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5 numιros parus en tout
1 - 1963
Couverture de Morris Scott Dollens
Mourning Song
Charles Beaumont ss
Crimes Against Passion Fritz Leiber ss
Time in Thy Flight Ray
Bradbury ss
The Vengeance of Nitocris [as by Thomas Lanier Williams] Tennessee
Williams ss
Itself! A. E. van Vogt ss
Venus Plus Three Charles E. Fritch nv
A Message from Morj Ray Russell vi
To Serve the Ship William F. Nolan ss
The Gamma Interview Rod Serling iv
The Freeway George Clayton Johnson ss
One Night Stand Herbert A. Simmons ss
As Holy and Enchanted [as by Henderson Starke] Kris Neville ss
Shade of Day John Tomerlin ss
The Girl Who Wasn't There Forrest J. Ackerman ss
Crescendo Richard Matheson ss |
2 - 1963
Couverture de Morris Scott Dollens
The Granny Woman
Dorothy B. Hughes nv
The Old College Try Robert Bloch ss
Michael Francesca Marques vi
Deus Ex Machina Richard Matheson ss
The Kid Learns William Faulkner ss
King's Jester Jack Matcha ss
The Undiscovered Country William F. Temple
Castaway Charles E. Fritch ss
Something in the Earth Charles Beaumont ss
I'm Only Lonesome When I'm Lonely William F. Nolan ss
Sombra y Sol ["El Dia de Muerte"] Ray Bradbury ss |
3 - 1964
Couverture de Morris Scott Dollens
The Girl of Paradise
Planet Robert Turner nv
The Feather Bed Shelly Lowenkopf ss
Angel Levine Bernard Malamud
The (In)visible Man Edward W. Ludwig ss
Inside Story Miriam Allen deFord ss
The Birth George Clayton Johnson ss
Buttons Raymond E. Banks ss
Society for the Prevention Ron Goulart ss
The Snail Watcher Patricia Highsmith ss |
4 - fιvrier 1965
Couverture de John Healey
The Clutches of Ruin
H. B. Fyfe nv
The Towers of Kagasi William P. Miller ss
Food Ray Nelson ss
Hans Off in Free Pfall to the Moon E. A. Poe
Open Season John Tanner ss
Happily Ever After William F. Nolan ss
Don't Touch Me, I'm Sensitive James Stamers
The Hand of Dr. Insidious Ron Goulart ss
5 - septembre 1965
Couverture de John Healey
Nesbit Ron Goulart
Policy Conference Sylvia Dees & Ted White vi
Auto Suggestion Charles Beaumont ss
Welcome to Procyon IV Chester H. Carlfi vi
Interest Richard Matheson ss
Lullaby and Goodnight George Clayton Johnson
A Careful Man Dies Ray Bradbury ss
The Late Mr. Adams Steve Allen vi
Wet Season Dennis Etchison ss |
Seuls quatre numιros sont parus
1 - fιvrier 1941
Couverture de Leo Morey
Dead Center S. D.
