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ΰ la liste "Pulps et Magazines Amιricains"
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185 - Octobre 1966, couverture de Emsh
Numιro spιcial Isaac Asimov
The Key [*Wendell Urth] Isaac Asimov nv
You Can't Beat Brains L. Sprague de Camp ar [Asimov]
The Mirror Arthur Porges ss
Come Back Elena Vic Chapman ss
Something In It Robert Louis Stevenson vi (r)
The Picture Window Jon DeCles nv
Burning Question Brian W. Aldiss ss
An Extraordinary Child Sally Daniell nv |
186 - Novembre 1966, couverture de Bert Tanner
The Manor of Roses [*John & Stephen] Thomas
Burnett Swann na
The Best Is Yet to Be Bryce Walton ss
Heir Apparent Ed M. Clinton, Jr. ss
A Friend to Alexander James Thurber ss
Neutral Ground Norman Spinrad ss
The Devil and Democracy [*Vil] Brian Cleeve |
187 - dιcembre 1966, couverture de Howard Purcell
Sabotage Christopher Anvil nv
The Mystery of the Purloined Grenouilles Gerald Jonas ss
Doubting Thomas Thomas M. Disch ss
The Green Snow Miriam Allen deFord ss
Bumberboom Avram Davidson nv |
188 - janvier 1967, couverture de Gray Morrow
The Little People [Part 1
of 3] John Christopher n.
The Star Driver J. W. Schutz ss
The Disenchanted Symphony James G. Huneker
Bait Bob Leman ss
Kingdom Come, Inc. Robert F. Young ss |
189 - fιvrier 1967, couverture de Chesley Bonestell
The Hall of the Dead [*Conan] Robert E. Howard
& L. Sprague de Camp nv
A Walk in the Wet Dennis Etchison ss
The Next Step E. A. Moore nv
The Song of the Morrow Robert Louis Stevenson
The Little People [Part 2 of 3] John Christopher n.
Blackmail Fred Hoyle ss |
190 - mars 1967, couverture de Jack Gaughan
The Sea Change Jean Cox ss
The Investor Bruce Jay Friedman ss Zoomen Fred Hoyle nv
The Long Night Larry Niven ss
Relic Mack Reynolds ss
The Little People [Part 3 of 3] John Christopher n.
191 - avril 1967, couverture de Gray Morrow
Dawn [from Lord of Light] Roger Zelazn
The Two Lives of Ben Coulter Larry Eisenberg
Problems of Creativeness Thomas M. Disch ss
The Sword of Pell the Idiot [*Hiram Pertwee] Julian F. Grow nv
"Virtue. 'Tis a Fugue!" Patrick Meadows ss
Randy's Syndrome Brian W. Aldiss nv |
192 - mai 1967, couverture de Ronald Walotsky
Planetoid Idiot Phyllis Gotlieb nv
Sleeping Beauty Terry Carr ss
Safe at Any Speed Larry Niven vi
Fifteen Miles [*Kinsman] Ben Bova ss
Cyprian's Room Monica Sterba nv
Interview with a Lemming James Thurber vi
Where Is Thy Sting Emil Petaja ss
Fill in the Blank [*Max Kearny] Ron Goulart ss |
193 - juin 1967, couverture de Bert Tanner
Death and the
Executioner [from Lord of Light] Roger Zelazny
The Royal Road to There Robert M. Green, Jr.
Gentlemen, Be Seated [as by C. B. Lovehill] Charles Beaumont ss
"...But For the Grace of God" Gilbert Thomas ss
The First Postulate Gerald Jonas nv
A Discovery in the Woods Graham Greene |
194 - juillet 1967, couverture de Jack Gaughan
The Day Before Forever
Keith Laumer na
Balgrummo's Hell Russell Kirk ss
Encounter in the Past Robert Nathan ss
The Master's Thesis David Madden ss
The Vitanuls John Brunner ss |
195 - aoϋt 1967, couverture de Ronald Walotsky
Reduction in Arms
Tom Purdom nv
The Baron's Dog L. J. T. Biese ss
Soft Come the Dragons Dean R. Koontz ss
Earthwoman R. Bretnor ss
Bugs Charles Harness ss
The Bubble J. W. Schutz nv
Materialism Thomas M. Disch ss
Argent Blood Joe L. Hensley ss
Science: Kaleidoscope in the Sky Isaac Asimov |
196 - septembre 1967, couverture de Richard V. Corben
Out of Time, Out of
Place George Collyn ss
The Cyclops Juju Shamus Frazer nv
Night of the Leopard William Sambrot nv
The Saw and the Carpenter J. T. McIntosh nv
A Thousand Deaths Jack London ss
Donny Baby Susan Trott ss
A Secret from Hellas Ivan Yefremov |
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24, 25,

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