N° 1 - avril 1963
Couverture de
People of the Sea
[Part 1 of 2] Arthur C. Clarke n.
X Marks the Pedwalk Fritz Leiber ss
The Long Remembered Thunder Keith Laumer
Where the Phph Pebbles Go Miriam Allen deFord
Third Planet Murray Leinster nv
Heavenly Gifts Aaron L. Kolom ss
The Girl in His Mind Robert F. Young nv
To See the Invisible Man Robert Silverberg ss |
2 - juin 1963
Couverture ?
The Star-Sent Knaves Keith Laumer nv
The End of the Search Damon Knight vi
Spaceman on a Spree Mack Reynolds ss
A Guest of Ganymede C. C. MacApp nv
The Totally Rich John Brunner nv
Cakewalk to Gloriana [*Captain Hannah] L. J. Stecher, Jr. ss
People of the Sea [Part 2 of 2] Arthur C. Clarke n.
3 - aoϋt 1963
Couverture Dember
All We Marsmen [Part 1 of
3] Philip K. Dick
A Hitch in Space Fritz Leiber ss
To the Stars J. T. McIntosh nv
A Jury of Its Peers Daniel Keyes ss
The Impossible Star Brian W. Aldiss nv
4 - octobre 1963
Couverture de Virgil Finlay
and original cover artThe Night of the Trolls [*Bolo] Keith Laumer
The Hermit of Mars Stephen Bartholomew
The Good Friends Cordwainer Smith ss
All We Marsmen [Part 2 of 3] Philip K. Dick
The Lonely Judith Merril ss
To Save Earth Edward W. Ludwig nv
The Masked World Jack Williamson vi |
5 - dιcembre 1963
Couverture de Bruno
The Trouble with Truth Julian F. Grow nv
The Creature Inside [*Jerry Norcriss] Jack Sharkey ss
The God-Plllnk Jerome Bixby vi
Goodlife [*Berserker] Fred Saberhagen nv
Far Avanal J. T. McIntosh nv
The Great Slow Kings Roger Zelazny ss
When You Giffle [*Captain Hannah] L. J. Stecher, Jr. ss
All We Marsmen [Part 3 of 3] Philip K. Dick n.
6 - fιvrier 1964
Couverture de McKenna
Lord of the Uffts Murray Leinster na
Alpha, Beta, Love... Bill Doede ss
When the Stars Answer T. K. Brown, III ss
The Transcendent Tigers R. A. Lafferty ss
Little Dog Gone Robert F. Young nv
N° 7 - avril 1964
Couverture de
The Dark Light-Years Brian W. Aldiss
Package Deal James Stamers ss
Name of the Snake R. A. Lafferty ss
Under the Gaddyl [*Murno] C. C. MacApp na |
8 - juin
Couverture de Morrow
"On Messenger Mountain"
On Messenger Mountain Gordon R. Dickson na
The Twerlik Jack Sharkey ss
Stay Out of Our Time! Willard Marsh nv
Lucifer Roger Zelazny ss
The Great Doomed Ship J. T. McIntosh nv
The Realized Man Norman Spinrad ss
What the Dead Men Say Philip K. Dick na |
N° 9 -aoϋt 1964
Couverture de Morrow
Valentine's Planet Avram
Davidson na
The Little Black Box Philip K. Dick nv
We from Arcturus Christopher Anvil ss
The Colony that Failed [*Jerry Norcriss] Jack Sharkey ss
Day of the Egg Allen Kim Lang nv |
10 - novembre 1964
Couverture de George Schelling
Killer! Robert Ray na
Natural History of the Kley Jerome Bixby ss
The Long Way A. Bertram & Susan Chandler
The Kicksters J. T. McIntosh nv
The Carson Effect Richard Wilson ss
Somewhere in Space C. C. MacApp nv |
11 - janvier 1965
Couverture de George Schelling
Day of the Great Shout [*Riverworld]
Philip Josι Farmer na
Retreat Syndrome Philip K. Dick nv
The Pani Planet R. A. Lafferty ss
The Dead Ones Sydney J. Van Scyoc ss
Manfire Theodore L. Thomas nv |
 N° 12 - mars 1965
Couverture de Schelling plus dessin originalWorld of Ptavvs Larry Niven na
Scarfe's World Brian W. Aldiss ss
By Way of Mars Ron Goulart ss
Pariah Planet Lloyd Biggle, Jr. nv |
13 - mai 1965
Couverture de George Schelling
What Size Are Giants? Alexei Panshin
The Effectives Zenna Henderson ss
Bond of Brothers Michael J. Kurland nv
Dem of Redrock Seven John Sutherland ss
Bogeyman Dick Moore nv |
N° 14 - juillet 1965