Gottesman nv
Lunar Gun John L. Chapman ss
Golden Nemesis David A. Kyle ss
Resilience Damon Knight ss
Citadel of Thought James Blish ss
Strange Return Lawrence Woods nv
Thirteen O'Clock [*Peter Packer] Cecil Corwin
Bones Donald A. Wollheim ss
Key to Cornwall [*Cecil of Cornwall] David H. Keller ss
Out of the Jar Charles R. Tanner ss
The Devotee of Evil Clark Ashton Smith ss
The Abyss Robert W. Lowndes ss
2 - avril 1941
Couverture de Hannes Bok
Rebirth of Tomorrow
Hugh Raymond nv
Blueprint Donald A. Wollheim ss
The Castle on Outerplanet [with Frederik Pohl] S. D. Gottesman
Callistan Cabal James Blish ss
The Rocket of 1955 Cecil Corwin vi
The Brontosaurus Robert G. Thompson ss
Cosmophobia Millard Verne Gordon ss
Black Flames [with Robert A. W. Lowndes] Lawrence Woods nv
Calypso's Island David H. Keller ss
The Other Robert W. Lowndes ss
The Touching-Point [by Henry Kuttner] Edward J. Bellin ss
The Coming of the White Worm Clark Ashton Smith ss
The Doll Master [by Robert A. W. Lowndes] Paul Dennis Lavond ss
Swing Low Elmer Perdue ss |
3 - juin 1941
Couverture de Hannes Bok
The Pioneer
Arthur J. Burks ss
Martian Fantasy Henry Andrew Ackermann ss
Forgotten Tongue Walter C. Davies ss
Spokesman for Terra Hugh Raymond ss
Human Mice of Kordar Basil Wells nv
Jitterbug R. R. Winterbotham ss
Trail's End Walter Kubilius ss
Mr. Packer Goes to Hell [*Peter Packer] Cecil Corwin nv
The Grey One Robert W. Lowndes ss
The Words of Guru Kenneth Falconer ss
The Silence Venard McLaughlin ss
Kazam Collects S. D. Gottesman ss
The Moon Artist David H. Keller ss |
3 - mars 1942
Couverture de Hannes Bok
plus dessin intιrieurThe Perfect Invasion
S. D. Gottesman nv
The Giant Basil Wells
Blind Flight Millard Verne Gordon ss
The Day Has Come Walter Kubilius ss
The Golden Road Cecil Corwin nv
The Goblins Will Get You Hugh Raymond ss
Masquerade Kenneth Falconer ss
The Long Wall Wilfred Owen Morley ss
The Unfinished City Martin Pearson ss
1 - janvier 1954
Couverture ?Beyond
Zero Vargo Statten ss
March of the Robots [by John Russell Fearn] Volsted Gridban ss
The Super Disintegrator Simpson Stokes ss
The Inevitable Conflict [Part 1 of 3] E. C. Tubb
The Copper Bullet John Wernheim ss
Breathing Space D. Richard Hughes vi
The Pendulum of Power Armstrong Alexander vi |
2 - fιvrier 1954
Couverture ?
A Saga of 2270 A.D. [by John
Russell Fearn] Volsted Gridban ss
The Inevitable Conflict [Part 2 of 3] E. C. Tubb
Invisible Impact Arthur Waterhouse ss
Before Atlantis Vargo Statten ss
Test Piece Morley Carpenter ss
The Law of the Nebulζ F. Dubrez Fawcett ss |
3 - 1954
Couverture ?
The Master Mind Vargo
Statten ss
"Ugly Duckling" J. J. Hansby ss
The Inevitable Conflict [Part 3 of 3] E. C. Tubb
The Others [by John Russell Fearn] Volsted Gridban ss
Hollister and Me Alfred Hind ss |
Vargo Statten British Science Fiction Magazine
N° 4 - 1954
Couverture ?
Reverse Action Vargo
Statten nv
Forbidden Fruit [Part 1 of 3] E. C. Tubb na
It Came from Outer Space [by John Russell Fearn] Anon. ss
Alice, Where Art Thou? [by John Russell Fearn] Volsted Gridban nv
Combat's End Barrington J. Bayley ss
Illusion Antony Armstrong ss |
5 - 1954
Couverture ?
The Void Looks Down Chesman
Scott ss
Forbidden Fruit [Part 2 of 3] E. C. Tubb na
Rim of Eternity Vargo Statten nv
The Illusion Makers J. J. Hansby ss
The Thing in the Jar Edward Peal s |
The British Science Fiction Magazine
N° 6 - 1954
Couverture ?
Something from Mercury Vargo Statten nv
Forbidden Fruit [Part 3 of 3] E. C. Tubb na
Emergency Exit George Holt ss
Pharaoh Lives for Ever Nigel Aherne nv
Timely Encounter Tony C.
