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ΰ la liste "Pulps et Magazines Amιricains"
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1 - 1950
Couverture de Facey
Scarlet Invaders D. R. Mencet nv
Vandal of the Void Frank C. Kneller nv Conquerors of the Moon J.
Austin Jackson nv
Gods of Helle Norman A. Lazenby nv
Martian Terror [by Norman A. Lazenby] Hamilton Donne nv |
2 - 1950
Couverture de Facey
The Outlaw of Space Lawrence Smith
The Visitors [by L. G. Fish] Anon. ss
Space Pirates [by Norman A. Lazenby] Hamilton Donne nv
Lunar Revolt Frank C. Kneller nv
Plan for Conquest D. J. Mencer nv
The Planeteer Martin L. Baker nv |
3 - 1950
Couverture de Facey
The Elder Race John Sloan ss
Treachery from Venus Everet Rigby nv
Moons of Fear Norman A. Lazenby nv Stratoship X9 W. B. Clarke nv
Revolt! Ronald Adison nv |
4 - 1951
Couverture ?Doomed
World Ray Mason nv
Perilous Expedition James Elton nv
The Death Planet D. J. Mencer nv
World of the Ancients C. D. Ellis nv |
5 - 1952
Couverture ?Vengeance of
Trelko Lionel Roberts nv
The Impending Heritage T. W. Wade nv
Agent of Earth R. Brothwell nv
The Aquatic Pirate Raymond Leroyd ss |
6 - 1952
Couverture de Norman Light
Mightier Weapon
Laurence Sandfield ss
Colonist John F. Manders ss
Adaptability D. A. Le Graeme ss
Wreckers of Space Mack James nv
Threat from Mars Frank C. Kneller nv
Death from the Swamps Ray Mason ss |
7 - 1952
Couverture ?First
Effort L. T. Bronson ss
There's No Tomorrow Charles Grey nv
Quietus W. Shaw ss
Ghost Moon Ray Cosmic nv
Out of the Blue Alfred Hind nv |
8 - 1953
Couverture de Norman Light
Planet B. Ward nv
Space Adventurer [by B. Ward] Anon. nv
Martian Terror Ray Mason nv
Journey to the Dawn T. W. Wade nv |
9 - avril 1953
Couverture de Norman Light
Realm of Danger A. A. Glynn nv
"We're Human Too" Lan Wright nv
Rogue Ship Alfred Hind nv |
10 - 1953
Couverture ?
Tomorrow Is Also a Day
Dean Ryan nv
Princess in a Bubble Trebor Thorpe nv
Last Command Lionel Roberts ss
The Expanding Bacillus D. A. Le Graeme ss
Emergency Laurence Sandfield nv
Tables Turned A. A. Glynn ss |
11 - 1953
Couverture ?The
Storm Movers A. J. Merak ss
Backtrack Anthony Martin ss
Marooned on Venus Bruce Fenton nv
The World Beyond Frank C. Kneller nv "Zerzuran Plague" Michael
Hamilton ss |
12 - 1954
Couverture ?Martian
Bonanza Lionel Roberts nv
Last Survivor Neil J. Spaulding nv
Robot Rebels Bruce Fenton nv
Riddle of the Robots Kenneth Boyea nv |
13 - 1954
Couverture ?Space
Menace Bruce Fenton nv
Time Warp D. A. Le Graeme ss
Genesis John Toucan nv
Paradise Planet Max Chartair nv
Time Trouble Randall Conway nv
The Byarkil Eaters A. J. Merak ss |
14 - 1954
Couverture ?Conquest
Bron Fane ss
Beyond the Rim A. J. Merak nv
Galactic Twin Trebor Thorpe ss
Edge of Darkness Max Chartair nv |
1 - 1968
Couverture de Jack Gaughan
The Mirror of Wizardry
[*Brak] John Jakes nv
Death Is a Lonely Place Bill Warren ss
As Is Robert Silverberg ss
What the Vintners Buy [1] Mack Reynolds ss
