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ΰ la liste "Pulps et Magazines Amιricains"
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1953 - N° 1
Couverture de Emsh
The Quest of Quaa H. A. DeRosso na
Welcome, Voyager Hubert J. Bernhard nv
This World Is Condemned Ward Botsford ss
Jackrogue Second John Jakes ss
The Haters William Morrison ss
The Idols of Wuld Milton Lesser nv
1953 - N° 2
Couverture d'Alex Schomburg
Blood on My Jets Algis Budrys na
Home Is the Spaceman George O. Smith ss
Picnic Milton Lesser ss
The Temple of Earth Poul Anderson nv
Sequel Ben Smith ss
Breathes There a Man Charles E. Fritch ss
To the Sons of Tomorrow Irving E. Cox, Jr.
Firegod William Scarff ss
1953 - N° 3
Couverture de Civillitti
Apprentice to the Lamp Irving E. Cox, Jr.
Killer James E. Gunn ss
Flower Girl Chester Cohen ss
The Robot Moon Stanley Mullen nv
Underestimation Alger Rome ss
Technical Difficulty Kirby Brooks ss
Day's Work Noel Loomis ss
An Artist's Life Felix Boyd ss |
Couverture de Leo Summers
The Chaos Salient Noel Loomis nv
Father Image Robert Silverberg ss
A Jacko for McCoy ["The Real McCoy"; *Jacko] Alan Barclay ss
The Bridey Murphy Way Paul Brandts ss
Eternal Adam Jules Verne; trans. by Willis T. Bradley na
Visitors' Book [as by Kilian Houston Brunner] John Brunner
Couverture ?
The Big Terrarium James H. Schmitz nv
The Earthman Milton Lesser ss
Tunnel 1971 Charles Einstein vi
The Night Express Damon Knight ss
Mark XI [*Vom Acht sisters] Cordwainer Smith
Mr. Frightful Charles A. Stearns ss
The 4D Bargain Evelyn E. Smith ss
The Murky Glass H. P. Lovecraft & August Derleth
Male Refuge Lloyd Biggle, Jr. s |
Couverture ?MX Knows
Best Gordon R. Dickson nv
The Ordeal of Doctor Trifulgas ["Fritt-Flacc"] Jules Verne; ss
The Single Ship [*Jacko] Alan Barclay ss
The Martian Artifact [*Tex Harrigan] August Derleth ss
Purple with Rage Irving E. Cox, Jr. ss
Bright Sentinels Charles A. Stearns ss
Psi for Psurvival Manly Banister nv |
Couverture ?
The Golden Calf Frank Belknap Long ss
Observation Platform Martin Pearson ss
The Elephant Circuit Robert A. Heinlein s
A Time of Peace John Christopher ss
The Hot Potato [*Jacko] Alan Barclay nv
The House Lords Jack Vance ss
Tiny Ally Harlan Ellison ss
Structural Defect Robert F. Young ss |
Couverture ?
The Orzu Problem Lloyd Biggle, Jr. ss
The Skitz and the Unskitz Jefferson Highe ss
Sputnik Shoes Charles A. Stearns ss
The Powder of Hyperborea [*Satampra Zeiros] Clark Ashton Smith ss
Never Marry a Venerian Charles L. Fontenay
Requiem for a Small Planet Ray Cummings
The Stars Are Waiting Marion Zimmer Bradley
Alaree Robert Silverberg ss
Shaggy Dog Charles E. Fritch ss |
Couverture de Milton Luros
Venus Station Arthur Leo Zagat nv
Murderer's Apprentice Cleve Cartmill
No-Man's-Land of Time Edmond Hamilton
The Millionth Year Martin Pearson ss
The Man Who Could Stand Up Carl Selwyn
The Great Secret L. Ron Hubbard ss
Volluswen Henry Kuttner ss
Star Comrades Frank Belknap Long ss |
Couverture de Milton Luros
Dominion Arthur J. Burks na
Infiltration Clifford D. Simak ss
Blackout Damon Knight vi
Problem in Ethics Henry Kuttner ss
The Man Who Saved New York
Ray Cummings
The Stellar Vampires Frank Belknap Long ss
The Machine that Changed History Robert Bloch
The Answer Out of Space Graph Waldeyer ss |
Couverture d'Alex Schomburg
Sentiment, Inc. Poul Anderson nv
The Way of Decision M. C. Pease nv
Comet's Burial Raymond Z. Gallun ss
The Slizzers Jerome Bixby ss
Ask a Foolish Question Robert Sheckley
Riya's Foundling Algis Budrys ss
Nine Men in Time Noel Loomis ss
By Earthlight Bryce Walton ss
The Natives Katherine MacLean vi
The Eyes Have It Philip K. Dick ss |
Stories N° 2 - dιcembre 1953
Couverture de Virgil Finlay
and original cover artPotential Zero John Bloodstone na
Root of Evil Edward Wellen ss
The Bridge S. J. Byrne
Quarterback Sneak T. P. Caravan ss
102 She Was Sitting in the Dark Richard Dorot
Optical Illusion Mack Reynolds ss
Stories N° 1 - octobre 1953
Couverture de Hannes Bok
Hocus-Pocus Universe Jack Williamson nv
Wise Guy R. J. McGregor
Flight to Utopia Jan Tourneau nv
Battle in the Sky Robert Moore Williams nv
Pariah Rog Phillips ss |
Stories N° 3 - fιvrier 1954
Couverture de Albert A. Nuetzell
Last Days of Thronas
John Bloodstone n.
The Technical Swain Walt Sheldon ss
A Stitch in Time Howth Castle & T. P. Caravan
The Treason of Joe Gates Ralph Sloan vi
Sure Thing Frank Patton ss
Stories N° 4 - avril 1954
Couverture de Robert Gibson Jones
The Oceans Are Wide Frank
M. Robinson na
Tiger's Cage Roger Dee ss
School Days James Causey ss
One Thousand Miles Up [by Frank M. Robinson] Robert Courtney ss
Inferiority James Causey ss
Problem in Geometry T. P. Caravan ss
The Secret of Pierre Cotreau Frank Patton |
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4, 5, 6,
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14, 15, 16,
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19, 20,
21, 22,
23, 24,

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