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ΰ la liste "Pulps et Magazines Amιricains"
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245 - Octobre 1971, couverture de Mel Hunter
The Autumn Land Clifford D. Simak nv
Thank God You're
Alive Sandy Fisher ss
Ask and It May Be Given Wesley Ford Davis ss
The Smell of Death Dennis Etchison ss
The True Believers Leo P. Kelley ss
Living Wild Josephine Saxton nv
A Desert Place M. P. Brown ss
Passage to Murdstone [*Jose Silvera] Ron Goulart ss
246 - Novembre 1971, couverture de Chesley Bonestell
A Feast for the Gods Poul & Karen Anderson
Bind Your Hair Robert Aickman nv
Only Who Can Make a Tree? Philip
Josι Farmer ss
Whom the Gods Love [*Jan Darzek] Lloyd Biggle, Jr. ss
The Price of Pain Ease [*Fafhrd & Gray Mouser] Fritz Leiber ss
How We Pass the Time in Hell Gary Jennings ss
That Boy [*People] Zenna Henderson nv
247 - Dιcembre 1971, couverture de Mel Hunter
The Wreck of the "Kissing Bitch" Keith Roberts
Grand Design George C. Chesbro ss
World Abounding R. A. Lafferty
Accuracy John Morressy ss
Causation Barry N. Malzberg vi
The Sorrowful Host William Walling ss
Black Sabbatical Josephine
Saxton ss
Supernovas and Chrysanthemums Patrick Meadows ss
Aunt Jennie's Tonic
Leonard Tushnet ss
248 - Janvier 1972, couverture de Ron Walotsky
McGillahee's Brat Ray Bradbury ss
Choice Robert J.
Tilley ss
All Around the Universe Howard L. Myers nv
Corpse Harlan Ellison ss
Training Talk No. 12 David R. Bunch ss
Jimmy Miriam Allen deFord ss
Staying Power Hank Davis ss
The Tenderizers Anthony Boucher ss
Good-by, Miss Patterson Phyllis MacLennan vi
Betty Gary Jennings ss
Carolyn's Laughter Robert Thurston nv
249 - Fιvrier 1972, couverture de Bert Tanner
Goat Song Poul Anderson nv
Dog Days Kit Reed ss
Gather Blue Roses Pamela Sargent ss
The Elseones Dennis O'Neil ss
Cosmic Sin [*Jake Ash] Dean R. Koontz nv
Pain Wise James Tiptree, Jr. ss
Ecce Femina! Bruce McAllister nv
250 - Mars 1972, couverture de Chesley Bonestell
Love Is a Dragonfly [*Mellonia] Thomas Burnett Swann na
And I Awoke and Found Me Here on the Cold Hill's Side James Tiptree, Jr.
The Hippie-Dip File Robert Thurston ss
Venus, Mars, and Baker Street [*Sherlock Holmes] Manly Wade & Wade
Wellman ss
Grasshopper Time Gordon Eklund ss
Pater Familias Barry N. Malzberg & Kris Neville ss
Is It the End of the World? Wilma Shore ss
251 - Avril 1972, couverture deJudith Blish
"Special James Blish Issue"
Midsummer Century James Blish na
The Anthropiranhas Joseph Renard ss
The Recording Gene Wolfe ss
No Other Gods Edward Wellen ss
No Vacancy Jesse Bier nv |
252 - Mai 1972, couverture de David Hardy
Sooner or Later or Never Never [*Crispin Mobey] Gary
Jennings nv
"Willie's Blues" Robert J. Tilley nv
A Passage in Italics William Dean ss
The Scroll Donald Moffitt ss
Masterpiece [*Ben Jolson] Ron Goulart ss
For Whom the Girl Waits Gertrude Friedberg
253 - Juin 1972, couverture de Ron Walotsky
Son of the Morning Phyllis Gotlieb na
Variation of a Theme Curt Siodmak ss
Affair with a Lonesome Monster Paul Walker
A Hundred Miles Is Forever William D. Cottrell
Tarzan of the Grapes [*Tarzan] Gene Wolfe
Sad Solarian Screenwriter Sam Frederik Pohl |
254 - Juillet 1972, couverture de Ron Walotsky
The Brave Free Men
[Part 1 of 2; *Gastel Etzwane] Jack Vance n.
A Practical Invention Leonard Tushnet ss
3-OK Ruth Berman ss
For a While There, Herbert Marcuse, I Thought You Were Maybe Right About
Alienation and Eros Robin Scott Wilson ss
A Sense of the Future Stephen Barr ss
A New and Happy Woman Wayne Bongianni ss
Shaffery Among the Immortals Frederik Pohl s |
255 - Aoϋt 1972, couverture de Leo & Diane Dillon
Basilisk Harlan Ellison ss
Engineer to the Gods by R*b*rt H**nl**n John Sladek ss
The Brave Free Men [Part 2 of 2; *Gastel Etzwane] Jack Vance n.
Jelna Jerry Sohl ss
Gigolo Ron Goulart ss
If at First You Don't Succeed, To Hell with It! Charles E. Fritch ss
To Gild a Unicorn William Lee nv |
256 - Septembre 1972, couverture de Vincent di Fate
What Good Is a Glass Dagger? [*Mana] Larry
Niven nv
A Sweet Little Pool of Low-Cost Labor Gene Kearny ss
A Short Religious Novel Barry N. Malzberg vi
The Voices [*Listeners] James E. Gunn nv
Broot Force by *s**c *s*m*v John Sladek
The Wish J. W. Schutz nv
Thus Love Betrays Us Phyllis MacLennan ss |
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3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8,
9, 10,
11, 12, 13,
14, 15,
16, 17,
18, 19,
20, 21,
22, 23,
24, 25,

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