Conan and the Cenotaph [*Conan] Lin Carter & L. Sprague de Camp
After Armageddon Paris Flammonde ss
A Report on J.R.R. Tolkien Lester del Rey ar [Tolkien]
The Man Who Liked Robert Hoskins vi
Delenda Est... Robert E. Howard ss
However Robert Lory nv |
2 - 1970
Couverture de Jack Gaughan
Walker Between the Planes Gordon R. Dickson
na The Crayfish Helen Arvonen ss
Oh Say, Can You See? Erik van Lhin nv
Unmistakably Henry Jean Cavrell ss
Long Live Lord Kor! Andre Norton na
Call Me Million Frederik Pohl ss
Teddy Bear James E. Gunn ss
Last Night and Every Night James Tiptree, Jr. |
3 - hiver 1970-1971
Couverture de Jack Gaughan
The Tombs of Atuan [*Ged]
Ursula K. Le Guin
Me-Too Sonya Dorman vi
Death of a Peculiar Boar Naomi Mitchison ss
Santa Titicaca Connie Willis ss
A Ship Will Come Robert F. Young ss
In the Cards Robert Bloch ss
Funny Place Naomi J. Kahn ss
The Man Doors Said Hello To James Tiptree, Jr.
If a Flower Could Eclipse Michael Bishop nv |
4 - printemps 1971
Couverture de Jack Gaughan
Reality Doll
Clifford D. Simak n.
The Passing of Auntie Mat Ross Rocklynne ss
Kerman Widens Lead in Polls Frank S. Robinson
The Garden M. L. Brannock & David Lunde ss
Hunt with the Rain S. C. Beck ss
Ptolemaic Hijack Ruth Berman nv |
SCIENCE FICTION N° 1 - novembre 1967
Couverture de Jack Gaughan
Wanderers and Travellers
Arkadi Strugatsky ss
The Epsilon Problem Helmuth W. Mommers, Ernst Vlcek; trans. by Harry
Warner, Jr. ss
Uranus Michel Ehrwein; trans. by Damon Knight
The Disposal Man Damien Broderick ss
Rainy Day Revolution No. 39 Luigi Cozzi ss
Ecdysiac Robert Presslie ss
Perpetual Motion Ilya Varshavsky; trans. by S. Ostrofsky ss They Still
Jump J. L. Mahe; trans. by Clarkson Crane ss
Witchcraft for Beginners F. C. Gozzini vi
Homunculus Ilya Varshavsky; trans. by S. Ostrofsky ss Monster
Helmuth W. Mommers, Ernst Vlcek; trans. by Harry Warner, Jr. ss
The Big Tin God Philip E. High ss |
SCIENCE FICTION N° 2 - juin 1968
Couverture de Jack Gaughan
The Last Door E. Parnov, M.
Yemtsew; trans. by Mirra Ginsburg nv
Der Heisse Kosmonaut Gust Gils vi
Notes from a Cyclical Housewife's Diary Juliette Raabe; trans. by Damon
Knight ss
The Island of the Crabs A. Dneprov; trans. by James J. Karambelas ss
Darkness Alessandro Mussi vi
Heroic Symphony G. Altow; trans. by George T. Zebrowski ss
Victims of Time B. Sridhar Rao, M.D. vi
The World In Which I Disappeared A. Dneprov; trans. by Mirra Ginsburg
In 2112 J. U. Giesy, Junius B. Smith; trans. by Forrest J Ackerman ss
Flowers in His Eyes Claus Felber ss
Meccano Hugo Correa ss
The Founding of Civilization Romain Yarov ss
Ysolde Nathalie Charles-Henneberg; trans. by Damon Knight ss
N° 1 - 1963
Couverture de Virgil Finlay
The Sky Is Falling Lester
del Rey na
Badge of Infamy Lester del Rey na |
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4, 5, 6,
7, 8, 9,
10, 11, 12,
13, 14, 15, 16,
17, 18,
19, 20,
21, 22,
23, 24,

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