juillet 1941
Couverture d'Elliott Dold
Fire-Power S. D. Gottesman nv
When Half-Worlds Meet Hugh Raymond ss
Interference Walter C. Davies ss
The Colossus of Maia Lawrence Woods ss
The City in the Sofa Cecil Corwin ss
The Real Thrill James Blish ss
The Unusual Case Walter Kubilius vi
The Red Death David H. Keller nv |
1 - mars 1953
Couverture d'Hannes Bok
The Black Stranger [edited by L. Sprague de Camp;
*Conan] Robert E. Howard na
Too Gloomy for Private Pushkin Richard Deming
The Demons Robert Sheckley ss
Ashtaru the Terrible Poul Anderson nv
Feeding Time Finn O'Donnevan ss
The Night Shift Frank Robinson ss
Dragon Fires Steve Frazee nv |
2 - juin 1953
Couverture d'Hannes Bok
The Wall of Serpents [*Harold Shea] L. Sprague de
Camp & Fletcher Pratt na
The Weeblies Algis Budrys ss
Emissary Charles E. Fritch ss
Samsi Peter Coccagna ss
Rachaela Poul Anderson nv
The Cookie Lady Philip K. Dick ss
Sylvia Peter Phillips ss
More Spinned Against John Wyndham ss |
3 - aoϋt 1953
Couverture d'Hannes Bok
and original cover drawing
"So Sweet as Magic..." Bruce Elliott
Out in the Garden Philip K. Dick ss
Much Ado About Plenty Charles E. Fritch
The Frost-Giant's Daughter Robert E. Howard & L. Sprague. ss
A Stray from Cathay ["Chinese Puzzle"] John Wyndham nv
Koenigshaufen's Curve H. B. Fyfe ss
Foxy's Hollow Leah Bodine Drake ss
Mr. Mottle Goes Pouf Laurence Manning ss
The Other Ones David Alexander ss
Nom d'un Nom Randall Garrett ss |
4 - novembre 1953
Couverture d'Hannes Bok
Web of the Worlds Katherine MacLean & Harry
Harrison na
Nothing to It William S. Corwin vi
Schizoid Creator Clark Ashton Smith ss
Medicine Dancer Bill Brown ss
Capital Expenditure Fletcher Pratt nv
De Demon- Natur- Wesley Barefoot ss
The Stronger Spell L. Sprague de Camp ss
The Apprentice Sorcerer Stephen Arr ss |
numιros parmi les 13 parus entre fιvrier 1939 et fιvrier 1941
1 - fιvrier 1939
Couverture ?
The Singing Shadows Vincent Cornier nv
The Curse of the House Robert Bloch ss
Eyes of the Serpent August W. Derleth & Mark Schorer nv
The Invaders Keith Hammond ss
Changeling Manly Wade Wellman ss
The Sorcerer's Jewel Tarleton Fiske ss
Major McCrary's Vision Ralph Milne Farley ss
The Frog Henry Kuttner ss
Servant of Satan Otis Adelbert Kline ss |
2 - avril 1939
Couverture ?
Death Has Five Guesses Robert Bloch ss
Logoda's Heads August W. Derleth ss
Cursed Be the City [*Prince Raynor] Henry Kuttner
Lord of Evil Tally Mason ss
The Box from the Stars Amelia Reynolds Long
The Dead Woman David H. Keller ss
The Vengeance of Ai Mark Schorer ss
The Creeper in Darkness Frank Belknap Long, Jr. ss
Miracle in Three Dimensions C. L. Moore ss
A Question of Identity Tarleton Fiske ss
The Bottomless Pool [with Robert Bloch] Ralph Milne Farley ss
Fulfillment Will Garth ss
Bells of Horror Keith Hammond ss |
3 - juin 1939
Couverture ?
For Fear of Little Men
Manly Wade Wellman ss
Double Ring [by Norman A. Danberg] Will Garth
Chameleon Eyes John Clemons ss
The Toad God David H. Keller ss
The Man Who Was Death Norman A. Daniels
Bride of the Antarctic Mordred Weir ss
Man in the Dark August W. Derleth ss
The Flying Head A. Hyatt Verrill ss
Unheavenly Twin Robert Bloch ss
The Hunt Henry Kuttner ss
The Seal of the Satyr Tarleton Fiske ss
The Great Release Maria Moravsky ss
The Body and the Brain [with Robert Bloch] Keith Hammond ss |
4 - aoϋt 1939
Couverture de Earle Bergey
Snake Goddess E. Hoffmann
Price nv
The Bohemian Heydorn Schleh ss
Pink Elephants Robert Bloch ss
Mrs. Elting Does Her Part Tally Mason ss
A Sentence of Death [by Norman A. Danberg] John L. Benton ss
Silent Is the Clock Fenton W. Earnshaw ss
Sagasta's Last Carl Jacobi ss
Memoir for Lucas Payne August W. Derleth ss
Flowers from the Moon Tarleton Fiske ss
Death Bridge John Clemons ss
The Curse of the Crocodile [with Henry Kuttner] Bertram W. Williams
Sea Vision Will Garth vi
The Citadel of Darkness [*Prince Raynor] Henry Kuttner nv |
5 - octobre 1939
Couverture ?
