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ΰ la liste "Pulps et Magazines Amιricains"
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257 - octobre 1972, couverture de David Hardy
The Animal Fair Alfred Bester nv
Skinburn Philip Josι
Farmer ss
And the Voice of the Turtle... [*Brigadier Ffellowes] Sterling E. Lanier
The Hoop Howard Fast ss
The Lotus Eaters Fritz Leiber ss
Strangers Harry Harrison ss
Thrumthing and Out Zenna Henderson nv
258 - novembre 1972, couverture de Ed Emshwiller
The Meeting Frederik Pohl & C. M. Kornbluth
Inn of the Black Swan [*Alaric] Phyllis Eisenstein nv
Joy Ride by R*y Br*db*ry John Sladek ss
Man's Reach Anthony Boucher nv
The Man on Zero-Four Jesse Bier nv
The Inheritors G. M. Glaskin nv
Susanna, Susanna! [*John Maine] Michael G. Coney ss
259 - dιcembre 1972, couverture de Ron Walotsky
"Doctor Dominoe's Dancing Doll"
Doctor Dominoe's Dancing Doll Hal
R. Moore
The Man Who Was Beethoven Donald Moffitt
A Custom of the Children of Life Joseph Green
Canned Heat [*Ben Jolson] Ron Goulart ss
Lobster Trick Raylyn Moore ss
Triangle Bruce McAllister ss
The Garbage Invasion [*James Retief] Keith Laumer nv
Specimen John Christopher ss
260 - janvier 1973, couverture de David Hardy
The Stalking Trees [*John & Stephen] Thomas Burnett Swann
Ralph 4F by H*g* G*rnsb*ck, 1911 Winner of the H*g* Award John Sladek
A Peripheral Affair George R. R. Martin nv
Outside Barry N. Malzberg vi
Jeannette's Hands [*Bob & Dagny] Philip Latham nv
Kite: Yellow and Green Robert Lory ss
The Devil We Know William Walling ss
When the Stars Threw Down Their Spears John Morressy nv
261 - fιvrier 1973, couverture de Bert Tanner
The Problem of Pain Poul Anderson nv
Wally a Deux
Carol Carr ss
Song Leo P. Kelley ss
Dollburger Lisa Tuttle ss
Pages from a Young Girl's Journal Robert Aickman nv
Da Capo David S. Garnett nv Droodspell Paul Darcy Boles ss
262 - mars 1973, couverture de Leo & Diane Dillon
The Trouble with Project Slickenside Dean McLaughlin nv
Brother Dodo's Revenge Thom Jones ss
Chalk Talk Edward Wellen vi
A Coffin in Egypt Chris G. Butler ss
The Zombie Butler Gahan Wilson
Spirit of the White Deer Waldo Carlton Wright
Solar Shoe-Salesman by Ph*l*p K. D*ck John Sladek ss Sareva: In
Memoriam Andrew J. Offutt ss
The Manya [*Donald Lackland] Michael G.
Coney ss
The Deathbird Harlan Ellison nv
263 - avril 1973, couverture de Don Davis
Icarus Descending Gregory Benford
The Alarming Letters from Scottsdale Warner Law ss
Psimed C. S. Claremont nv
Arclight David Drake ss
Too Many Goblins William Lee ss
Robustus Revisited Joseph Green ss
Remnants of Things Past Robert F. Young ss
The City on the Sand George Alec Effinger nv
264 - mai 1973, couverture de David A. Hardy
The Asutra
[Part 1 of 2; *Gastel Etzwane] Jack Vance n.
Meddy Paul Darcy Boles ss
A Paper Twist of Khorlo Crystals Herbie Brennan nv
Androids Don't Cry Edward Wellen ss
Rite of Encounter Russell L. Bates ss
The Second Short Shortest Fantasy Ever Ever Published Barry N. Malzberg
Family Album Michael Goldberg & Laurence M. Janifer ss
Murder in the Transcontinental Tunnel Miriam Allen deFord ss |
265 - juin 1973, couverture de Jack Gaughan
Pax Romana Robin Scott Wilson ss
Calling All Monsters Dennis Etchison ss
The Asutra [Part 2 of 2; *Gastel Etzwane] Jack Vance n.
Think Snow Tori Warner ss
Varieties of Religious Experience [*Jose Silvera] Ron Goulart ss
Haggopian Brian Lumley nv
Blackberry Winter Doris Pitkin Buck ss |
266 - juillet 1973, couverture de David Hardy
The White Otters of Childhood Michael
Come Dance With Me on My Pony's Grave C. L. Grant ss
Film Buff Edward Wellen ss
The Computer and the Oriental [*Tuesday Night Forum] Gregg Williams ss
The Bridge on the Scraw [*Donald Lackland] Michael G. Coney ss
Having It Barbara Stearns ss
The Giantess Robert F. Young ss |
267 - aoϋt 1973, couverture de Don Davis
Peregrine: Alflandia [*Peregrine] Avram
Davidson nv
Floating Dave Skal ss
Thinking of the Unthinkable [*Brigadier Ffellowes] Sterling E. Lanier
Down and Out Ron Goulart ss
In the Pines Karl Edward Wagner nv
The Magic White Horse with His Heart in His Mouth Phyllis MacLennan vi
Herman Graham Petrie ss
The Bear Went Over the Mountain [*Roxy Rimidon] Sonya Dorman na |
268 -septembre 1973, couverture de Carol Pohl);
Special Frederik Pohl Issue.
the Problem Pit Frederik Pohl na
Frederik Pohl: Frontiersman Lester del Rey bg [Pohl]
Frederik Pohl: Bibliography Mark Owings bi [Pohl]
The Helmet Barry N. Malzberg ss
Dominions Beyond ["The Second Trip to Mars"] Ward Moore ss
I Wish I May, I Wish I Might Bill Pronzini vi
The Cryonauts Edward Wellen ss
Cage a Man [*Barton (Demu)] F. M. Busby nv |
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3, 4, 5,
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9, 10,
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14, 15,
16, 17,
18, 19,
20, 21,
22, 23, 24,

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