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ΰ la liste "Pulps et Magazines Amιricains"
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269 - octobre 1973, couverture de
Jacques Morgan (N° 24θ anniversaire)
Old Uncle Tom Cobleigh and All R. Bretnor nv
Cat Three Fritz Leiber ss
Color Me Deadly Randall Garrett nv
Whatever Happened to the Olmecs?
Kate Wilhelm nv
The Last Wizard Avram Davidson vi
Dead Man's Chair Manly Wade
Wellman ss
London Bridge Andre Norton ss
Lights Out Geo. Alec Effinger nv
270 - novembre 1973, couverture de Ron Walotsky
Mother Lode Phyllis Gotlieb nv
The Beasts in the Jungle Gordon Eklund nv
Thirst Bill Pronzini ss
Big City Herbie Brennan ss
The Pugilist Poul Anderson nv
The Galaxy Travel Service Leonard Tushnet
Closed Sicilian Barry N. Malzberg ss
271 - dιcembre 1973, couverture de Ron Walotsky
The Women Men Don't See James Tiptree, Jr.
Time-Sharing Man Herbert Gold ss
12:01 P.M. Richard A. Lupoff ss
The Power of Blackness [*Blacklantern] Jack Williamson nv
Ms. Found in an Oxygen Bottle Gary Jennings
Moonacy C. G. Cobb ss
Voyage With Interruption Doris Pitkin Buck ss
Not a Red Cent Robin Scott Wilson ss
272 - janvier 1974, couverture de David Hardy
The Witch and the Well [*Alaric] Phyllis Eisenstein nv
The Sled Paul Darcy Boles ss
The Centauri Device [*John Truck] M. John Harrison nv
A Board in the Other Direction Ruth Berman
The Beautiful One Keith Roberts nv
The Tigers of Hysteria Feed Only on Themselves Michael Bishop
The Initiation of Akasa [*Donald Lackland] Michael G. Coney ss
273 - fιvrier 1974, couverture de Richard Sternback
Mouthpiece Edward Wellen na
A Game of Vlet Joanna Russ ss
In Rubble, Pleading Michael Bishop ss
A Delightful Comedic Premise
Barry N. Malzberg
The Mountains of Sunset, the Mountains of Dawn Vonda N. McIntyre ss
Shoes Raylyn Moore ss
The Graveyard Blues Dennis Etchison ss
A Star Is Born Joseph Green ss
274 - mars 1974, couverture de Ron Walotsky
Beneath the Waves Gordon Eklund na
Slammer Gary K. Wolf ss
The Siren Garden [*Aventine] Lee Killough ss
Plastic and Practical Jokes [*Tuesday Night Forum] Gregg Williams ss
The Lunatick Thayer Waldo ss
Waves of Ecology Leonard Tushnet ss
The Star of Stars Robert F. Young nv
275 - avril 1974, couverture de Emsh. Numιro
spιcial Robert Silverberg
Born With the
Dead Robert Silverberg na
Mammoth Herbie Brennan
...No Traveler Returns Sterling E. Lanier ss
Unto Us a Child M. R. Anver ss
Getting Home F. M. Busby nv
276 - mai 1974, couverture de Eddie Jones
That Thou Art Mindful of Him! Isaac Asimov
The Military Hospital Phyllis Gotlieb ss
Like Phoenix from the Ashes Newly Risen Phyllis MacLennan ss
The Dawn Rider Lester del Rey ss
Trolls Robert Borski ss
Straight Shooters Always Win Arthur Jean Cox
The Key to English C. L. Grant ss
277 - juin 1974, couverture de Don Dixon
Enforcer Jerry Pournelle nv
Thataway Edward Wellen ss
The Clock Watcher Robert Aickman nv
The Treyans Are Coming Miriam Allen deFord
Bond and Free Pamela Sargent nv
In the World of Magic Leonard Tushnet ss
Whatever Happened to Nick Neptune? Richard A. Lupoff nv |
278 - juillet 1974, couverture de Ron Walotsky
A Father's Tale [*Brigadier Ffellowes]
Sterling E. Lanier nv
Mr. Sperling Bugs Out Haskell Barkin ss
The Star Sneak Larry Tritten ss
Under Siege Robert Thurston nv
The Gateway to Now [*John Maine] Michael G. Coney ss
Twenty Sixty-one Barry N. Malzberg ss
Once There Were Cows Charles W. Runyon nv
The Shadow of Horns Margaret St. Clair ss
Dress Rehearsal Harvey Jacobs ss |
279 - aoϋt 1974, couverture de Chesley Bonestell
The Treasure in the Treasure House Gordon
Eklund nv
West of Scranton and Beyond the Dreams of Avarice Dean McLaughlin nv
Drop City Dennis Etchison nv
The Has-Been Andrew Ward ss
Picnic on Nearside John Varley nv
Curtains Geo. Alec Effinger ss
Markham R. Bretnor ss |
280 - septembre 1974, couverture de Jeannine Guertin
Goodman's Place Manly Wade Wellman ss
The Rescuers Ted Thomas nv
Elephants Sometimes Forget [*Duckworth] Larry Eisenberg ss
Twilla Tom Reamy nv
Cathadonian Odyssey Michael Bishop nv
The Rest Is Silence C. L. Grant nv
Spacetrack Robert F. Young ss |
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3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8,
9, 10,
11, 12, 13,
14, 15,
16, 17,
18, 19,
20, 21,
22, 23, 24,

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