Thorne ss
Homeward Bound Antony Armstrong ss |
7 - 1954
Couverture de Richards
Dark Universe S. Gordon
Saturnian Odyssey Francis Rose nv
One Good Turn D. A. Morgan ss
The Conqueror's Voice Vargo Statten
The Deadly City Ron T. Deacon & Pete Baillie |
8 - 1954
Couverture de Richards
Operation Orbit T. Brissenden ss
Skin Deep George Holt ss
No Place on Earth Ward Ross n
Invisible Barrier Leslie Davies ss
The Conqueror's Voice Vargo Statten
Free Treatment Jonathan Burke ss |
9 - 1954
Couverture ?
A World Named Creation J.
J. Hansby ss
Music of the Spheres Paul T. Evers vi
The Conqueror's Voice Vargo Statent n
Registered Client Frank Bassey ss
Slip-Up L. J. Clarke ss
Out of the Past Malcolm Hartley nv |

10 - 1954
Couverture ?
A Cold in the Head Kenneth
Foster ss
The Conqueror's Voice Vargo Statten n
Galactic Impersonation Chessman Scott nv
Only Death Brings Peace [Part 1 of 6] Ralph Gaylen n
After Twenty Years Frank Rose ss |
11 - 1955
Couverture ?Hide Out
L. J. Clarke nv
Only Death Brings Peace [Part 2 of 6] Ralph Gaylen n
Preview Douglas B. Cookson ss
Oversight George Holt ss
The Fishers Ron T. Deacon & Pete Baillie ss
Adrift Arthur Waterhouse ss
The Conqueror's Voice [Part 5 of 5) Vargo
Statten n. |
12 - 1955
Couverture ?The Black
Occupier William E. Bentley nv
Maternal Nightmare Maxwell M. Commander
Last Post Barrington J. Bayley ss
A Matter of Vibration Vargo Statten nv
Only Death Brings Peace [Part 3 of 6] Ralph Gaylen n.
Murmuring Dust Herbert Lloyd ss |
British Space Fiction Magazine
N° 1 - 1955
The Second Pyramid Chessman Scot nv
Three's a Crowd Vargo Statten nv
Only Death Brings Peace [Part 4 of 6] Ralph Gaylen n.
Nemesis Morton Boyce nv
2 - 1955And
Worlds Live Too Harry Cohn nv
Nova Ron T. Deacon & Pete Baillie ss Leander's Oracle Frank Bassey
Only Death Brings Peace [Part 5 of 6] Ralph Gaylen n.
The Grey Avenger Marvin Kayne ss Here and Now [Part 1 of 5]
Vargo Statten n |
3 - 1955Kalgan
the Golden George Holt nv
Customer's Risk Mark Trent ss
Here and Now [Part 2 of 5] Vargo Statten
The Tiger Man Leslie J. Davies ss
Only Death Brings Peace [Part 6 of 6] Ralph Gaylen n. |
- 1955Genius J.
J. Hansby ss
There's Many a Slip A. R. Cunningham ss
The Bargain Barrington J. Bayley ss
Visitant Leo Dane ss
Bems in the House Kenneth Foster ss Imperfect Crime Sheridan Drew
Here and Now [Part 3 of 5] Vargo Statten n. |
5 - 1955Mars for
Sale Douglas Dodd nv
Martyrs Appointed Barrington J. Bayley ss
The Day It Rained Worms Maxwell M. Commander ss
Journey Without Return H. M. Carstairs nv
The Point of No Return Clifford Searle ss
Here and Now [Part 4 of 5] Vargo Statten n |
6 - 1955The Inner
Sphere T. Brissenden nv
Lost Property George Holt ss
Three Against Carbon 14 Joy O. I. Spoczynska
Hero Worship Max Elton nv
Here and Now [Part 5 of 5] Vargo Statten n |
7 - 1955Temporal
Fission Walter D. Hinde ss
Fugitive Barrington J. Bayley ss
The Days of the Dogs Frank Bassey ss
Second Genesis Vargo Statten nv
The Answer George Holt ss
Chaos in Paradise Max Elton nv
Time, Please! Ron T. Deacon & Peter Baillie |
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Pages : 1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6,
7, 8, 9,
10, 11, 12, 13,
14, 15, 16,
17, 18,
19, 20,
21, 22,
23, 24,

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