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221 - octobre 1969, couverture de Ronald Walotskt
(20th Anniversary Issue)
Feminine Intuition
[*Susan Calvin (Robot)] Isaac Asimov nv
Come to Me Not in Winter's White Harlan Ellison & Roger Zelazny ss
The Movie People Robert Bloch ss
A Final Sceptre, a Lasting Crown Ray Bradbury
The Soft Predicament Brian W. Aldiss nv
The Man Who Learned Loving ["Brownshoes"] Theodore Sturgeon ss
The Electric Ant Philip K. Dick ss
Get a Horse! [*Hanville Svetz] Larry Niven ss
222 - novembre 1969, couverture de Jack Gaughan
The Mouse Howard Fast ss
A Feminine Jurisdiction [*Brigadier Ffellowes] Sterling E. Lanier nv
Penny Dreadful [*Jose Silvera] Ron Goulart ss
The CRIB Circuit Miriam Allen deFord ss
Come Up and See Me Some Time Gilbert Thomas ss After the Bomb Cliches
Bruce McAllister ss
Diaspora Robin Scott nv
After the Myths Went Home Robert Silverberg ss
223 - dιcembre 1969, couverture de Emsh
Bye, Bye, Banana Bird [*Roxy Rimidon] Sonya Dorman nv
Hunting Robin Carson ss
The Adventure of the Martian Client [*Sherlock Holmes] Manly Wade & Wade
Wellman ss
The Falcon and the Falconeer Barry N. Malzberg
Lord of Sensation Leonard Tushnet ss
Formula for a Special Baby [*Hiram Pertwee] Julian F. Grow nv
224 - janvier 1970, couverture de Mel Hunter and original cover art
Longtooth Edgar Pangborn nv
A Matter of Time and Place [*Duckworth] Larry Eisenberg ss
E Pluribus Solo Bruce McAllister ss
Car Sinister Gene Wolfe ss
A Third Hand Dean R. Koontz nv
Ride the Thunder Jack Cady ss Bughouse Doris Pitkin Buck ss
A Delicate Operation Robin Scott ss
225 - fιvrier 1970, couverture de Michael Gilbert
From the Moon, With Love Neil Shapiro nv
M-1 Gahan Wilson ss
His Only Safari [*Brigadier Ffellowes] Sterling E. Lanier nv
Initiation [from And Chaos Died] Joanna Russ
The Tracy Business Gene DeWeese & Robert Coulson ss Dream Patrol
Charles W. Runyon
226 - mars 1970, couverture de Ronald Walotsky
The Fatal Fulfillment Poul
Anderson na
The Night of the Eye Dennis Etchison ss
Harvest Leo P. Kelley ss
Fun-nee Miriam Allen deFord nv
The Chameleon Larry Eisenberg ss The Tangled Web of Neil Weaver
Charles Miller ss |
227 - avril 1970, couverture de Chesley Bonestell
Ill Met in Lankhmar [*Fafhrd
& Gray Mouser] Fritz Leiber na
Soulmate Charles W. Runyon ss
In Black of Many Colors Neil Shapiro nv
The Brief, Swinging Career of Dan and Judy Smythe Carter Wilson ss
The Wizard of Atala Richard A. Lupoff ss
They All Ran After the Farmer's Wife Raylyn Moore ss |
228 - mai 1970, couverture de Mel Hunter
The Final Quarry Eric
Norden nv Runesmith Harlan Ellison & Theodore Sturgeon ss
The Fourth Tense of Time Albert Teichner ss
The Fabulous Bartender Paul Darcy Boles ss
Nobody Believes an Indian [*Mad Friend] G. C. Edmondson ss
Murder Will In [*Bailey (afterlife of)] Frank Herbert nv |
229 - juin 1970, couverture de Jack Gaughan
The Tocsin D. F.
Jones nv
Wife to the Lord Harry Harrison ss
The Angry Mountain Stephen Tall ss Mother of Pearl Bruce McAllister
Hobo Jungle [*Ben Jolson] Ron Goulart nv
The Believing Child Zenna Henderson ss |
230 - juillet 1970, couverture de Ronald Walotsky
His Coat So Gay [*Brigadier
Ffellowes] Sterling E. Lanier nv
Making Titan Barry N. Malzberg ss Starlight Shining Through Her Eyes
Neil Shapiro ss
Ishmael in Love Robert Silverberg ss
Tom Cat Gary Jennings ss
The Mystery of His Flesh Dean R. Koontz nv
The State of the Art Robin Scott Wilson ss |
231 - aoϋt 1970, couverture de Bert Tanner
The Goat Without
Horns [Part 1 of 2] Thomas Burnett Swann n.
The Self-priming Solid-state Electronic Chicken Jon Lucas ss
The Good-bye Birthday Maureen Bryan Exter ss
Confessions [*Jose Silvera] Ron Goulart nv
Pebble in Time Cynthia Goldstone & Avram Davidson ss Out of Control
Raylyn Moore ss |
232 -septembre 1970, couverture de Mel Hunter
The Travelin' Man Leo P.
Kelley ss Rings On Her Fingers William Walling ss
Landed Minority Pamela Sargent ss Tough Rocks and Hard Stones David
R. Bunch vi
The Goat Without Horns [Part 2 of 2] Thomas Burnett Swann n.
The Ultimate Thrill Albert Teichner nv |
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Page : 1, 2,
3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8,
9, 10,
11, 12, 13,
14, 15,
16, 17,
18, 19,
20, 21,
22, 23,
24, 25,

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