Couverture de John Pederson, Jr
Of Godlike Power
[Part 1 of 2] Mack Reynolds
World of the Spectrum Emil Petaja nv
A Glass of Mars Robert F. Young nv |
N° 15 -septembre 1965
Couverture de Schelling
Catch a Tartar Gordon R. Dickson
The Light Outside C. C. MacApp ss
The Tinplate Teleologist Arthur Sellings ss
At The Institute Norman Kagan ss
Cyclops Fritz Leiber ss
Of Godlike Power [Part 2 of 2] Mack Reynolds |
N° 16 - novembre 1965
Couverture de Finlay
Project Plowshare
[Part 1 of 2] Philip K. Dick
Last of a Noble Breed [*Paul Kosloff] Mack Reynolds ss
The Sightseers Thomas M. Disch ss Worldmaster Keith Laumer nv |
17 - janvier 1966
Couverture de McLane
Project Plowshare [Part 2 of 2]
Philip K. Dick
Sunk Without Trace Fritz Leiber ss
At Journey's End J. T. McIntosh nv
Stars, Won't You Hide Me? Ben Bova ss
Buggaratz John Jakes ss
Riverworld [*Riverworld] Philip Josι Farmer n |
 N° 18 - mars 1966
Couverture de Morrow
The Suicide Express [*Riverworld]
Philip Josι Farmer na
The Kindly Invasion Christopher Anvil ss
Like Any World of Gree [*Gree] C. C. MacApp
Umpty Basil Wells ss
Choice of Weapons Richard C. Meredith nv |
19 - mai 1966
Couverture de Gray Morrow
The Ultra Man A. E. van Vogt nv
Spy Rampant on Brown Shield Perry Vreeland
The Worlds that Were Keith Roberts ss
Delivery Tube Joseph P. Martino nv
Trees Like Torches [*Murno] C. C. MacApp
Holy Quarrel Philip K. Dick nv |
20 - aoϋt 1966
Couverture de Wenzel
Heavenly Host Emil Petaja nv
Deliver the Man! Raymond E. Banks nv
The Most Delicious Foe Larry S. Todd nv
Homogenized Planet Allan Danzig nv
Island of Light Lawrence A. Perkins nv |
21 - novembre 1966
Couverture de Dember
Crown of Stars [*Hautley Quicksilver]
Lin Carter
Frost Planet C. C. MacApp
To the War Is Gone Richard C. Meredith nv
Until Armageddon Dannie Plachta vi
Seventy Light-Years from Sol [*Stardust] Stephen Tall nv |
N° 22 - fιvrier 1967
Couverture de Gray Morrow
The Star-Pit Samuel R. Delany
The Planet Wreckers Keith Laumer nv
Station HR972 Kenneth Bulmer ss
The Fifth Columbiad Richard C. Meredith nv |
23 - mai 1967
Couverture de Douglas Chaffee
Stone Man [*Berserker] Fred Saberhagen
Squared Out with Poplars Douglas R. Mason
Base Ten David A. Kyle
Whose Brother Is My Sister? Simon Tully
The Throwaway Age [*Paul Kosloff] Mack Reynolds nv
N° 24 - 1970
Couverture de Jack Gaughan
In the Land of Love
George H. Smith nv
Of Death What Dreams [*Bailey (afterlife of)] Keith Laumer na
The Bridge Piers Anthony ss
Serum-SOB James Bassett ss
Tell Me Edward Y. Breese ss
The State vs. Susan Quod Noel Loomis nv
Histoport 3939 Mark Power ss
The Mallinson Case K. H. Hartley ss
Private Phone Rachel Cosgrove Payes ss |
N° 25 - hiver 1970
Couverture de Jack Gaughan
The Drame Machine Keith Laumer na
Love Story Gary K. Wolf ss
The Jagged Pink Marshmallow Kid W. Macfarlane
Seedling from the Stars John Jakes ss
Newsocrats Pg Wyal ss
The Card Phil Berger ss
Greyspun's Gift Neal Barrett, Jr. ss
Unseen Warriors Dean R. Koontz nv
Othermother Reginald Whitaker ss
N° 26 - printemps 1971
Couverture de Jack Gaughan
Summons to the Medicmat
Sydney J. Van Scyoc
Perfect Match Roger Dee ss
On Venus the Thunder Precedes the Lightning David Duncan ss
Hold My Hand, My Love Michael G. Coney nv
Boy on the Stairs Dale E. Randles, Jr. ss
Epic William Rotsler nv
The Switcher Robert Wells ss
A Prince of the Captivity Daphne Castell ss
That Other Dimension M. G. Ogan ss
The Agent Richard Hill ss
Waiting in Crouched Halls Edward Bryant ss
Heart of the Giant [*Mauro] Larry Eisenberg ss |