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ΰ la liste "Pulps et Magazines Amιricains"
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209 - Octobre 1968, couverture de Ronald Walotsky
The Meddler Larry Niven nv
Time Was Phyllis Murphy ss
The Wide World of Sports Harvey Jacobs ss
Coffee Break D. F. Jones ss
Try a Dull Knife Harlan Ellison ss Segregationist Isaac Asimov ss
The Ghost Patrol [*Max Kearny] Ron Goulart s
The Fangs of the Trees Robert Silverberg nv
210 - Novembre 1968, couverture de Gray Morrow
Once There Was a Giant
Keith Laumer na
The Devil in Exile [*Devil] Brian Cleeve ss
Coins Leo P. Kelley ss
A Score for Timothy Joseph Harris ss Investigating the Curiosity Drive
Tom Herzog
Young Girl at an Open Half-door Fred Saberhagen ss
The Kings of the Sea [*Brigadier Ffellowes] Sterling E. Lanier ss
211 - Dιcembre 1968, couverture de Jack Gaughan
Prime-Time Teaser Bruce
McAllister ss The House of Evil C. L. Grant ss
The Indelible Kind [*People] Zenna Henderson
Miss Van Winkle Stephen Barr ss
A Report on the Migrations of Educational Materials John Sladek ss
The Worm Shamir Leonard Tushnet ss
Gadget Man Ron Goulart nv |
212 - Janvier 1969, couverture de Gahan Wilson
A Meeting of Minds [*Rowan]
Anne McCaffrey
Black Snowstorm D. F. Jones ss
Unidentified Fallen Object Sydney Van Scyoc
How I Take Their Measure K. M. O'Donnell ss
Santa Claus vs. S.P.I.D.E.R. Harlan Ellison nv
The Legend and the Chemistry Arthur Sellings |
213 - Fιvrier 1969, couverture de Russell Fitzgerald
Attitudes James H. Schmitz
The Cave [1922] Yevgeny Zamyatin; trans. by Mirra Ginsburg ss
Nightwalker Larry Brody ss, 1967 Dormant Soul Josephine Saxton ss
Pater One Pater Two Patrick Meadows nv
After All the Dreaming Ends Gary Jennings ss |
214 - mars 1969, couverture de Ronald Walotsky
Calliope and Gherkin and the
Yankee Doodle Thing Evelyn E. Smith nv
Party Night R. Bretnor ss
After Enfer Philip Latham ss
The Leftovers [*Brigadier Ffellowes] Sterling E. Lanier ss
An Affair with Genius Joseph Green ss The Day the Wind Died Peter
Tβte nv
Benji's Pencil Bruce McAllister ss |
215 - Avril 1969, couverture de Bert Tanner
Deeper Than the Darkness
Gregory Benford nv Some Very Odd Happenings at Kibblesham Manor House
Michael Harrison ss
Not Long Before the End [*Mana] Larry Niven
Trouble on Kort William M. Lee nv
The House P. M. Hubbard ss
The Freak Pg Wyal ss |
216 - Mai 1969, couverture de Jack Gaughan
Operation Changeling
[Part 1 of 2; *Matuchek] Poul Anderson n.
The Beast of Mouryessa William C. Abeel ss
London Melancholy M. John Harrison ss For the Sake of Grace Suzette
Haden Elgin nv
Copstate [*Ben Jolson] Ron Goulart ss
The Flower Kid Cashes In George Malko ss |
217 - Juin 1969, couverture de Gray Morrow
Sundance Robert Silverberg
Pull Devil, Pull Baker! Michael Harrison ss
A Short and Happy Life Joanna Russ vi A Run of Deuces Jack Wodhams
ss Operation Changeling [Part 2 of 2; *Matuchek] Poul Anderson
Repeat Business Jon Lucas ss |
218 - Juillet 1969, couverture de Emsh
Numιro spιcial Fritz Leiber plus dessin original
Ship of Shadows Fritz
Leiber nv
To Aid and Dissent Con Pederson ss The Place with No Name Harlan
Ellison ss
Transgressor's Way Doris Pitkin Buck ss
A Triptych Barry Malzberg ss
Litterbug Tony Morphett nv |
219 - Aoϋt 1969, couverture de Ronald Walotsky
An Adventure in the
Yolla Bolly Middle Eel Wilderness Vance Aandahl nv
The Shamblers of Misery [*Allan Odegaard (Conscience)] Joseph Green nv
Next Gary Jennings ss
Fraternity Brother [*Brigadier Ffellowes] Sterling E. Lanier ss From
the Darkness and the Depths Morgan Robertson nv
The Money Builder Paul Thielen nv |
220 -Septembre 1969, couverture de Chesley Bonestell
Sweet Helen Charles W.
Runyon ss Bonita Egg [*Hiram Pertwee] Julian F. Grow nv
Muse Dean R. Koontz ss
The Patient Hoke Norris nv
The Screwiest Job in the World Bill Pronzini
J-Line to Nowhere Zenna Henderson ss |
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Page : 1, 2,
3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8,
9, 10,
11, 12, 13,
14, 15,
16, 17, 18,
20, 21,
22, 23,
24, 25,

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