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Worlds (GB)
1961 - N° 108
Couverture de Lewis
Trinity David Rome
The Overloaded Man J. G. Ballard ss
Junior Partner D. D. Stewart ss
The Trouble with Honey John Rackham nv
Put Down This Earth [Part 2 of 3] John Brunner n. |
1961 - N° 112
Couverture de Quinn
The Golden Age [Part 1 of 2]
Rupert Clinton
Billenium J. G. Ballard ss
All Laced Up George Whitley ss
The Martian Hunters Philip E. High ss Echo Lee Harding nv |
1962 - N° 118
Couverture de Enrique
Terminal Lee Harding nv
Think of a Number Steve Hall ss Dictator Bait Philip E. High ss
The Analyser Bill Spencer ss
The Dawson Diaries [Part 2 of 2; *Johnny Dawson] John Rackham na |
1962 - N° 125
Couverture ?
Lambda I Colin Kapp nv
Meaning David Rome ss
Capsid Francis G. Rayer ss Operation Survival Paul Corey ss
Transmitter Problem [*Loafers] Joseph Green ss
Mood Indigo Russ Markham nv |
1964 - N° 139
Pas d'illustration de couverture
Open Prison
[Part 1 of 3] James White n.
Counter-Feat Brian W. Aldiss ss
One-Way Strait Brian W. Aldiss ss
The Unexpected Martyr R. W. Mackelworth nv
The Time Dweller Michael Moorcock ss
Die and Grow Rich John Rackham nv |
1964 - N° 141
Pas d'illustration de couverture
Beyond the Reach of Storms [*Matthew
Brady] Donald Malcolm nv
Megapolitan Underground William Spencer ss
Now Is the Time Steve Hall ss Farewell, Dear Brother P. F. Woods
Open Prison [Part 3 of 3] James White n. |
1965 - N° 148
Couverture ?
All the King's Men B. J.
Bayley nv Sunjammer Arthur C. Clarke nv
First Dawn Donald Malcolm ss
Dune Limbo [from The Burning World] J. G. Ballard
Escape from Evening Michael Moorcock nv
The Uncivil War Robert J. Tilley ss |
1965 - N° 150 (numιro spιcial)
Couverture de Robert J. Tilley
Time Trap Charles L.
Harness nv
The Small Betraying Detail Brian W. Aldiss ss
Nobody Axed You John Brunner nv Prisoner of the Coral Deep J. G.
Ballard ss
Alfred's Ark Jack Vance ss
The Life Buyer [Part 2 of 3] E. C. Tubb n. |
1965 - N° 151
Couverture ?
The Ship of Disaster B. J.
Bayley ss Apartness Vernor Vinge nv Convolutions George Collyn
Last Man Home R. W. Mackelworth ss The Life Buyer [Part 3 of 3]
E. C. Tubb n. |
1965 - N° 152
Couverture ?
Lone Zone Charles Platt
The Leveller Langdon Jones ss
The Silent Ship E. C. Williams ss
A Funny Thing Happened... Dikk Richardson
A Light in the Sky Richard A. Gordon ss
Supercity Brian W. Aldiss ss Space, Time and Nathaniel
The Night of the Gyul Colin R. Fry ss |
1965 - N° 153
Couverture ?
Bill, the Galactic Hero ["The
Starsloggers"; *Bill the Galactic Hero] Harry Harrison na
The Source Brian W. Aldiss ss
And Worlds Renewed George Collyn ss
The Pulse of Time W. T. Webb ss
By the Same Door Mack Reynolds vi
Preliminary Data [*Jerry Cornelius] Michael Moorcock ss Songflower
Kenneth Hoare ss |
1966 - N° 160
Couverture ?
The Evil that Men Do [Part 1
of 2] John Brunner
The Great Clock Langdon Jones ss Psychosmosis David I. Masson ss
The Post-Mortem People Peter Tate ss
The Disaster Story Charles Platt vi For a Breath I Tarry Roger
Zelazny nv Phase Three [*Jerry Cornelius] Michael Moorcock ss |
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Pages : 1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6,
7, 8, 9,
10, 11, 12,
13, 14, 15,
16, 17, 18,
19, 20, 21,
22, 23,
24, 25

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