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136 - Septembre 1962, couverture de Emsh
Num้ro sp้cial sur Theodore Sturgeon
When You Care, When You Love
Theodore Sturgeon nv
Martian Mouse Robin Sturgeon vi
They Also Serve Evelyn E. Smith nv
Myrrha Gary Jennings ss
The New You Kit Reed ss
The Devil's God-daughter Suzanne Malaval; trans. by Damon Knight
These Are the Arts James H. Schmitz ss
137 - Octobre 1962, couverture de Emsh
"The Journey of Joenes"
A Kind of Artistry Brian W. Aldiss nv
There Was an Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe Robert F. Young ss
Twenty-Four Hours in a Princess's Life, With Frogs Don White vi
Measure My Love Mildred Clingerman ss
The Unfortunate Mr. Morky Vance Aandahl vi
Through Time and Space with Ferdinand Feghoot: LV Grendel Briarton vi
The Journey of Joenes [Part 1 of 2] Robert
Sheckley n
138 - Novembre 1962, couverture de Emsh
The Secret Flight of Friendship Eleven Alfred Connable ss
Sorworth Place ["Old Place of Sorworth"; *Ralph Bain] Russell Kirk
Hop-Friend Terry Carr ss
Landscape with Sphinxes Karen Anderson
Protect Me from My Friends John Brunner
You Have to Know the Tune ["You've Got to Know the Tune"] R.
Bretnor ss
The Journey of Joenes [Part 2 of 2] Robert Sheckley n.
139 - D้cembre 1962, couverture de Chesley Bonestell
"Beyond the Solar System"
The Depths Jim Harmon ss
Behind the Stumps Russell Kirk ss
Senhor Zumbeira's Leg F้lix Martํ-Ibแ๑ez nv
Ad Infinitum Sasha Gilien ss
Roofs of Silver Gordon R. Dickson nv
The Notary and the Conspiracy Henri Damonti; trans. by Damon Knight ss
140 - Janvier 1963, couverture de Emsh plus dessin original
The Golden Brick P. M. Hubbard ss
Myths My Great-Granddaughter Taught Me Fritz Leiber ss
Way-Station Henry Slesar ss
Punch Frederik Pohl ss
Speakeasy Mack Reynolds na
141 - F้vrier 1963, couverture de John Pederson
"Unmanned Exploratory Rocket Landing"
The Riddle Song Vance Aandahl ss
Counter Security James White nv
Punk's Progress Robert Wallsten ss
Gladys's Gregory John Anthony West ss
The Nature of the Place Robert Silverberg vi
The Pleiades Otis Kidwell Burger ss
Satan Mekatrig Israel Zangwill nv
Peggy and Peter Go to the Moon Don White vi
142 - Mars 1963, couverture de Emsh
"Hunter, Come Home"
Seven Day's Wonder Edward Wellen ss
The Day After Saturation D. K. Findlay ss
The Question Larry M. Harris & Donald E. Westlake vi
The Importance of Being Important Calvin W. Demmon vi
The Journey of Ten Thousand Miles Will Mohler
Captain Honario Harpplayer, R.N. Harry Harrison
Game for Motel Room Fritz Leiber ss
Zack With His Scar Sydney Van Scyoc ss
Hunter, Come Home Richard McKenna nv |
143 - Avril 1963, couverture de Emsh
"Fast Trip"
Fast Trip James White nv
Place of Refuge Robert J. Tilley ss
The Short and Happy Death of George Frumkin Gertrude Friedberg ss
Tell Me DoctorPlease Kit Reed ss
Kindergarten Fritz Leiber vi
The Voyage of the "Deborah Pratt" Miriam Allen deFord ss
The Old Man of the Mountains Terry Carr ss
My Son, the Physicist! Isaac Asimov vi
The World Must Never Know [*Mad Friend] G. C. Edmondson ss
The Histronaut Paul Seabury ss
Not Counting Bridges Robert L. Fish vi
144 - Mai 1963, couverture de Joe Mugnaini
"Special Ray Bradbury"
Bright Phoenix Ray
Bradbury ss
To the Chicago Abyss Ray Bradbury ss
Mrs. Pigafetta Swims Well R. Bretnor ss Peninsula Spectator
Oct 23 '59
Newton Said Jack Thomas Leahy ss
Underfollow John Jakes ss
Now Wakes the Sea J. G. Ballard ss
Watch the Bug-Eyed Monster Don White ss
Treaty in Tartessos Karen Anderson ss
Ni๑a Sol F้lix Martํ-Ibแ๑ez ss |
145 - Juin 1963, couverture de Emsh
"No Truce with Kings"
No Truce with Kings Poul
Anderson na
Pushover Planet Con Pederson ss
Green Magic Jack Vance ss
The Weremartini Vance Aandahl ss
Bokko-chan Shin'ichi Hoshi; trans. by Noriyoshi Saito
Tis the Season to Be Jelly Richard Matheson
Another Rib John Jay Wells & Marion Zimmer Bradley
146 - Juillet 1963, couverture de Emsh plus dessin original
"Glory Road"
Glory Road
[Part 1 of 3] Robert A. Heinlein
Success Fritz Leiber vi
With These Hands Kenneth Smith ss
As Long as You're Here Will Stanton ss
McNamara's Fish [*Max Kearny] Ron Goulart |
147 - Ao๛t 1963, couverture de Emsh
"Turn Off the Sky"
Turn Off the Sky Ray Nelson nv
Fred Calvin W. Demmon vi
Glory Road [Part 2 of 3] Robert A. Heinlein
The Censors: A Sad Allegory TP Caravan vi
Sweets to the Sweet Paul Jay Robbins ss
148 - Septembre 1963, couverture de Emsh
"Glory Road"
There Is Another Shore, You Know, Upon the Other
Side Joanna Russ ss
Glory Road [Part 3 of 3] Robert A. Heinlein
The Man Who Feared Robots Herbert W. Franke
Collector's Item Jack Sharkey ss
Unholy Hybrid William Bankier ss
237 Talking Statues, Etc. Fritz Leiber ss
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3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8,
9, 10,
11, 12, 13, 14,
15, 16,
17, 18,
20, 21,
22, 23,
24, 25,

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