Death Is Forbidden Don Alviso nv
The Cult of the Dead Gabriel Wilson ss
Kaapi Marian Stearns Curry ss
Let Me Out! Maria Moravsky vi
The Master Shelton Goodall ss
He Waits Beneath the Sea Tarleton Fiske ss
A Message for His Majesty August W. Derleth
Half Bull Manly Wade Wellman ss
The Ghostly Vengeance A. Hyatt Verrill ss
The Geist of the Jungle R. R. Winterbotham ss
The Light Must Burn George J. Rawlins ss
House of the Griffin Will Garth ss
Spawn of Blackness Carl Jacobi ss |
6 - dιcembre 1939
Couverture ?
The Crawling Corpse Eli Colter nv
A Bottle from Corezzi Mark Schorer ss
The Man Who Looked Beyond Carol Boyd
Vigil Hampton Wells ss
The Soul of the Cello Maria Moravsky ss
For Love of a Witch Manly Wade Wellman
A Gift for Uncle Herman August W. Derleth
The Grip of Death [with Henry Kuttner] Robert Bloch ss
Voices in the Wind Robert Emerick ss
Passing of Eric Holm [by August W. Derleth] Will Garth ss
He Who Spoke Bernard Breslauer vi
Dread Command David Bernard ss
The Room in the Annex Tally Mason ss |
7 - fιvrier 1940
Couverture ?
The Mask of the Marionette Don Alviso nv
The Immortal Voice James Macfie ss
The Man Who Knew Everything Ray Cummings
Vengeance by Proxy John Beynon ss
Me and My Shadow Eric Frank Russell ss
The Day I Die Hal G. Vermes ss
The Djinn of El Mohrab Charles S. Strong ss
The Bag of Skin Dorothy Quick nv
Ghost Knife Bernard Breslauer ss
Hound of the Haunted Trail George J. Rawlins ss
Singing Blades Lloyd Arthur Eshbach ss
The Man from Dark Valley August W. Derleth ss
Dirge Thorp McClusky ss |
8 - avril 1940
Couverture de Rudolph Belarsky
One Man's Hell Eli Colter ss
I Killed Him! Remember? C. William Harrison
The Gallows Geist Earle Dow ss
Kanaima Arthur J. Burks ss
The Slanting Shadow August W. Derleth ss
The Cauldron Lloyd Arthur Eshbach ss
Spider Woman Maria Moravsky ss
Seance Olga L. Rosmanith ss
His Name on a Bullet Manly Wade Wellman ss
Path to Perdition John Clemons ss
Joliper's Gift Eldon Heath ss
The Thirteenth Boat George J. Rawlins ss
Song of the Sun Bernard Breslauer ss |
9 - juin 1940
Couverture ?The
Hunchback of Hanover Don Alviso nv
The Vengeance of Hanuman Hamilton Craigie
Time to Kill Henry Kuttner ss
Soldier, Rest Robert D. Price ss
The Panting Beast John Clemons nv
The Sailor Quits the Sea Earle Dow ss
The Terror Mummy Jack B. Creamer ss
The Four Who Came Back Tally Mason ss
Tiger! Tiger! O. M. Cabral ss
The Hydroponic Monster Maria Moravsky ss
After You, Mr. Henderson August W. Derleth ss
Power of the Druid Robert Bloch ss
The Room of Souls Keith Hammond ss |
11 - octobre 1940
Couverture ?
The Evil Ones August W. Derleth & Mark Schorer
To Boatl and Back Henry Kuttner ss
The Bald-Headed Man Don Tracy ss
The Lesser Brethren Mourn Seabury Quinn ss
Be Yourself Robert Bloch ss
Beast of the Island Paul Selonke ss
Astral Newspaper Will Garth ss
I've Got to Believe It Bruce Walker ss
Jessamin's Death Oscar J. Friend vi |
10 - aoϋt 1940
Couverture ?The Seal
of Sin Henry Kuttner nv
The Dead Know All Norman A. Daniels ss
The House of Stanley George J. Rawlins ss
The Tapestry Gate Leigh Brackett ss
Satan's Sideshow Carson Judson ss
Birkett's Twelfth Corpse August W. Derleth vi
I Am Going to Cracow! Maria Moravsky ss
The Dead Shall Rise Up [by August W. Derleth] Will Garth vi
Design for Doom Eli Colter ss |
12 - dιcembre 1940
Couverture ?
The Manci Curse Dorothy Quick nv
Adventure in Valhalla Joseph H. Hernandez
The Missing Mirage Don Alviso ss
The Wine of Hera Norman A. Daniels nv
Shadows Dr. Arch Carr ss
Doomed Seabury Quinn ss
Misty Island Alexander Samalman ss
The Third Life of Nine George J. Rawlins ss |
13 - fιvrier 1941
Couverture ?
The Band of Death Eli Colter nv
One More River E. Hoffmann Price ss
Ithaqua August W. Derleth ss
Appointment with a Lady Wyatt Blassingame
The Shadow of Nirvana Earl Peirce, Jr. nv
Some Day I'll Kill You! Seabury Quinn ss
Death, I Want to Dance! Arthur J. Burks ss
Hate's Handiwork Will Garth ss |
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Pages : 1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6,
7, 8, 9,
10, 11, 12,
13, 14,15,
16, 17, 18,
19, 20,
21, 22,
23, 24,

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