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ΰ la liste "Pulps et Magazines Amιricains"
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233 - Octobre 1970, couverture de Chesley Bonestell
Gone Fishin' Robin Scott
Wilson ss
Selectra Six-ten Avram Davidson ss
Notes Just Prior to the Fall Barry N. Malzberg
The Old Bunch and Dusty Stiggins Miriam Allen deFord ss
Wood You? Piers Anthony ss
Through a GlassDarkly Zenna Henderson nv
She Was the Music, the Music Was Him Neil Shapiro nv Bird in the Hand
[*Hanville Svetz] Larry Niven ss |
234 - Novembre 1970, couverture de Jack Gaughan
The Mayday [*Anita] Keith
Roberts nv Starting from Scratch Robert Sheckley ss
The Throne and the Usurper [*Vaughan Roberts] Christopher Anvil nv
The Misfortune Cookie Charles E. Fritch vi
Time Dog Richard A. Lupoff ss
The Venus of Ille [1837] Prosper Mιrimιe; trans. by Francis B. Shaffer
Alpha Bets [*Roxy Rimidon] Sonya Dorman nv |
235 - Dιcembre 1970, couverture de Mel Hunter and original cover art
Junior Partner [*Anita]
Keith Roberts ss
The Reality Machine Kris Neville ss
The Run from Home Joe L. Hensley ss Sunflower [*Ben Jolson] Ron
The Warmest Memory Bruce McAllister ss
Mother's Day Katrina Faldt-Larsen ss Unfinished Story [*Mana] Larry
Niven vi
The School Friend Robert Aickman nv |
N° 236 - Janvier 1971,
couverture de Vaughn Bodι
The Human Operators Harlan Ellison & A. E.
van Vogt ss
Mr. Kriskey's Cross Michael Gillgannon ss
Heathen God George Zebrowski ss
Spring and the Green-eyed Girl Doris Pitkin Buck ss
Matchmaker, Matchmaker Leonard Tushnet ss Seeker for Still Life
Gordon Eklund nv
Specialization Gary Jennings ss |
237 - Fιvrier 1971, couverture de Jack Gaughan
The Faceless Man
[Part 1 of 2; *Gastel Etzwane] Jack Vance n.
Repeat Performance Bob Shaw ss
The Beginning of April or the End of March Thomas M. Disch ss
A Different Drummer Raylyn Moore ss
The Fortunes of Popowcer Ray Russell ss
Sam Leo P. Kelley ss |
238 - Mars 1971, couverture de Mel Hunter
The Tour Ted Thomas ss
The Sun Pond George C. Chesbro ss
The Way Things Work [*Jose Silvera] Ron Goulart ss
The Tenant Avram Davidson ss
The Faceless Man [Part 2 of 2; *Gastel Etzwane] Jack Vance n.
The Art Machine Stephen Barr vi
Birdlime B. L. Keller ss |
239 - Avril 1971, couverture de Kelly Freas
"Special Poul Anderson Issue"
The Queen of Air and Darkness Poul Anderson
Poul Anderson Gordon R. Dickson bg [Anderson]
Bibliography [Misc. Material] bi [Anderson]
The Power of the Sentence David M. Locke ss
The Unsigned William Walling ss
Darktree, Darktide Michael Bishop ss
Bruno [*Jake Ash] Dean R. Koontz nv
240 - Mai 1971, couverture de Ronald Walotsky
The Bear with the Knot on His
Tail [*Stardust] Stephen Tall nv
A Free Pass to the Carnival George Alec Effinger ss
If Something Begins Raylyn Moore ss
Her Lover's Name Was Death Edward Bryant
The Frayed String on the Stretched Forefinger of Time Lloyd Biggle, Jr.
Yearbook Barry N. Malzberg ss
Ringing the Changes Robert Aickman nv |
241 - Juin 1971, couverture de David A. Hardy
There's a Wolf in My Time
Machine [*Hanville Svetz] Larry Niven ss
The Day They Had the War Richard Wilson ss
They Fly at Ciron Samuel R. Delany & James Sallis nv
The Man Trainers Stephen Barr ss
The Man Who Collected "The Shadow" Bill Pronzini ss
The Butterflies of Beauty [*Allan Odegaard (Conscience)] Joseph Green
117 A Tapestry of Little Murders Michael Bishop ss |
242 - Juillet 1971, couverture de Ronald Walotsky
Jack of Shadows
[Part 1 of 2; *Jack of Shadows] Roger Zelazny n.
Sweet Forest Maid Gene Wolfe ss
For a Foggy Night Larry Niven ss
Un-inventor Wanted Michael Gillgannon ss
The Palatski Man Stuart Dybek ss
New Boy Maureen Bryan Exter nv |
N° 243 - Aoϋt 1971,
couverture de Walotsky
A Slight Miscalculation Ben Bova ss
Jack of Shadows [Part 2 of 2; *Jack of Shadows] Roger Zelazny n.
A Ring of Black Coral D. R. Sherman ss
The Pied Potter A. Bertram Chandler ss
A Rag, A Bone Patrick Meadows ss
Born to Exile [*Alaric] Phyllis Eisenstein nv
An Occurrence on the Mars-to-Earth Run #128, Approximately 2400 Hours, 21
January 2038 William Dean ss |
244 - Septembre 1971 couverture de Vincent Di Fate
A Collector of Ambroses
Arthur Jean Cox nv
Fit for a Dog Howard L. Myers ss Underground Kit Reed ss
Spacemen and Gypsies Michael Bishop ss
Out of Sight B. L. Keller ss
A Walk on Toy Neal Barrett, Jr. nv |
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3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8,
9, 10,
11, 12, 13,
14, 15,
16, 17,
18, 19,
20, 21,
22, 23,
24, 25,

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